[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-04-04

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-04-04

  1. Introductions and Reintroductions
  2. Announcements and Reminders
  3. Data Integrity-based Selective Disclosure and Predicate 
  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Bob Wyman, Harrison Tang, Christopher Allen, Kazue Sako, Yuji 
  Suga, Greg Bernstein, Lucy Yang, Paul Dietrich GS1, Stuart 
  Freeman, Brenda, James Chartrand, Dan Yamamoto, Gregory Natran, 
  Shigeya Suzuki, Erica Connell, Nis Jespersen , TallTed // Ted 
  Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), paulm, Kaliya Young, Jeff O 
  - HumanOS, Manu Sporny, Kimberly Linson, John Kuo, Kerri Lemoie, 
  Joe Andrieu, Dmitri Zagidulin, Dave Longley, Wendy Seltzer, 
  Markus Sabadello, Keith Kowal, Sandy Aggarwal, Brian Campbell, 
  Phil L (P1), Marty Reed, Nate Otto, Will, Stephen Curran, David 
  I. Lehn, Leo, Jennie Meier, Geun-Hyung, bengo

<christopher_allen> Good day everyone!
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<christopher_allen> has any voice started? All is quiet.
Harrison_Tang: So hello everyone welcome to this week's w3c ccg 
  meeting so today our main topic we actually invited Dan Yamamoto 
  Causeway Socko uh yeah Suzuki and ug Suga to come here and 
  present the link database verifiable credential with selected 
  disclosures on the accessibility.
Harrison_Tang:  e and predicate proof so.
<shigeya_suzuki> (Note: I'm not part of authors.)
Harrison_Tang: Before we get to this man agenda just want to do 
  some admins first but want to thank them in advance for jumping 
  out here because it's actually one am Japan time so so this is 
  definitely quite an honor for them to actually join us as w3c she 
  G here today.
<kimberly_wilson_linson> Christopher - you might need to reboot. 
  We have audio
Harrison_Tang: Right so quick agenda just want to do some quick 
  reminders for the code of ethics and professional conduct 
  reminder and yeah they know I think we've been doing very well 
  just make sure that we remain respectful to one another never 
  seen he did you know kind of disrespectful arguments in this 
  channel before but just want to do a quick reminder again all 
  right IP note anyone can participate in these calls however.
Harrison_Tang:  overall substantive contributions.
Harrison_Tang: Gigi walk items must be members of the ccg with 
  for IP our agreement sign so you have any questions about that 
  just reach out to any of the cultures.
Harrison_Tang: All right these calls are recorded and it's 
  automatically transcribed and we try to publish the transcription 
  within a couple days.
<kazue> present +
Harrison_Tang: Use the Gchat to Q speakers so you can type in Q 
  Plus to add yourself to the queue or q- to remove it and you can 
  do Q question mark to see who is in the cube all right let's get 
  to the introductions and reintroductions anyone who is new to the 
  all right Greg.

Topic: Introductions and Reintroductions

Greg Bernstein: https://www.grotto-networking.com/BBSDemo/
Greg Bernstein:  Hi I've been hanging out on the channel for a 
  while but most of my work has been on some of the signatures 
  stuff and in particular I've been working on with the dif and the 
  ietf folks on BBS signatures so particularly interested in this 
  call and I do have some demos that you can try if you want to get 
  more into BBS signatures which offer selective disclosure and so 
  that's why I'm particularly.
Greg Bernstein:   Interested in this call so if.
Greg Bernstein:  Since about BBS or in particular I have a 
  JavaScript implementation that's up on npm give you just ask me a 
  question but real interested in this glad to be having this topic 
  presented thanks a bunch.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Greg and then I probably would like to 
  follow up with you later maybe this week to see if we could 
  schedule a session on PBS in the church later this year yeah.
Harrison_Tang: All right then do you mind kind of introduce 
  yourself a little bit since you're the main main speaker today 
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thank you Dan and Kazooie do you mind 
  actually introduce yourself a little bit thank you.
Harrison_Tang: No thank you thank you.
Harrison_Tang: Is the honor for you guys to join us and sorry to 
  call on us UK I do you mind and hopefully I pronounced your name 
  correctly but do you mind actually unmute and introduce yourself 
  a little bit.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thank you I mean it's 1 a.m. in Japan so 
  I totally understand and lastly you g do you mind actually I'm 
  you and introducers introduce yourself a little bit.
Harrison_Tang: I think you are me.
Harrison_Tang: All right I think you know I'm sorry that I just 
  call on people time but baby weight any other introductions and 
Harrison_Tang: All right that next we have announcements and.
Harrison_Tang: Any announcements and reminders.

Topic: Announcements and Reminders

Kaliya Young: https://internetidentityworkshop.com/
Kaliya Young: https://diceurope.org/
Kaliya Young:  Just quickly internet identity Workshop is coming 
  up in two weeks if you have not registered please do so because 
  we are likely to sell out and then more importantly I'm working 
  with folks in Zurich to bring an unconference with the same 
  format that we use at iwt Europe the digital identity 
  unconference Europe dice happening.
Kaliya Young:   In June.
Kaliya Young:  And Zurich so if you are based in Europe please 
  consider joining us there and if you work with people who are in 
  Europe please encourage them to consider joining us there.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Clea.
Christopher Allen:  Yes if you hadn't heard it yet the next 
  rebooting web of trust is September 18 through 20 s in Cologne 
  Germany this is where we work on papers and projects and work 
  together to ship them before the end of the event or at least the 
  first draft and we're also having a publication day on April 13th 
Christopher Allen:   A virtual.
Christopher Allen:  For the six hopefully seven papers that have 
  gone final since the the last one so if you're interested in 
  participating in that look at the go-to web of Trust on info 
  that's all.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thanks Christopher I'm on you you have 
  the floor.
<manu_sporny> VC JSON Schemas: 
Manu Sporny:  Thanks Harrison two things the first one is that 
  the VC Jason schemas work that has been incubated in the ccg has 
  been adopted by the verifiable credentials working group I will 
  put a link to that in here you see JSON schemas in this is a 
  request to the ccg chairs to you know make a call for support.
Manu Sporny:   To move that into the new group really what.
Manu Sporny:  Look we're looking for objections to move that work 
  into the VC WG since they already accepted it as a work item up 
  to the chairs on when to schedule that the second item is that at 
  ietf 116 I was able to present some of the work that we've been 
  doing in this group for the last couple of years on Multi formats 
  so you know if you used.
Manu Sporny:   Did key if you use.
Manu Sporny: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/multiformats
Manu Sporny:  Was there multi-format show up in those things and 
  the ITF has given us a space to standardize that work potentially 
  as a mini working group or the independent submissions track if 
  you're interested in following this work I will put a link to the 
  email mailing list in here there will be discussion starting this 
  week on that mailing mailing list about.
Manu Sporny:   Whether we should do a mini working group at ittf.
Manu Sporny:  Just take it independent standards track so please 
  join if you would like to help move multi formats forward that's 
Harrison_Tang: Thank you mommy you.
Harrison_Tang: Any other announcements and reminders.
Harrison_Tang: Okay what about updates on the work items.
Harrison_Tang: All right so let's get you the man agenda again 
  we're very very honor to have Dan Causeway she Gaya and Yugi to 
  present on the topic of linked database verifiable credentials 
  with selected disclosures I'm going to ability and predicate 
  proves actually just want to give a quick shout-out to 
  Christopher to actually I was chatting with Christopher about 
Harrison_Tang:  and calendar and then he is the one who actually.

Topic: Data Integrity-based Selective Disclosure and Predicate Proofs

Harrison_Tang: Reduce Dan Causeway and others to to us so a quick 
  shout out to him and as we know selected disclosure unlinked 
  ability part of the predicate proves and these kind of concepts 
  are important topics in our community so very very happy to have 
  Dan and others actually take the time to stay out until like 1:00 
  2:00 a.m. Japan time to give this talk so let's give them the.
Harrison_Tang:  a quick shout-out virtual clap clap Santa.
Harrison_Tang: And I think the floors yours then.
Harrison_Tang: Oh yes honey do you have any comments.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah it totally fine go ahead Dan.
<dan_yamamoto> Slides: 
<christopher_allen> (the limitation of positive integer proofs is 
  part of what makes bulletproofs so fast)
<christopher_allen> (The limit is just slightly less than 2^32, 
  so a pretty large integer range, it can do lots of things, gt; 
  lt, inside-range; outside-range, etc.)
<greg_bernstein> Note that holder does not need secret key!
<manu_sporny> ^ thank you for that Christopher, super helpful... 
  didn't know it could do inside/outside
<christopher_allen> @manu it can also do other things like 
  averages, means, etc. with multiple sources.
<manu_sporny> @Greg, could you elaborate more on "holder doesn't 
  need secret key" -- you mean that the only thing you need to do a 
  reveal is the original BBS signed document itself, right?
<christopher_allen> @manu "Is the average of these 300 VCs >80%"
<greg_bernstein> The holder produces a proof from signature, 
  issuers public key, and revealed messages. No secret key (either 
  holders or issuers).
<christopher_allen> There are other zk-proofs that don't have 
  this limitation, but are 10x-100x slower.
<markus_sabadello> Current work in W3C RDF Canonicalization and 
  Hash WG: https://github.com/w3c/rdf-canon, 
<kazue_sako> Bullet proofs can be combined to prove arbitrary 
  range, a<x<b
<manu_sporny> ^ @Christopher, averages are super important for 
  variations of "K-anonymity"
<christopher_allen> ^ @manu, precisely! I think in Taiwan they 
  say that health data is considered anonymous (legally) if it is 
  in groups of at least 300.
<manu_sporny> @Greg -- important to know that -- that is, "theft 
  of ZKP VC can result in impersonation" -- which can be 
  counteracted (to some degree) with a binding to a private key 
  (presuming private key isn't stolen as well).
<kazue_sako> Gregg, I think you meant that holder does not need 
  secret key of the issuer! Indeed.
<greg_bernstein> Yes
<greg_bernstein> Theft, impersonation, are problems...
<kazue_sako> So Holder has his own secret key to prove that he is 
  'correct', that is a binding VC.
<manu_sporny> @Kazue yes, that's what I understood as well. also, 
  hi! Long time no see! Thank you for saving me the last time I was 
  in Japan! :)
<christopher_allen> ^ @manu I'm also looking into how these 
  sd/anti-correlation techniques can also be integrated into 
<kazue_sako> Dan and my students are working on those binding VC.
<manu_sporny> @Kazue good to know -- very important from a use 
  case perspective... the re-mapping stuff that DanY is covering 
  right now is vitally important as well.
<kazue_sako> My student is working on using CHAPI and issue 
  binding VC using blind signatures!
<manu_sporny> ^ oh, very interesting! Let us know how we can 
<greg_bernstein> Very interesting Kazue!
<manu_sporny> One of the harder problems is the presentation 
  request language... how does a Verifier ask for the ZKP fragments 
  that Dan is mentioning.
<greg_bernstein> I started some work with updated VC data model 
  v2 at https://github.com/Wind4Greg/BBS-LinkedData
<kazue_sako> @Manu, indeed. We were trying to copy 'presentation 
  request language' from somewhere...
<sandy_aggarwal> Dan & Kazue - I work for Mizuho Bank and would 
  be glad to connect with your team to discuss this project. Are 
  you collaborating with any banks in Japan?
<manu_sporny> Super cool! Didn't know about 
  https://playground.zkp-ld.org/ !!!
Harrison_Tang: Double a bobby pin do you mind taking a question 
  from Christopher.
Christopher Allen:  I can wait.
Harrison_Tang: Yeah please please stand up.
<kazue_sako> Did OpenID Foundation had some work on  presentation 
  request language..?
<manu_sporny> It looks like the presentation request language 
  you're using is JSON-LD Framing (in the Playground)
<manu_sporny> While OpenID Foundation was working on presentation 
  exchange, looks like you're using the existing JSON-LD Framing 
  specifications for that (which is good, given it's already a 
<kazue_sako> We briefly looked at this for future updates: 
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Dan.
Harrison_Tang: Alright I'll moderate don't worry about it so sir 
  yeah please.
<bengo> 👏🏻 this is rad
Christopher Allen:  Wait yeah thank you Dan very much in team for 
  coming today I've been pushing for a long time that we have to be 
  a lot more serious about selective disclosure I mean I think we 
  have now a range of of different approaches to selective 
  disclosure ranging from you know hash-based disclosure of a list 
  in SD jot hash-based disclose.
Christopher Allen:   Giroux for Jason Aldean.
Christopher Allen:  Um we have the ability to do it with trees 
  with gordian envelope and all three of these do not have some of 
  the unlink ability capabilities that this is and then at you know 
  at the other end of the spectrum are not only these kinds of 
  selective disclosure but also their ways to bind this to things 
  like d ID documents and such so I really am am pushing that you.
Christopher Allen:   No we explore these more.
Christopher Allen:  And that we begin to get to the point where 
  we can mandate not just you know say oh this is an optional sweep 
  at mandate that you know our future constructions must have some 
  form of selective disclosure even if it's just a simple one 
  because I think anything less than that is a real real you know 
  human rights and privacy issue as you see with this example with 
  with vaccine credentials and other Healthcare data and.
Christopher Allen:   Man who mentioned that you know the ability 
  to aggregate data.
Christopher Allen:  It is really important for health but it's 
  also really risky for for privacy so I'm hoping we'll have more 
  discussion about these types of things and you know I'm hoping 
  that the ccg can you know dive into some of these specifics in 
  the future and really move toward you know saying this is the 
  minimum requirement that we have some form of.
Christopher Allen:   Disclosure that's it.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you if Mill you're next.
Phil_L_(P1): Yes I didn't hear what you didn't hear your voice 
  can you hear.
Phil_L_(P1): Okay well thank you very much I have a really 
  perhaps naive question but I'm wondering what prevents the second 
  credential with the particular information about the vaccine from 
  being something borrowed from a third party and not really the 
  individuals and I'm wondering if the end quad term Wise 
  Construction that you've described is what is preventing that 
  sort of connection of a second.
Phil_L_(P1):  Rachel to the first.
Phil_L_(P1): The second credentials.
Phil_L_(P1): Like from a third party.
Phil_L_(P1): That is not.
Phil_L_(P1): Individual of the first credential if that makes 
<christopher_allen> The combination of binding the 2nd VC to the 
  1st is unique per presentation, so it can't be correlated.
<christopher_allen> ^ @Dan I'm trying to collect more scenarios 
  for SD/non-corellation use cases.
Phil_L_(P1): I understand the selective disclosure part and the 
  end of the hiding of particular pieces of it I think you were 
  saying that the that the proof method also proves that the 
  credential subject in the first credential is the credential 
  subject in the second credential is that right.
Phil_L_(P1): The other words if I if I'm the person and X2 and 
  your person your as a separate person that has this vaccine what 
  prevents me from using that the the vaccine that you got as as my 
  claim that I have gotten it when and I'm not selectively 
  preventing disclosure of these other pieces of information I 
  still want to make sure that it's that that original person is 
Phil_L_(P1):  one who got the vaccine.
Phil_L_(P1): Is now being linked to.
<kazue_sako> This scenario is about one VC for Alice and the 
  other one is for  'vaccine'.
<kazue_sako> ZKP can take care that the same person is tied to 
  two VCx.
Phil_L_(P1): Thank you thank you.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah two things I just wanted to say thank you to 
  Dan in Yugi and Kazooie for working on this stuff it's really 
  fantastic work so thank you you know for for pushing this stuff 
  forward for those of you in the community that are not aware the 
  BBS signature stuff is expected to go into last call at ietf over 
  the summer that's basically where.
Manu Sporny:   We're effectively saying.
Manu Sporny:  We're done with the base construction at the 
  cryptographic layer in as many of you know the verifiable 
  credentials working group has adopted the BBS crypto sweet that 
  bills on top of that that uses this mechanism that that day and 
  just presented today or subsets the mechanism that Dan presented 
  today so I just wanted to make it clear to everyone in the group 
  that this is a very real thing that is going to be that is.
Manu Sporny:   Is already on standards tracks at ietf.
<christopher_allen> ^ @Dan @Kazue I'd be interested in discussing 
  opportunities for binding to keys in did:docs.
Manu Sporny:  W3c and we expect it to be you know a standardized 
  probably early next year to mid next year at some point so that's 
  that's great so that's the first item the second item goes to 
  fill your question in what was said in the chat as well as Dan's 
  response to that is that in the base construction BBS is is is so 
Manu Sporny:   Good at providing kind of Sudan.
Manu Sporny:  Then Amity that if you were to steal that 
  credential you could impersonate the the individual in so there 
  are other things that are required to kind of rebind that in ways 
  that don't make it very easy to steal the credential and 
  impersonate so as Dan was mentioning there's this holder binding 
  stuff that's being talked about there's tying to a cryptographic 
  key that's an addition there and of course when you start.
Manu Sporny:   At doing things.
<greg_bernstein> There is also a notion of "required reveal 
<christopher_allen> ^ @manu I suspect there may also be some 
  capability to salting type approaches if you have any key 
  material of the verifier.
Manu Sporny:  You start losing some of the anonymity aspects and 
  so the you know the quest is to find the right balance for the 
  use case there are a lot of there are a lot more considerations 
  that you have to take into account when you're trying to provide 
  this kind of unlink ability and selective disclosure that you 
  never had to think about when you're doing the kind of the 
  standard digital signatures that we've been doing for.
Manu Sporny:   You know many.
<christopher_allen> …So when you get the request from the 
  Verifier, what you give them will be unique to them, and can't be 
<phil_l_(p1)> Thanks Manu for that clarification
Manu Sporny:  So that's just something to keep in mind that there 
  is no when you get into this kind of space there is no one right 
  answer you effectively have this toolbox of cryptographic 
  Primitives that you can put together in certain ways and they 
  tend to be very specific to the type of use case that you're 
  trying to achieve but the good news here is that fundamentally 
  the basis these cryptographic toolkit things are going to have 
  Global standards behind them.
Manu Sporny:   In the next two years which means that then we can 
  start deploying them.
Manu Sporny:  In real-world production use cases that's it.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Manya.
Harrison_Tang: Any other questions.
Harrison_Tang: And you want to make some concluding comments.
<christopher_allen> @Dan your fluency is great!
<kerri_lemoie> That was excellent. Thank you!
Harrison_Tang: No no thank you I think your English is perfect so 
  thank you for taking the time and thanks again then Kazooie she 
  Gaya ugj for actually coming here they and I didn't fly almost 2 
  a.m. in Japan some thank you thank you for coming here at w3c 
  shiji today.
Harrison_Tang: All right so this concludes this week's at w3c 
  shiji meeting if you want to see what's coming just go to the 
  content calendar that I sent out every week right have a good one 
  thank you bye.

Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2023 17:51:38 UTC