[MINUTES] W3C CCG Traceability Call - 2023-08-22

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Benjamin Collins for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


Verifiable Traceability Task Force Transcript for 2023-08-22

  Orie Steele, Mike Prorock, Mahmoud Alkhraishi
  Our Robot Overlords and Benjamin Collins
  Nis Jespersen , Benjamin Collins, Russell H (mesur.io), TallTed 
  // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Orie Steele

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Benjamin Collins is scribing.
Nis Jespersen :  Welcome, we are common on these calls, so no 
  need to repeat contributor agreements.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This week is interop week, so we'll look at the 
  pull requests. The only one is 580 from Chris. We talked about it 
  last week. It might be pending close if it doesn't get updated.
Russel: Chris said he wasn't able to make it today.
Nis Jespersen :  We did ping him on the PR last week.
Nis Jespersen :  Let's close it, we can re-open it if he follows 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is creating a new workflow for common 
  import credentials. It is the only, Mahmoud has a blocking change 
  request. He has not removed that change request yet. We said last 
  time we could merge out of band.
Nis Jespersen :  Looking at this now, I'm curious what business 
  process we're trying to capture. Is it US specific?
Nis Jespersen :  Yes, CBP
Nis Jespersen :  Purchase Order normally results in a commercial 
  invoice and we already have an entry workflow. I wouldn't resist 
  this, but it does raise an eye brow.
Nis Jespersen :  I think it's support to represent a really 
  generic way. We're working on a demo where the credentials that 
  will commonly be bundled are presented together.
Nis Jespersen :  Adding a comment for CBP Entry workflow on the 
  Pull Request.
Nis Jespersen :  So, this could be modified. Is this for the tech 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  We're not using it for the tech demo. We created 
  a specific workflow for that.
Orie Steele:  The only action here is to ask Mahmoud to do a 
  re-review and move onto the next item.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  We
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  We can head back to interop and look at issues.
Orie Steele:  This seems related to the open PR. We should cross 
  link and ask for comments on when he thinks we should do this.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Why is the workflow issue on interop?
Orie Steele:  Yes, workflows are a vocab not an interop concept.
Orie Steele:  I'm not sure if anyone are on the open agenda call. 
  There are a bunch of API's that are interop that we could talk 
  about on this call.
Benjamin Collins:  Can you create an issue so we remember to 
  bring that up?
Orie Steele:  I'll make an issue for it.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Do we want to have a section describing the 
  difference with the VC-API?
Orie Steele:  It seems related to the comment that I made, like 
  the CHAPI playground. As far as I can tell we've drifted so far 
  to even suggest it's the same thing at this point.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Let's ping Chris and move to the next one.
Nis Jespersen :  504 Has been pending close since May 30, I 
  suggest we close.
Benjamin Collins: +1
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This one is assigned to Mahmoud.
Orie Steele:  This is interop, the comment I leave on this is to 
  wait to do this all on the v2 upgrade. There's no reason to 
  upgrade to update to status list 2021 with v1. It's better to do 
  it all at once to avoid two migrations.
Nis Jespersen :  Should we close the tickets?
Orie Steele:  Add a label that says, "V2 Update" so that we know 
  what we're doing for that. The main thing is when doing the 
  review to have the issues to consider in mind
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele: 
Orie Steele:  In the context of the interop stuff, one of the 
  reasons we've been delaying on this, we wanted to let the v2 test 
  suite get further ahead. I think this should still be assigned to 
  me and at some point I will update it.
Orie Steele: 
Orie Steele:  In the working group, we have some test cases that 
  are lined up with this activity. We do use this kind of this 
  which is a JSON schema that secures a JSON-LD example. And this 
  should have pieces that will go along with our interop work. But 
  I think we can do most of this work in the working group and then 
  we copy what is relevant to us.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  I am happy to self-assign on this. And I will 
  pick this up sometime.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  What's actually being asked in this issue?
Nis Jespersen :  This is taking out proof for JWT.
Benjamin Collins:  I would say add a label for "V2 Migration"
Orie Steele:  I think I noted there is a lot that needs to be 
  cleaned up and deleted before we start V2. This might be blocking 
  for that and something we pick up first.
Nis Jespersen :  I think it's okay to add a label. Orie if you 
  want to add that note.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Seems like Chris has been working on this for a 
  year now. That doesn't seem right.
Nis Jespersen : 
Benjamin Collins:  Maybe there is more comments we can add to 
  break this issue down so the work is more concrete.
Orie Steele:  I think it's pretty straightforward, mark this as a 
  string and mark it as done when you think that is the case.
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  I think it's a pretty substantial problem that our 
  example doesn't use traceable presentations considering the 
  profile is built around traceable presentations.
Nis Jespersen :  I'll assign myself
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  Mike has a concept of workflow completion. I think 
  it's in the wrong repo, anything with the data model should 
  probably be in vocab.
Orie Steele:  I think if the text regarding the weighted averages 
  has been removed, this can be closed.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  There is a marker for 485, this is pending for that 
  to be closed.
Nis Jespersen :  I think we addressed the problem with `replace` 
  in the context.
Orie Steele:  I can link the example that we have that is 
  detached from all of this. I'll add a link to that.
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  If that's really the current context, then all we 
  need to do is add text and we're done.
Orie Steele:  You can mark this for V2 because you can't host 
  status list without hosting verifiable credentials. And I'll add 
  a link to the VC test suite.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This and some following issues are all about 
  updating status list.
Orie Steele:  For fair warning I would like to see those as test 
  cases first. If we add them here then there's a chance they will 
  be clobbered by the working group.
Orie Steele:  Comment on the issue in that repo and I'll follow 
  up on it. I want to avoid us doing stuff that will help the 
  entire working group.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Is the upstream different from jose/cose?
Orie Steele:  I would leave a comment on that issue. If you don't 
  see an issue that matches it, you can create a new issue and 
  cross link all of your existing issues and say, 'i cant make 
  progress on these'.
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  Let's assign Isaac. He know's what he wants.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is done, we can close this ticket.
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Isn't this also being address in vc2? I think 
  there is a lot of content-type work
Orie Steele:  It's debate-able what the API behavior should be. 
  The right thing todo would be to start with normative language in 
  the respec document. And describe MUST or MAY.
Nis Jespersen :  Would that be in the interop repo?
Orie Steele:  Yes, in interop, if there isn't a section then make 
  a general section and add the language there.
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  It's a general readability update. I think we can 
  open a PR that adjusts the terminology. And the PR should 
  basically say the "vocab defines terms, interop defines api"
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  Mike added these sections and we added issue 
  markers to clean it up. It sort of makes sense to have this here. 
  I think it is in the right place.
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  This seems related to the PR that wanted to add 
  text around scopes to some degree.
Orie Steele:  The document is doing too much. Is it an 
  implementation guide, or normative requirements.
Nis Jespersen :  I think it's more of the process of what we've 
  been though. I can assign myself to delete this.
<orie> thank you!

Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2023 01:36:35 UTC