Help with IIW Community Memorial Project

HI folks,

  For those of you who made it to the last day of IIW in the Spring. I
managed to put up a small make-shift community memorial for folks who were
active in the IIW community before their deaths.

We are working on two things and an online equivalent - with a page on the
IIW site with a photo and write-ups about folks who have passed and a
better designed physical version for display at IIW.

I am seeking community support/input in three ways.
1) Help getting the bios of people who have passed written up and polished.
(Here is the start so far
If you knew one of these folks and want to take on their bio's for the page
let me know. If I have forgotten anyone please let me know.
2) Help with the design of the page on our wordpress site
3) Help designing the physical memorial we will put up at each IIW.

- Kaliya

Received on Tuesday, 15 August 2023 02:35:55 UTC