- From: CCG Minutes Bot <minutes@w3c-ccg.org>
- Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 09:31:58 +0000
Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week! The transcript for the call is now available here: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2023-20-03-vc-education/ Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes. Audio of the meeting is available at the following location: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2023-20-03-vc-education/audio.ogg ---------------------------------------------------------------- education\ Transcript for NaN-NaN-NaN Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-edu/2023Mar/0005.html\ Topics: 1. IP Note\ 2. Call Notes\ 3. Introductions & Reintroductions\ 4. Announcements & Reminders\ 5. Main Topic - LearnCard Alpha Leak with Learning Economy Foundation\ Organizer: Scribe: Our Robot Overlords Present: Simone Ravaoli, Dave Montorio - WeSchool, David Baumgartner @smartEduWallet, Kaliya Young, Xander/ASU Pocket, Phil Barker, Susan Stroud, Kerri Lemoie, Taylor (LEF), Phil L (P1), Marianna Milkis, Tim Gunther, Eric Shepherd, Nis Jespersen , Chandi Cumaranatunge, David Mason, Colin Reynolds, Ed Design Lab, Marty Reed, Deb Everhart, xander - ASU/Pocket, Cherie Duncan, Dmitri Zagidulin, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Jim Kelly, James Chartrand, Mahesh Balan - pocketcred.com, PL/T3 ASU, Xander/ASU, Geun-Hyung, John Kuo, Allyson Parco, Jake, Jeff O - HumanOS, Roger <simone_ravaioli> Hey all, giving us a few mins for people to transition into this call.\ Our Robot Overlords are scribing. Topic: IP Note\ Topic: Call Notes\ <colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> gm gm all\ Topic: Introductions & Reintroductions\ <kerri_lemoie> Welcome @Dave!\ Dave_Montorio_-_WeSchool: Yeah nice to meet you everyone I'm Dave Mario I'm an engineering leader in high school and we School we're exploring some development of some feature on the Republic learn Social Web free blockchain and identity so I'm very happy to join your your meeting today.\ Topic: Announcements & Reminders\ <kerri_lemoie> Go UNC Lady Tarheels!\ Topic: Main Topic - LearnCard Alpha Leak with Learning Economy Foundation\ Cherie Duncan: I think Cox here with Learning Academy Foundation so thanks for letting us present today about learning card I am going to see my screen okay.\ <kaliya> Weird I am calling jn via tbe app and j cant hear any ome talk\ <kaliya> But j can hear noises from JItsi\ Cherie Duncan: Okay perfect great so I'll just hop in a little bit and I'll try and kind of fly through it to leave room for questions and kind of discussion because I think you know for a lot of us are made you finding learn card in a way that's the little for the broader Community right so yeah I'll I'll get started.\ <kerri_lemoie> @kaliya - weird jitsi app issue?\ Cherie Duncan: In a ruthless and I think a lot of you understand what learning is right but I like to ask this question because it helped rain kind of why things like verify credentials are useful and so you know sort of a leading question was earning I found a definition that.\ <simone_ravaioli> anyone else calling in from the Jisti App ?\ Cherie Duncan: Broad it's a process that leads to change as a result of experience and so as a result you're learning experiences then become a vital part of your personal and professional reputation and so consequently where does learn happen effectively anywhere from conferences to books to playgrounds to video games too you know working calls like this one and.\ Cherie Duncan: How do we capture.\ Cherie Duncan: Apis and this is I think where let me come you foundation and card is really trying to solve a lot of the problems that exist in the current you know education and credentialing systems with our you know if you if you look at this diagram for a lot of folks L2 and L1 mean things but you know we like to.\ Cherie Duncan: To think of this L ER.\ Cherie Duncan: His been three layers layer 0 is the the standards like the seats and More in layer 1 is those core utilities like wallet what's lady who ends up being the impact and so we like to work on layer 0 and layer one because you know those are how we ensure energy and you know transferability between.\ Cherie Duncan: Institutions for learners.\ Cherie Duncan: I'm in we allow for Learners or for instance are actually providing credentialing to focus on the impact like providing learning and job opportunities and applications built on top of digital wallets.\ Cherie Duncan: That's why we have learned card which I'm I know many of you have had the opportunity to check it out and hear about learn card and today Beyond just the you know the digital wallet portions we have some new features that we are launching very very soon that are part of the free open-source toolkit that learn card provides.\ Cherie Duncan: It's so for folks who don't.\ Cherie Duncan: Know what Lan card is learn card is a digital wallet that is free open source and it's both an application on the App Store and in a web app and an open source SDK for issuing learning storing and sharing verifiable credentials so learn card itself this is kind of what the app looks like everything within learn card is.\ Cherie Duncan: Part of.\ Cherie Duncan: SDK so all of these UI elements you see here are your you can redeploy them on your own version of learn card yeah we've got it on the App Store and what not and yeah I'm gonna hop in actually really quick into sort of actual deployments of learn card and then break down a bit of the technical back-end to you know talk a little bit about how we've designed it and our.\ Cherie Duncan: Plug-in based.\ <kaliya> I give up. Cant hear anyone.\ Cherie Duncan: I'm first just some deployment of learn card so met adversity is a partnership with or it's a platform for D institutionalizing learner data and allowing Learners to carry their student ID their course catalog and earn skills wherever they go throughout their post-secondary learning experiences and throughout the metaphors.\ Cherie Duncan: City app learners.\ <simone_ravaioli> so sorry Kaliya !\ Cherie Duncan: Explore courses map their learning Journeys through met adversity while working these sort of in-demand skills from local employers so we're working with motlow State community colleges in Tennessee with their mechatronics and distillers programs to issue you know verifiable credentials for Learners who complete Community College courses in those relevant with those relevant skills and then they can go directly to employers with those skills in.\ Cherie Duncan: Digital wallet.\ <pl/t3_asu> Had that problem too Simone (no audio) had to switch browsers.\ Cherie Duncan: And so yeah met adversity is one example of how we're deploying learn card so the the verifiable credential or everything is powered by verifiable credentials and it's built on top of this learner wallet.\ <dmitri_zagidulin> @Kaliya - yeah, try switching browsers (and don't use the mobile app)\ Cherie Duncan: The other application is called super skills it's a partnership with the Lego foundation and it takes real world play activities like designing a paper playing and making modifications to it and these activities are derived designed around holistic skills like creativity and social and emotional skills physical skills cognitive skills and then the Learners themselves capture metadata about their activities taking pictures and answering questions and.\ Cherie Duncan: As a result.\ <simone_ravaioli> is anyone else having the audio problem that Kalya and Phil had ?\ Cherie Duncan: Verifiable credentials to them with those holistic skills so the the Young Learners can choose their own characters you know they can there's kind of a fun superhero story that the the Learners go through they play the activities and they build Creations to help you know the other girls in the realm and yeah at the end they're issued verifiable credentials with you know the associated holistic skills.\ Cherie Duncan: That they developed.\ Cherie Duncan: Variants so we're really excited about this because we did you know partnership with Legal Foundation and an organization called BrainPOP and actually you know have a research paper and have actually proven the model of super scales for Creative subscale development which is I think pretty exciting obviously you know we need to replicate and expand Beyond The Core group of.\ Cherie Duncan: Where he's at.\ Cherie Duncan: But it's a really good start to providing Young Learners with sort of self Sovereign you know portable credentials capturing the experiences so let's see yeah dids and how we're using him this is I think really the some of the coolest stuff that we're doing card and what makes I think this.\ Cherie Duncan: A really useful.\ Cherie Duncan: For anyone who wants to you know deploy a verifiable credential wallet so we do a plug-in based architecture here everything from Storage to you know microservices to you know your did methods everything is plug-in based so we use ipfs via ceramic to Pink encrypted credentials to ipfs.\ Cherie Duncan: Yes but.\ Cherie Duncan: It's actually storage and blockchain agnostic so for example we're talking about doing a deployment in some school systems and they want to have control of the learner data or like like a custody of the learner data and so they would prefer to do it on a Microsoft Azure server and that's totally possible but anything on chain off chain device storage Google Drive decentralized webnode whatever can be a.\ <taylor_(lef)> SuperSkills research report - https://www.dropbox.com/s/exhekb6lk3jwn5e/SuperSkills%20BETA%20research%20report.pdf?dl=0\ Cherie Duncan: You know mechanism we use did kit for as a plug-in and it's our preferred way to leverage dids and VC's but again it's not the only way to do it and so you know all of these one of the reasons we leverage did kit and ipfs in particular is that you know if we use these plugins learn card ends up becoming perp.\ Cherie Duncan: Fully non-custodial.\ Cherie Duncan: So when you know in a sort of default deployment of learned your private key pair is generated on demand and use you know familiar web to on-ramps Allah web 3 auth to use like you know your Gmail or your Discord account or phone number to access your.\ Cherie Duncan: But the private key never actually and so generating this your dad from private Keys decrypting your credentials everything all happens directly from your user device and we spent a lot of effort to make that happen because we believe that being non-custodial and you know allowing Learners to be self Sovereign and have control over their data and who sees it is really important so new features.\ Cherie Duncan: In this is all part of the open-source toolkit so anyone who wants to deploy anything like this is totally free to do so and so we'll just keep you updated as you know these features roll out in the next oh gosh probably week or so but our network is a set of completely did authenticated features for peer-to-peer credential issuance so you see here we've got social badges.\ Cherie Duncan: And various different types of credentials within the learner.\ <simone_ravaioli> www.learncard.com\ Cherie Duncan: This is all powered by a set of features called boost boost is kind of the way that you are able to issue credentials within learn card app to peers or even you know to for self attestation to yourself or to students so imagine a teacher the contact list of their 30 or so students and batch issuing attendance credential or your activity completion.\ Cherie Duncan: Has to Learners using something like boost.\ Cherie Duncan: You can boost things like social badges achievements courses jobs IDs all into boost and so long as it has a digital wallet with a did you can issue a VC into them and yeah learn Cartoon Network is not just a set of features for peer-to-peer you know did too did credential issuance but it can actually support did based entities and applications to.\ Cherie Duncan: Oh bi-directionally share credentials.\ Cherie Duncan: Like smart resume we have.\ Cherie Duncan: With we're smart resume can read critically.\ Cherie Duncan: Your learn card and you know.\ Cherie Duncan: As me and likewise learn card can read smart resume and create credentials within your line card and so we are hoping to really you know open up this app sort of marketplace because or I guess ecosystem is a better better tool because it's you know you don't have to pay anything for it but the applications you know we really.\ Cherie Duncan: To expand because as long as.\ Cherie Duncan: Um you know a place to store your VCS learn card can issue to them right so we don't necessarily care who you are or what application you're using as long as you can resolve a VC then you can take advantage of getting credentials from learn card or you know reading your credentials from learn card or any of these various applications exist in our application Marketplace so yeah that is my.\ Cherie Duncan: My you know super quick run-through.\ <pl/t3_asu> Is the exchange of credentials mediated by VPs?\ Cherie Duncan: And learn card in a bunch of the new features I'm going to exit out really quick and stop sharing my screen does anyone have any questions Simona I don't know how much time I have so I don't want to take up too much or not enough so.\ PL/T3_ASU: I'll give it a try do you hear me yeah excellent so thank you Duncan I just asked in the chat this if the exchange of credentials is mediated by verifiable presentations or or what are the methods by which you do that.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah so we actually have a set of tools for.\ Cherie Duncan: Bring a verifiable position and it's like a in locked verifiable presentation where you could you know create one with a subset of your credentials and then share it with potential employer and or whoever you'd like are you talking for example between like did based entities or between like for employee or.\ PL/T3_ASU: I'm actually it's an open question at the question there's two parts to it I guess one is the protocol that you're using for doing that it appears is that you're using VC API but and not did come or or or or others and the second was the potential endpoints both receiving from an issuer as well as.\ PL/T3_ASU: sending to a third party.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah the the so we actually support a bunch of Standards so CCAP I did come V2 a bunch of have a huge list here but so it's yeah we've got it we've got it configured so you know you can kind of choose your method but I am sorry what was the second part.\ Cherie Duncan: Of your question.\ PL/T3_ASU: Well just to finish up that first part when I download the app from the App Store what is it expecting to use or what by default what is it using.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah it's using this API.\ PL/T3_ASU: Okay okay that's just that that's one thing and the other question I was asking about was just the different protocols that you've implemented and if you want to use those I assume you're going to have to do some some editing of the actual application.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah so the if you want to use them in your own deployment we have fairly easy CLI that you can use to kind of fiddle around with those settings so.\ PL/T3_ASU: Okay thank you.\ Kerri Lemoie: All right thanks.\ Kerri Lemoie: One thing I you brought up is important is the concept of non-custodial versus custodial wallets and I think some folks on this call may not have an understanding of what that means and also what the implications are for that so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing like a quick little contrast and comparison for us with that in mind.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah yeah no absolutely thank you thank you for asking you this is I think my favorite thing about my card so you know.\ Cherie Duncan: We've designed.\ Cherie Duncan: Card in such a way that.\ <pl/t3_asu> another question: is self-issuing supported?\ <simone_ravaioli> This is the Technical Deck of Learning Economy Protocol - https://www.dropbox.com/s/btri08xlx7ppsyp/Learning%20Economy%20Technical%20Frameworks%20%28P%29.pdf?dl=0\ Cherie Duncan: Every every way or every stop along the way a learner is entirely in control of their own data their own identity information everything and learn card doesn't act as any sort of centrally to her Central Authority in managing any personal or private data and we achieve this in a number of ways so first off our sign on mechanism we use a set of tools called Web 3 off.\ Cherie Duncan: With is a.\ Cherie Duncan: Key management or set of key engagement tools that any privacy-preserving way allows you to use existing identity anchors like email cell phone this court account Etc any any single sign-on system whatever it's in totally configurable to sign into web relocations and so what this means is that you know no one organization is necessarily getting access to either private key.\ Cherie Duncan: He's or identity.\ Cherie Duncan: For people who are signing in using web 3i so that's that's the first component right is we're not really capturing signing info the second component is the the credential storage itself right so we use by default credentials live on your device in your digital wallet they are backed up using ipfs and ceramic and for those who were not familiar ipfs in Saran short ipfs is like you know.\ Cherie Duncan: Sort of sort of like BitTorrent web.\ <simone_ravaioli> IPFS is decentralised storage\ Kerri Lemoie: https://docs.ipfs.tech/concepts/what-is-ipfs/\ Cherie Duncan: Where it breaks up data into a bunch of little pieces and stores them on hosts or the internet and then you can Retreat bit by bit and you know kind of reconstruct the information that's been stored there but you know I think for a lot of stuff on ipfs it's just publicly available and viewable but we do in crypt the Critter on ipfs using the wallet holders.\ Cherie Duncan: Private key and.\ <simone_ravaioli> About Ceramic- https://ceramic.network/\ Cherie Duncan: Only way to decrypt and view the credential that start on ipfs is with the people as long as you don't share your private key with anybody you are the only person who can view that credential let's start on ipfs what this means right is that as long as you have an internet connection in some way to access your private key so any one of your various identity that use with web free web three off you can actually restore your learn car in all of.\ Cherie Duncan: Of your credentials\ to your learn card wallet so imagine.\ Kerri Lemoie: https://blog.ceramic.network/what-is-ceramic/\ Cherie Duncan: You know goes across borders and listening to their devices because of economic turmoil or civil unrest right as long as they have access to their Gmail account right or whatever account they had right back in there there how they could restore all of their credentials just like they were before and they would be the only person who could do so and so again we don't read any of the data that happens in a learner wallet in order to share the data you need to give permission to entities.\ Cherie Duncan: That are wanting.\ Cherie Duncan: Accent and so.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah at the right this non-custodial the opposite would.\ Cherie Duncan: We be you know a single issuing authority would handle all the sign in so they didn't signing into a Google account and then Google was like oh yeah you know inside in and here's all of his credentials I can view and my you know utilities control who he shares it with and how he shares it and I view all of his sharing just like traditional web two ways of handling things where you know we're not really in control of who views are data and how they.\ Cherie Duncan: How they use it so.\ Cherie Duncan: Does that does that work carry.\ Kerri Lemoie: Oh yeah thank you next second I'm sure other people might have some follow-up questions in the chat probably of testimony.\ Cherie Duncan: Yes yeah so we have a whole set of tools for kind of satisfaction of credentials and yeah you can you can issue any of the existing credentials yourself and what we're hoping to do right is provide some tools and features to help make that you know kind of legitimize that experience and you know with our various Integrations with different applications that can issue be seized.\ Cherie Duncan: He's we hope to you know.\ Cherie Duncan: Get more meaningful to issue credentials to yourself that makes sense because you know right now it's just like a resume or whatever where they have to trust with all the info you put in there so.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: Thanks yeah well thank you so much by the way for this presentation this is wonderful I want to ask if learn card had any roadmap intentions to offer storage aside for my BFS because right like even with encryption through ceramic it's still being stored on on other people's computers essentially it's on the pub and as we all know.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: Encryption has Half-Life and so.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: Had alternatives to that and same question for the web three off so the moment I can't use the wallet without creating web three off account and I was wondering if you had any road map options to provide alternatives to that thanks.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah so in our kind of default app available on the App Store in the web I don't know if we have any plans to change from those I think we're you know we're fairly new as a Canseco have them you know we'll stick with.\ Cherie Duncan: Three often in sir.\ Cherie Duncan: But in terms of the open source SDK and toolkit you can use anything for storage right and so you know as we develop those different plugins or as the community to plugins this is the thing right is that you know as a community we would love for folks to develop that use utilities that you find useful right to interact with this ecosystem or to partner with other folks who.\ Cherie Duncan: It provides you know did based tools to you know integrate with their their products or.\ Cherie Duncan: Services but um anyway all that to say is that it's not.\ Cherie Duncan: Totally unheard of that we might you know provide alternatives to the sign on methods because I definitely do here you encryption does have a half half life and we have to stay on top of it if we're going to make sure that you know privacy is actually preserved so.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah that's a good question so we are working on it tirelessly to make sure we get it right it was you know scheduled to come out a couple weeks ago but we you know I think we're word letting it percolate for a little bit so we can get it right but it should be coming out any moment now you know we've been chomping at the bit for.\ Cherie Duncan: It's o.\ Cherie Duncan: And actually let me let me share learn card GitHub repo because that might be relevant to people.\ Cherie Duncan: https://github.com/learningeconomy/LearnCard\ <taylor_(lef)> Boost will definitely be available prior to ASU-GSV.\ PL/T3_ASU: Well I mean the short answer is I think it's absolutely essential because without it those people that don't have issued credentials from some into third party entity can't express themselves in the same currency and language that that credentials are being sent all understand it's understood that their credentials signed by themselves are in.\ PL/T3_ASU: Ready corroboration and clearly there needs to be mechanisms to do that some of which have been have been already proposed and written up such as such as using a third-party credential as a as a recommendation to the one that the person self issued but without it we leaving out a huge section of potential Workforce thanks.\ <duncan_cox> @Phil to your question earlier, we also package up and expose CHAPI to folks who want to use LearnCard to build a CHAPI compliant application. Love CHAPI!\ <dmitri_zagidulin> heh, what software ever stays lean? :)\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: Oh yeah thanks well I think playing doubles on the kid is certainly Mighty my role often within the pocket team so I'm happy to wear the horns today as well you know I think this is a big Challenge and I think there are other aspects of you know to learn card solution that are kind of in the same vein of trust is often assumed when we talk about technological solutions in this space but that's not a trivial thing so the more you democratize the ability to issue.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: credentials the harder it is to maintain Trust.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: Like what stops me from cleverly impersonating someone building up an online you know kind of identity that is very similar to a different trusted party it really opens the door to a lot of abuse so I think the mechanisms for building trust inside and outside of this technical solution is underdeveloped relative to the capabilities of the tools and so I think that's a big challenge you know even something like what.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: this is a question I was.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: Were incurred as well but I don't want to split the topic here too much I saw someone maybe wants to respond some of y'all stop here and let them do that.\ Kerri Lemoie: Yeah I hear is enter saying and I agree and I think part of it is because in a large part of digital literacy isn't isn't great right people don't really understand how the web works now and what risks there are and to some extent I don't know that they will really ever understand why any of this is any better which is kind of like disheartening to say I mean I'm somebody who's been working in this space for a.\ Kerri Lemoie: Long time my my PhD is in.\ Kerri Lemoie: And technology and that's what I really think we need to work towards but to an extent I think we need to get technologists on board to implement their apps using this technology more and more so that it just becomes an inherent part of what the web is and that's where our audience really is I think for this technology is how do we make it easy to develop with this technology and put it in place that it's a no-brainer and it just becomes the backbone of the internet and um it just works right.\ Kerri Lemoie: And I think that's what we could do as technologists in the space to help with the trust aspect.\ PL/T3_ASU: Sure I just want to on the one hand plus one would carry was just saying about the need to be clear about our definitions and what their implications of what the implications of them are I still hear people talking about verification as if there's some sort of Authority or equivalent to Quality Assurance behind something that's been signed as opposed to Simply.\ PL/T3_ASU: that it's tamper evident and.\ PL/T3_ASU: Have that clear that clarification well understood across the community but beyond that I mean what it's what it's simple we need to get past the notion of brand recognition as the proxy of trust and we already know from the reports that the last mile DCC report has shown and and worked from Sean Gallagher up at Northeastern that that there isn't a lot of business interests.\ PL/T3_ASU: it's in verification.\ PL/T3_ASU: Because they don't see.\ <simone_ravaioli> Last Mile report by MIT DCC - https://news.mit.edu/2022/last-mile-credentials-employment-1103\ PL/T3_ASU: Distinction between that and brand and since they don't have brand recognition of an individual a sign credential from an individual doesn't mean a whole lot to them and in that sense they're probably right other than it is a signed and traceable recognition or credential that the identity of the signer is at least consistent to that particular did but other than that it's not all that useful.\ PL/T3_ASU: useful what's more.\ PL/T3_ASU: Are useful is implementing the human-oriented trust mechanisms that we are talking about with respect to trust Registries and and recommendations and things like that to be able to move to the next step thanks.\ Cherie Duncan: Well maybe a return back to the you know.\ Cherie Duncan: She'll question about is from a wallet one of the things that we've had some conversations with about our about in recently is a sort of emergent situations so not to say that something like learn card is the only solution or best solution right but imagine you know in the recent earthquake crisis in Turkey you have emergent skills that need to be learned today like I.\ Cherie Duncan: Can enter an IV or I.\ Cherie Duncan: In a play.\ Cherie Duncan: Make it or a can you know do CPR imagine if you have you know people on the Fly educating people within this context around these emergent skills that need to be learned today and then you could show up to disaster situation and say like hit I actually know how to administer a tourniquet here's my credential or in a context land really rural schools that don't have tons of.\ Cherie Duncan: Of you know existing Tech in.\ Cherie Duncan: Structure is long as Learners have devices which you know a huge percentage of Learners in low and middle income countries have devices but they might not have computers and their G i-- teacher could actually create a learning system around just device for Learners and so again not to say the learn card is the ideal solution for this but it does empower some sort of like decentralized learning system.\ Cherie Duncan: Seems that might not be possible.\ Cherie Duncan: This sort of device to an officer while it credential issuance that comes with its own problems of course but in a local community right if you're never going to leave your your little town then a credential from your teacher is going to do pretty well compared to a piece of paper or no credential at all right so kind of community issued Community verified credentials that don't necessarily rely on this Tech infrastructure but need to be stored in a space this could be potentially.\ Kerri Lemoie: Yeah I hear it documents a lot of Claire and Phil to you we do we tend to talk about all of this in pretty broad Strokes right now and we do that because we've been working at the Sanders level right and you want to think about big wide implications with standards that you're trying to fit in as much as you can so it works in many different places and even different context but it doesn't mean a thing I think is what I also predict is what's going to happen is we're going to start doing some very specific.\ Kerri Lemoie: Civic implementations and those are going to work and they're going to be the examples that are going to be models for others to follow and then little.\ Kerri Lemoie: Little we're going to we're going to build.\ Kerri Lemoie: On that and I think we're headed into that this year and next year really like banging out those examples whether they're like hyper local or just Community or just like one specific industry right as these start piling on we will start seeing how they'll be applicable in other ways much like you know email works and other things like that right you have to start somewhere and then you build upon it yep specific and then scale.\ Kerri Lemoie: +1 @Phil - exactly\ Dmitri Zagidulin: +1 Xander, I have the same concerns\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: I think you yes I actually I had a question going back to the presentation a little bit about ipfs and the decision to use it and maybe some of the thought process behind that I know you mentioned encryption having a shelf life I think we've looked at that solution in her still sort of considering it but the concerns I'm wondering if Alan Curtis thought about her what they're kind of thinking process might be room or related to the permanence you know once you put something on ipfs.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: someone else.\ <kerri_lemoie> What I appreciate about the LearnCard SDK is that it has contextual applicability planned for.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: To continue to hold on to that content you can never delete it you can't ever take it down and so if you've got content on there which is encrypted and then maybe your key becomes compromised somehow this is I'm just playing out my own concerns here as an example you know you are you know basically permanently exposed you can't take that stuff down your keys exposed they can get everything you ever put on ipfs and you know I think this is also tied into concerns around like right.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: be forgotten depending.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: Ring there or even FERPA where you're supposed to kind of give institutions the ability to pull back student data if they want I know belongs to the learner and maybe a very literal sense but there's wondering broadly if you consider these sorts of issues and what you're thinking lesbian.\ <dmitri_zagidulin> the answer is to use user-controlled encrypted storage! :) (like Encrypted Data Vaults)\ Cherie Duncan: And oh yeah totally the fun thing is we don't have an answer for that at the moment so I think we're thinking for it and I know our developers are really cognizant of this because yes there are definitely drawbacks to this kind of architecture an ecosystem one thing you know again we really kind of put an emphasis on this non is no deity in the call.\ Cherie Duncan: So yeah we put it in.\ Cherie Duncan: Said non-custodial T of credentials but it does come with its drawbacks right it's not totally a foolproof architecture and so we would love to problem solve with the community and see ways that we could make it so that your Dimitri encrypted data V user-controlled encrypted storage that is amazing right we would love to create an application that allows folks to do that instead of ipfs or other Solutions.\ Cherie Duncan: So yeah.\ Cherie Duncan: Sir but something to think about for us for sure.\ Xander_-_ASU/Pocket: Now are you storing each credential individually encrypted or is it like the whole wallet as a blob or maybe I don't know maybe it's too detailed but I'm just curious.\ Cherie Duncan: Yeah each credential is individual in Krypton.\ <pl/t3_asu> @Dmitri that's decentralization to the individual! And that's the best solution at present!\ Dmitri Zagidulin: Sure I am so.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: Spade or what I said in the chat it's by itself is not sufficient as a solution so encrypted Data Vault is a w3c ccg incubated spec that essentially.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: A specifies how to do encryption plus authorization on user controlled storage.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: And so some of the some of the wallets out in the space right now like some of the stuff that digital bazaars doing and others use encrypted data V as the storage mechanism as the back end to store the credentials which means it's not.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: I-it's not out on the public internet it is on a particular server that the user has addressed relationship with but it's a due to the encryption it is a sort of greatly narrow trust relationship and that combination is able to provide a right to be forgotten.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: Having said that.\ <simone_ravaioli> Is this the most updated repo @Dmitry ?https://github.com/decentralized-identity/edv-spec\ Dmitri Zagidulin: Has a wallet implementer DC myself I fully understand the the tricky dilemma of okay so we have the spec who's going to run the servers right and there that that's a Community Wide discussion my personal hope is that the school's themselves or whatever organizations our Consortium will be operating the private encrypted servers for the learners.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: All right.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: We can get it to the point where storage is like email right we've long sort of stopped wandering or at least worrying about too much I who's gonna provide the email it's standardized enough an inexpensive enough that it comes free in your breakfast cereal meaning there's there's Gmail's on the web-based emails but also your school provides that essentially for free your internet service provider provides email and so on encrypted storage can be just like that.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: So but of course that's the future it doesn't.\ Dmitri Zagidulin: Now until a school or a Consortium steps forward and says okay in addition to providing the wallet we will run the storage servers the encrypted data of all type of stuff so that's sort of a too long answer to your question thanks.\ Taylor_(LEF): Thanks this can be quick but I just wanted to sort of lay some broader context and clarify that LEF really is sort of a you know single Steward of some of this technology and as a non-profit we are supporting the broader ecosystem its probe obviously coming on and doing this sort of work but know that LEF is not learn card our hope is really that it can be you know a set of sort of plug-in based applications that anyone can kind of for can use.\ <dmitri_zagidulin> @Simone - yep[, that's the spec!\ Kerri Lemoie: +1 @Taylor & LEF team\ Taylor_(LEF): As much as others are learning from us so just wanted to point that out I think it's in some ways away we're trying to distinguish ourselves and just the broader work from I guess some of the more you know Central singular product-based Implement implementations of some of the stuff so please take ownership of learn card as much or as little as seems appropriate but.\ Taylor_(LEF): laf is.\ Taylor_(LEF): Learn card we are definitely excited about it and want it to be useful and in this community and others but it is open source for for reason so just wanted to clarify that if it wasn't already.\ <kerri_lemoie> Thanks for join us today, @duncan & LEF!\ <pl/t3_asu> Thanks Duncan and the LEF team!\ <kerri_lemoie> Have a great week all!\ <duncan_cox> of course! Please reach out if you have qs.\ <taylor_(lef)> Thanks all \uc0\u55357 \u56911 \ <dave_montorio_-_weschool> thank you! bye\
Received on Friday, 14 April 2023 09:31:58 UTC