[MINUTES] W3C CCG Verifiable Credentials API Call - 2022-09-06

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


VC API Task Force Transcript for 2022-09-06

  1. (Re-)Introductions, Relevant Community Updates
  2. OIDC4VCI and VC API
  3. How granular should authorization be?
  4. Define credentialStatus correctly in YAML
  Manu Sporny
  Our Robot Overlords
  Patrick St-Louis, Brian Richter, Manu Sporny, TallTed // Ted 
  Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Dave Longley, Kaliya Young, 
  David Chadwick, Joe Andrieu, Eric Schuh, Logan Porter, Kayode 
  Ezike, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau Jr (via iPhone)

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Manu Sporny:  Welcome everyone to the verifiable credentials API 
  work item call this is September 6th 2022 our agenda is going to 
  be put in the chat Channel.
Manu Sporny:  Bay on the agenda we have a new meeting time that 
  people have selected by going to the pole there 15 well no they 
  were 2025 respondents much more than we expected but in a number 
  of people that haven't been able to come to the call that have 
  suggested new time so that's good we'll cover that.
Manu Sporny:   At in today's call.
Manu Sporny:  Is largely about authorization granularity 
  credential revocation in credential status will also do some 
  relevant Community updates towards the front part of the call are 
  there any other updates or changes to the agenda that anyone 
  would like to make before we.
Patrick St-Louis:  I was wondering if they could be a slight time 
  to discuss so I came across this open ID for about credential 
  issuance document which seems to be a project put forward by 
  Microsoft and matter and I wanted to know what in your opinion is 
  the distinction between this and what this community is working 
Manu Sporny:  That is an excellent question let's put that at the 
  front part of the agenda in potentially time box it to 10 to 15 
  minutes because it is a very thick can turn into a very deep 
  conversation very quickly does that work for you Patrick.
Patrick St-Louis:  Yeah 100% thank you.
Manu Sporny:  Okay awesome let's go ahead and add that in if I 
  forget for whatever reason please remind me when we get to it.

Topic: (Re-)Introductions, Relevant Community Updates

Manu Sporny:  Okay introductions reintroductions relevant 
  Community updates is there anyone that's new to the call or is 
  there anyone that would like to reintroduce themselves.
Manu Sporny:  All right I think most of us know each other 
  relevant Community updates I've got a few the first one is that 
  w3c's technical plenary is next week in that means that we're 
  going to be canceling this call for next week they're good 
  there's going to be a decent chunk of us going to the technical 
  plenary and it's just difficult to have this call in have.
Manu Sporny:   The technical plan.
Manu Sporny: https://doodle.com/meeting/organize/id/bkZ86z5a
Manu Sporny:  The week after next week we will be meeting during 
  our new call time so our new call time let me I don't know if 
  anyone can get this doodle poll probably not so let me try screen 
  sharing it so people can see.
Manu Sporny:  Our new call time this interfaces so bad but let me 
  scroll to who there's a fit yeah he 15 okay so I think the 
  highest value you have to scroll all the way to the bottom and 
  then you have to scroll all the way to the top to see where you 
  are I think the highest value we got was 15 people could make 
  this time.
Manu Sporny:  It's basically an hour earlier so right now we 
  start at 4 p.m. Eastern in only 10 people said that they could 
  make that and if we move it up by an hour hopefully the folks in 
  New Zealand matter can still make the call and we pick up five 
  more people that said that they would participate that's by far 
  the highest time that we got and unless there.
Manu Sporny:   Objections to that.
Manu Sporny:  That's going to be the new call time is 3 p.m. 
  Eastern on Tuesdays I'm sorry Logan you're going to probably be 
  waking up an hour earlier get you can you still make it Logan.
Manu Sporny:  They're now earlier.
Manu Sporny:  Okay alright okay and again apologies for being on 
  the other side of the planet.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah I guess if only we had a flat earth right okay 
  so I think so we're going to try that time and if people want to 
  you know if people want to move it again we can we can try 
  running it again but hopefully that's going to work out for folks 
  we will start that time not next week but the week after Joe go 
  ahead you're on the queue.
Joe Andrieu:  My question was just about Google calendar item I 
  happen to have an old one that you had issued for the current 
Joe Andrieu:  I can't change it.
Manu Sporny:  Yes yeah I'll I'll like I have switched calendars 
  and I can't revoke that thing so everyone will have to delete it 
  from the I know isn't it great calendaring technology it's a 
  standard so so everyone's gonna have to delete that one from 
  their calendar we have two calendars what do people prefer we can 
  either put it on the ccg calendar or I can send a new invite out 
  to the mailing list I was going to just send a new email out to 
  the mailing.
Manu Sporny:   List since that seems.
Manu Sporny:  Instead of and I just do that repeatedly for like 
  three to four weeks until people have it on their calendars and 
  then I stopped that's what seems to have worked well in the past.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> please 
  update the CCG calendar item which is already there
Joe Andrieu:  Does the ccg calendar give us the benefit that we 
  have right now with the ccwg stuff we're like if things get 
  cancelled it shows up in my calendar is it plugged into that way.
Manu Sporny:  No no I mean we can try I could talk with w3c staff 
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): It was 
  because if you updated.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Yeah yeah the 
  W3 calendar is working very well.
Manu Sporny:  Okay well hold on Ted there's the ccg calendar and 
  then there's the actual w3c calendar which one are you talking 
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Oh I 
Manu Sporny:  I think you mean the w3c calendar which I say I 
  agree we should probably just start using because it does have 
  the benefits that you outlined Ted.
Joe Andrieu:  Yeah if we can it's really convenient.
Manu Sporny:  Okay okay all right I will try to chat with the 
  appropriate people in set that up it's an I don't think it's 
  extra I don't think it's extra work because I still have to send 
  out a reminder every week or a new agenda every week okay then 
  we'll will Target that IND that will be.
Manu Sporny:  The first meeting that we have at that new time 
  will be the week after TPAC not next week but the week after and 
  then the following week will cancel the call again because of 
  rebooting but after that we'll be back to our regular time okay 
  any other relevant Community updates questions concerns in 
Manu Sporny:  All right then moving into our agenda the first 
  thing is I'd be C4 VCI out go ahead Jo.
Joe Andrieu:  Are you hoping to have this call also the week of 
Manu Sporny:  No I was thinking we'd cancel it but unless you 
  have an idea okay yet.
Joe Andrieu:  No I'm good with canceling it I mean I'm going to 
  be rebooting but I don't we talk about TPAC we didn't talk about 
  the two weeks.
Joe Andrieu:  Okay great I just didn't hear it this time around.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah sorry I thought I said we'd cancel it for tea 
  pack and we'd cancel it for rebooting yep okay all right yeah 
  that's that's the plan and if and if somebody want really wants 
  to have this call during tpack endearing rebooting volunteered a 
  chair it and run it that's a totally fine option as well.

Topic: OIDC4VCI and VC API

Patrick St-Louis: 
Manu Sporny:  Okay next topic is the one Patrick mentioned at the 
  top of the hour or IDC for VCI and the VC API I'm going to try to 
  summarize this unless somebody else wants to take a shot at this.
Patrick St-Louis:  I put the link in the chat.
Manu Sporny:  Yes thank you so fundamentally there are let's see 
  I want to be careful about what I say here some of the companies 
  on this call are working currently working with customers to 
  implement both YDC for VCI and DC API and the the general 
  difference between the two.
Manu Sporny:  Or VCI is a verifiable credential delivery protocol 
  that basically means that you can use it to get a credential from 
  an issuer to a holder.
Manu Sporny:  To contrast the verifiable credential API.
<dave_longley> four main VC functions: issuance, verification, 
  delivery, presentation
Manu Sporny:  A number of things that oid C4 VCI doesn't do like 
  handle the interface for issuing a credential so the internal 
  calls you'd make at an issuer to construct a verifiable 
  credential it also covers verification so in points that you 
  would use at a verifier to make a call like an HD be called to 
  verify a credential.
Manu Sporny:  The VC API also allows you to do things like 
  credential revocation so changing the status of a credential and 
  then the current VC API also has the mechanism that allows you to 
  do credential exchange so basically arbitrary back and forth 
  protocols that allow verifiers to request information and holders 
  to respond with information and back and forth and back.
Manu Sporny:   Back and forth until they're done with.
Manu Sporny:  Dealer credential workflow so all I DC for VCI is 
  very targeted at delivery the VC API is kind of a much more broad 
  support some more broad set of use cases you can do delivery over 
  both the YDC for VCI and you can do delivery using the VC API 
  well I DC for VCI is something that uses a number of other 
  protocols at the.
Manu Sporny:   Nid foundation.
<joe_andrieu> /s/nid foundation/OpenID Foundation/
Manu Sporny:  It kind of Builds on top of existing work there 
  whereas the VC API does not utilize a lot of those mechanisms 
  that exist in oid C 4 V 4 BC i instead it uses things like oh off 
  to but doesn't necessarily require you to use the other oid C4 or 
  sorry open ID connect mechanism so let me stop there did I get 
Manu Sporny:   Wrong does anybody.
Manu Sporny:  Complications changes to that go ahead look.
Manu Sporny:  All right thanks Logan next up is David Chadwick 
  then Dave Longley then Patrick go ahead David.
Manu Sporny:  Got it thank thanks David.
Manu Sporny:  Okay thanks David Dave you're up next.
Dave Longley:  Right so I think one of the biggest challenges 
  we've had in understanding the differences between oh I DC for 
  PCI and the VC API is clearly differentiating delivery fee see 
  delivery from VC issuance so the oid C4 VCI spec is really about 
  how a digital wallet can request a credential on behalf of a end 
  user from an issuer and receive it and that involves it.
Dave Longley:   An optional involve authorization of the.
Dave Longley:  As an oauth client and it's like that it's totally 
  agnostic about the backend services that the issuer software 
  would use to it actually issue the VCS or verify presentations or 
  do any of those things the VC API covers a large swath of those 
  things where the VC API is about defining common interfaces that 
  people can Implement so you can swap out different back-end 
  services like an issuing service.
Dave Longley:   Or a verifier service and then the.
Dave Longley:  And Grant authority to clients that can act on 
  behalf of the issuer to issue things and to verify things those 
  things have absolutely nothing to do with oid C4 VCI in the sense 
  that that that oid see spec is agnostic about those thing you can 
  use the VC API to implement the backend services for the oid C4 B 
  CI front-end VC delivery service the VC API also has its own VC.
Dave Longley:   Delivery mechanism which is related to.
Dave Longley:  Exchanges API and that is where an end user can go 
  pick up a credential and so that if we wanted to compare the two 
  protocols that's where the comparison would be.
Manu Sporny:  Thanks Dave let's see Patrick you're up next and 
  then Logan.
Patrick St-Louis:  Thank you Dave that was very interesting and 
  also all the other comments because there's two things that 
  spoken to my mind so the first one regarding the issuance and 
  delivery that was actually a question I had we going to be C API 
  spec for example when you see you have the endpoint to issue a 
  credential for me the way I perceive that before is when you 
  issue a credential there's also the concept of the Korean 
Patrick St-Louis:  Ultimately stored in a wallet at some.
Patrick St-Louis:  The way that this API seems to be Amanda the 
  act of issuing credential is only returning json-ld format of a 
  verifiable credential and it didn't get stored in a wallet so the 
  distinction between those two it was not very clear to me because 
  for example on a Kappa agent there's an endpoint to Simply sign 
  credential which would transform it into a variable.
Patrick St-Louis:   Potential and there is also a different 
Patrick St-Louis:  Credential which does both the signing and 
  send it to a pre-existing wallet that's been connected with that 
  agent so I was not sure what the term issue meant in the VC API 
  spec any other the second part is because I have started to hear 
  some maybe project about potentially developing a test suite for 
  the open ID for verifiable credential and the reason why I wanted 
Patrick St-Louis:   To know the difference.
Patrick St-Louis:  Understand if this this sweet would be similar 
  to what is being worked in this community or if it says something 
  slightly different which seem to be more decays after what 
  they've mentioned that's it thank you.
Manu Sporny:  Thanks Patrick Logan you're up next and then David 
<dave_longley> you can combine the technologies/protocols 
Manu Sporny:  Okay thanks Logan David.
<logan_porter> same that I don't seem to be getting picked up by 
  the transcriber bot
<dave_longley> could you type in what you said, Logan ... so we 
  have it for the minutes?
David Chadwick:  In terms of testing, as you know I'm leading NGI 
  Atlanstic project for test suites for OIDC for issuance and 
  verification. We've taken postman test suite from Orie and 
  already got suite path test for pre-auth flow and writing other 
  test for that, later this month working w/ Joseph from OIDF to 
  look at OpenID test suite to add features for OIDC4VCs as well, 
  there will be test suties, not for whole of OIDC4VC protocol, 
  many different comibnations, lots of different flows, 
  authentications that you can use. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
David Chadwick:  We're producing tests against those profiles, 
  those will be publicly available. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Manu Sporny:  Type of great thanks David sorry it was scribing 
  you Logan David yeah that it's not picking up your audio because 
  whatever browser OS combination you have I don't know if it's 
  possible for either of you to switch to a different combination 
  or if that would actually help but I got watching.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah it's it's it's Mac you can't sit on a Mac you 
  can't switch browsers you you only get a choice of safari even 
  even though it looks like you're using Google Chrome the backend 
  browser Safari in Safari is unfortunately not standards-compliant 
  when it comes to webrtc I don't know.
Manu Sporny:  As your Firefox and Safari under the covers that's 
  that's the way Max work unfortunately so it won't matter I guess 
  what I'm saying is it won't matter unless you switch to like an 
  on Mac thing which is a ridiculous thing to ask so we'll try to 
  remember to subscribe you David or if you could remind us 
  describe you when you're talking we can we can fill in okay let 
  me look at the queue.
Manu Sporny:   I put myself on the cue for a.
Manu Sporny:  More so we'll just skip that okay so now I 
  mentioned that we'd time box this thank you everyone for the the 
  useful comments as everyone probably knows and this goes without 
  saying both of these apis are Under development right now and are 
  subject to change and the test Suites are under active you know 
  rework and all that kind of stuff so hopefully Patrick that 
  helped provide.
Manu Sporny:   Vide at least.
Manu Sporny:  Idea of the differences between the two of them 
  right now and those differences may change as they're developed 
  over the next you know year to two years okay any anything else 
  about the differences between y DC for VCI in.
David Chadwick:  Current design for a secure wallet has a concept 
  of a front-end wallet and back-end wallet, and flowcharts are 
  showing both of these, interesting concepts, necessary or not to 
  have that? Some believe it is, I'm not sure it is. That's one 
  difference. Also, way it's shaped at the moment, it appears that 
  wallet software provider will be identified to an issuer. [scribe 
  assist by Manu Sporny]
David Chadwick:  I think that will be a really bad design. Some 
  people think that EUDI is the way it's going to be. [scribe 
  assist by Manu Sporny]
David Chadwick:  This seems to be a privacy violation to the 
  user, don't want to work with a wallet provider. [scribe assist 
  by Manu Sporny]
<kaliya_identitywoman> but how do you know the wallet has been 
  built with proper securitiy?
<dave_longley> +1000 to David Chadwick's concerns on wallet 
  identification to the issuer problems
Manu Sporny:  All right thank you David I put myself on the cue 
  the speak exactly that that David I'm I'm trying to I'm trying to 
  be kind of even-keeled about this conversation one of our biggest 
  I'm going to speak just for digital bizarre one of our really one 
  of our biggest concerns with the open ID protocol is exactly what 
Manu Sporny:   Said David it.
<david_chadwick> To Kaliya. By having the software certified by a 
Manu Sporny:  As identification by the wallet vendor to the 
  issuer or sometimes well we'll just say to the issuer we think 
  that that can be used in a whole bunch of anti-competitive ways 
  in the same way that you know providing browser cookies seem like 
  a totally reasonable thing to do in the early days of the web in 
  providing browser ID strings seem to be a totally okay thing.
Manu Sporny:   To do at the early part of the.
Manu Sporny:  But then people started using those browser ID 
  strings to code directly to like Microsoft Edge sorry Internet 
  Explorer so that websites only work with Internet Explorer they 
  would detect effectively the browser / you know the wallet and 
  then tie the website to specific proprietary vendor 
  implementations we think the same danger exists for the oid C4 B 
Manu Sporny:   Ian their ways.
Manu Sporny:  But we're not seeing David as you said in an 
  acknowledgement of the issue in the first place into a desire to 
  kind of solve it so I'll leave it at that there are ways to 
  mitigate it but we're not seeing them to contrast this the the VC 
  API exchange flows David you asked about metadata a lot of the 
  meta data is exchanged in the flow itself not outside of it so 
  you're not able.
Manu Sporny:  Lee if at all do wallet fingerprinting right which 
  is what some of these some of the O open ID you know protocols do 
  I won't go any deeper into that again I think we're at the end of 
  our time box so Logan you've got the last word and then we'll 
  move on to the rest of our agenda go ahead Logan.
<kaliya_identitywoman> What is a TTP and how does the issuer know 
  that it has passed such a thing?
Logan Porter:  I don't think that, from my understanding at 
  least, that the OID4VCI spec that you have to identify the 
  wallet, that it's a requirement, but it's important to manage 
  that [scribe assist by Dave Longley]

Topic: How granular should authorization be?

<david_chadwick> Trusted Third Party certification authority
Manu Sporny:  Yep all right okay so with that good job everyone 
  we managed to cover that topic without getting wrapped around the 
  axle on it hooray for everyone next up expect like a lot of this 
  conversation to be kind of furthered over the next couple of 
  months it's it's a it's kind of the next stage of kind of wallet.
Manu Sporny:   Tikal discussion.
<dave_longley> if you have to do dynamic registration and 
  identify a callback URL to send the authorization code, you're 
  identifying the wallet to the issuer
Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/223
<david_chadwick> By the TTP issuing a VC to the wallet
<kaliya_identitywoman> what is a TTP???
Manu Sporny:  I think okay issue 223 is how granular should 
  authorization be let me share my screen and maybe zoom in here so 
  Brian you raised this issue would you mind giving us kind of a 
  background on it and then we can.
Manu Sporny:   Get into discussion.
<kaliya_identitywoman> sometimes people and their acronyms
<david_chadwick> I already said "trusted third party"
Brian Richter:  Yeah I mean it was quite a while ago but I think 
  the reason I originally raised it was all the authorization 
  discussions that were going on it seemed that the rich 
  authorization or are whatever it is and had capabilities that you 
  could make the API extremely granular whereas just playing with 
  two Scopes kind of doesn't have that so it was kind of a way to 
Brian Richter:   Make some decisions.
Brian Richter:  But the discussion kind of evolved from there so.
Manu Sporny:  Alright okay so go ahead Dave.
Dave Longley:  I was going to say that as Brian mentioned this 
  issue came up a long time ago when I think we had slightly less 
  Clarity around some of the things we were just discussing around 
  issuance and delivery and which you know who would be authorized 
  to hit the issue and that and point for example and I think it's 
  become a lot more clear that the issuance I'm point is for 
  parties that have been authorized.
Dave Longley:  The issuer to act of centrally on behalf of the.
Dave Longley:  You were to issue.
Dave Longley:  Being seized which is not the same thing as an end 
  user who's going to be receiving who who have a VC delivered to 
  them to their digital wallet and so this issue might have been 
  raised because we had a little less Clarity around that and it 
  might be a little more obvious now that I don't know that we 
  having granularity around for example the credentials subject or 
  things like that or of that.
Dave Longley:  Or of a lot of value here it seems more like the 
  regularity we're looking for might be related to exchanges in VC 
  delivery then as opposed to the issuance of point.
Manu Sporny:  All right so given that what do we want to do with 
  this issue Brian thoughts.
Brian Richter:  Yeah I think I think Dave point out nicely I 
  think it's kind of deprecated I'd say.
Manu Sporny:  Are there any objections to Us closing this issue 
  one thing before we if if and if we do that it may be worth 
  noting that Dave you presented a hierarchical scheme for oauth.
Manu Sporny:  A Scopes and we also know that the traceability API 
  folks don't necessarily have that Mahmood said we'd be too happy 
  to kind of introduce the topic to the traceability API folks 
  which use the VC API to determine if there's overlap there so 
  could we say at this point that if we need to create.
Manu Sporny:  Tightly scoped credentials whether or not you're 
  using R organ a poor oauth2 or Z caps we have a mechanism to do 
  that across all we have a design pattern that we can apply across 
  all of those use cases is that a fair statement only.
Dave Longley:  Sorry I didn't mean to put my hand up I think 
  that's a fair statement I think what we were trying to do with 
  the the hierarchical Scopes is more tightly since we were 
  exploring saying these are the Scopes you must use when 
  implementing the API we were exploring tightly binding those 
  Scopes to the API endpoints and their functionality so if we 
  wanted to have new types of functionality that we wanted to 
  expose on the issuer you each.
Dave Longley:   Each new type of functionality could come along 
  with a scope.
Dave Longley:  Specifically that functionality and if you had if 
  you were granted a scope in a earlier part of a path in a 
  resource am or what is it higher part of the hierarchy you get 
  all of the functionality underneath that API.
Manu Sporny:  Okay alright so the proposal is to close this issue 
  because we have a design pattern and if we ever need to utilize 
  the design pattern we can do so when that time comes any 
  objections to that.
Manu Sporny:  We feel that it should close this issue.

Topic: Define credentialStatus correctly in YAML

Manu Sporny:  Okay great all right so given their no objections I 
  didn't hear any looking at the chat Channel not seeing any there 
  I'm going to go ahead and close this issue all right thanks 
  everyone that was easy next up is finding credentials status 
  correctly in the yeah mobile.
Manu Sporny:  Ori said that the credential status property is not 
  defined correctly in the Amal and I went looking I did a little 
  bit at diving on this yesterday.
Manu Sporny:  Or he said we should Define it in this credentials 
  component but then miss said.
Manu Sporny:  Credential status field is already defined an issue 
  credential options not credentials in you saying it's already 
  defined here so basically you can specify the type of credential 
  status mechanism you want to use when you issue a credential like 
  revocation list 2020.
Manu Sporny:  One of the discussions that we've had in this group 
  has basically said your revocation mechanism is going to be tied 
  to an end point and so you will probably not specify this the 
  other thing that we also mentioned was that if people want to 
  specify credential status they can do so but that's like a 
  dangerous thing to do.
Manu Sporny:   So don't do it.
Manu Sporny:  Be some people that want to do it and if you want 
  to do it then you know buyer beware go ahead Dave.
Dave Longley:  Yeah my understanding of what we and maybe we need 
  to be more clear whether or not the group's come to consensus 
  around this is that choosing a a credential status method or 
  specifying that you want to credential status method in the 
  absence of any other configured state or anything else that's 
  managing that status method just doesn't work if especially if 
  we're talking about things like status lists.
Dave Longley:  It's really that you need to create some kind of 
  issuing instance that's configured to work with a particular 
  revocation mechanism and then whenever you use that instance to 
  issue a credential that revocation mechanism is used 
  automatically you can't decide to turn it off or on at that point 
  if you want to issue a credential with some other mechanism or no 
  mechanism at all you need to create a new configuration and use 
  that other issuing instance just because it's it.
Dave Longley:   You can't make the software.
Dave Longley:  That way if you didn't do that.
Manu Sporny:  All right thanks lonely go ahead Patrick.
Patrick St-Louis:  And two things I want to first of all that I'm 
  curious you mentioned you don't recommend people defining 
  credential status maybe if you could expand a little bit why and 
  what does that exactly mean and my second question is the 
  credentials that is as I understand it they can be used to revoke 
  a credential is there any other uses and revocation to that 
Manu Sporny:  Lonely do you want to cover that.
Dave Longley:  Yeah sure so you're the one that said this money 
  you don't recommend people saying it but I think what you meant 
  was you don't recommend someone sending creating some having an 
  issuing endpoint where you can send it to the same end point 
  multiple different types of revocation status information so you 
  might issue you might hit this endpoint an issue something using 
  a revocation status list on Tuesday and then on Wednesday you 
  have the same issuing.
Dave Longley:   Point without any revocation specified.
Dave Longley:  And or maybe you choose an entirely different 
  mechanism to to track status it's going to be extremely 
  challenging for implementations to be able to implement switching 
  off different types of status lists for the same effect of group 
  of credentials and so instead what we're saying is when you want 
  to be able to issue credentials that that use the a certain type 
  of revocation.
Dave Longley:  Issuing instance it's configured for that and 
  always hit that instance if you want to use that that status 
  method or that list and create groups of credentials that are 
  linked to a certain status replication mechanism to answer your 
  second question are there other types of status information yes 
  yes there are at least one other type is in a community group 
  spec right today so you can.
Dave Longley:   Can you can specify.
Dave Longley:  Tension status in the status list 2021 spec there 
  are you can have multiple different types of statuses in the two 
  that are defined there today or revocation and suspension.
Dave Longley:  So one more one more clarification so I don't 
  think the comment around being able to send an option to an end 
  point for doing revocation and the suggestion that you don't do 
  that was about saying don't use revocation status lists or status 
  lasat all it was set up an end point where any time you use that 
  endpoint that revocation mechanism that same mechanism will be 
  used now and that's different from saying don't.
Dave Longley:  Revocation of course you can use it just don't.
Dave Longley:  Try and mix and match.
Dave Longley:  This is too hard to implement.
Patrick St-Louis:  I think you very much it's a very clear answer 
  so regarding the point about having an implementation use only 
  one vocation status method at a time with that mean you would 
  hard-code one type of revocation credential status list in your 
  solution and if so then what's the.
Patrick St-Louis:  Having that option feel available on the API 
  if it's going to be changed towards that implementations method 
  afterwards anyway.
Dave Longley:  Yes is something that we noticed was missing from 
  these apis a few weeks back was there's effectively another layer 
  of sort of statefulness that's missing we didn't have the concept 
  until recently that you can so when they when they pass was 
  originally designed with sort of designed around building a test 
  Suite very rapidly so that people could expose a simple API.
Dave Longley:   To a test suite and the tests we could.
Dave Longley:  A bunch of test vectors and hit that one API and 
  get some kind of output and then we could build a table around 
  whether or not people were being we're having success in 
  implementing the API however that did not lend itself very well 
  to real-world use cases where if you have this one API that's for 
  example digitally signing using cryptographic signature type 1 
  and if you have a revocation lists associated with that you 
  probably use the same type of cryptographic signature on the.
Dave Longley:   List as you are going to use on the VC so that 
  anyone trying to verify the VC.
Dave Longley:  Is to support that one method to be able to do 
  what you need to do in fact if you have certain missed 
  requirements you couldn't mix and match certain types of crypto 
  so if you only have that one endpoint you're not you don't have 
  the affordances that you need to in implementing your software to 
  be able to support other types of cryptography and so we said 
  we're missing a layer here what you shouldn't just have one 
  issuing endpoint which you should have are issuing.
Dave Longley:   Senses that you.
Dave Longley:  Where you say I'm going to create this 
  configuration it's going to support this type of signature it's 
  going to support this type of revocation method and you can 
  create as many of these instances as you want and once you create 
  them then this other issuing API hangs off of the end of that 
  instance and that and then you hit when you hit that instance and 
  you hit that API you don't have to specify all of the options 
  that you use to configure it you only you only effectively 
  provide the VC that you want to be issued and then that.
Dave Longley:   Curation that was state.
Dave Longley:  Or with that instance gets applied so to answer 
  your question Patrick you're saying you know would you hard-code 
  this into your in your implementation answer's no you would just 
  make your implementation support creating multiple instances and 
  whatever types of cryptography and types of status methods you 
  want to support in your system you would afford you would offer 
  those as possible configurations people would create the 
  configurations they want use those to create instances and then 
  off of those men they would use those instances.
Dave Longley:   Has to.
Dave Longley:  Why would I.
Dave Longley:  Figuration say chosen so you can have one 
  implementation that has n many of these configurations may be 
  your first configuration will sign with the key that uses 8255 19 
  and a revocation list with the same crypto method maybe your 
  second instance signs with an ecdsa key and has no replication 
  and then your third and fourth and so on.
Manu Sporny:  All right thank you Dave Patrick gave a thumbs up 
  to that explanation any other questions or concerns about this it 
  looks like.
Manu Sporny:  Well so it looks like.
Manu Sporny:  Still allow HTTP API this is probably hold on one 
  second I've got a okay so this is currently defined in issue 
  credential options and we still allow credential status to be set 
  there's a question on whether or not mmm we should.
Manu Sporny:  Remove this option or not.
Manu Sporny:  So I think that's the real question under under 
  debate right now we have to come to some kind of determination on 
  that go ahead Patrick.
Dave Longley: +1 For removing it, it should be bound to a 
  specific configuration (issuer instance)
Patrick St-Louis:  Yeah that that was a part of what I was 
  wondering is those options some of them like especially like the 
  credentials that is shouldn't be necessarily set as an option but 
  it should be more of a tag in the implementation when it runs the 
  test Suites if I understand like you would tag that well this and 
  point uses this.
Patrick St-Louis:  Then there would be a test Suite associated 
  with that specific specific implementation.
Manu Sporny:  Yes exactly right that that is at least that's how 
  the current test Suites design it did to do than that.
Patrick St-Louis:  Because like when I was working on like I said 
  like a toying around with the beasts API and the Occupy and what 
  I found out is that I implemented those options and it doesn't 
  really say and respect like which ones are optional or required 
  and what I would do is essentially is my API would override some 
  of them to comply to the Occupy and stands and the back end and 
  the credentials taxes was something that I would hard code a.
Patrick St-Louis:  A word so what I was thinking is like that's.
Patrick St-Louis:  But if it's a no.
Patrick St-Louis:  Certain and they want to test it with a 
  specific option and I override this afterwards it didn't make 
  much sense in my head so the that clarifies this a lot.
Manu Sporny:  Okay great Dave go ahead.
Dave Longley:  Yeah just want to agree with Patrick and and say 
  the the test Suite should be given specific instances that the 
  test Suite has authorization to access and use and those those 
  instances would be configured with whatever different pieces of 
  the tests we were looking at test so I completely agree with 
Manu Sporny:  Okay so the question is should we remove setting 
  credential status from the API I'm almost certain Ori from 
  transmute is going to object to this if we do that so the 
  suggestion is to ask the traceability folks if this negatively 
  impacts them before doing that so my suggestion is as a Next Step 
  here we ask traceability folks if we can get rid of setting 
  credential status.
Manu Sporny:   And then see.
Manu Sporny:  From there go ahead Patrick.
Patrick St-Louis:  What would the potential objects in sound like 
  like what benefit would it have for some implementation at it 
  being an options.
Manu Sporny:  We don't know I know that they said that I think or 
  he does not agree with the concept of issuer instances yet in he 
  feels like if they want to for example implement the complex 
  State machine in their back end that they should be able to do 
  that and we should not be you know.
Manu Sporny:   No stop.
Manu Sporny:  That for example sorry Dave I jump cue in front of 
  you go and.
Dave Longley:  Yeah that's okay so first of all I would say we 
  would be removing our suggestion should be to remove this from 
  the issuing and point but move it into the the configuration or 
  instance creation and point I my read and again we're talking for 
  someone else's not here so we should really hear directly from 
  worried about my read from or a was not that he objected to these 
  instances where that concept.
Dave Longley:   It was just making sure that everything was 
Dave Longley:  My understanding is also that they've been waiting 
  to do any status list implementation until they had more clear 
  signals that the spec was not going to change and so I don't know 
  that you know we obviously should still reach out to them but I 
  don't know that they're using this at all but I think the 
  suggestion here would be just to remove it from the the issuing 
  and point and move it to where your the the issuing instance 
  creation and point.
Manu Sporny:  Okay alright so there's the proposal so the group 
  is suggesting that this option should be moved from the issuance 
  and point to the issuance instance configuration and point the 
  group wanted to check with Trace Bailey API before making this 
  change to ensure that it wouldn't say negatively impact the 
Manu Sporny:  See see them any objections for this plane of any 
  objections to this plan.
Manu Sporny:  So I will comment that we are at time 2 minutes 
  over thank you everyone for the great discussion today as always 
  our call next week is cancelled because of w3c TPAC we will see 
  everyone back here week after next an hour earlier on Tuesday.
Manu Sporny:   Thanks everyone.

Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2022 21:08:20 UTC