Re: California can now issue vital records using Verifiable credentials

This is great news, congratulations	Kaliya!

> On Sep 29, 2022, at 8:16 AM, Kaliya Identity Woman <> wrote:
> HI Folks, 
>  I wanted to report good news from the Verifiable Credentials Policy Committee that I have chaired for the two years here in California (it sits under the Blockchain Advocacy Coalition). 
>  SB 786 was signed by the Governor yesterday so it is now law. 
> It amends the vital records act to say counties can issue vital records ad verifiable credentials. 
>  You can see the text here: 
> <>
> Hopefully other states will take note and follow suit. 
>  -Kaliya

Received on Thursday, 29 September 2022 15:22:36 UTC