[MINUTES] W3C CCG Traceability Call - 2022-09-06

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


Verifiable Traceability Task Force Transcript for 2022-09-06

  Orie Steele, Mike Prorock, Mahmoud Alkhraishi
  Our Robot Overlords
  Chris Abernethy, Benjamin Collins, nis, Vivien, Russell 
  Hofvendahl (mesur.io), Orie Steele, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau 
  (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com)

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Benjamin_Collins: I think I think I did it last week so I'd like 
  to claim claim immunity as possible if we want to.
Chris_Abernethy: I can I can publish the notes that's no problem.
<benjamin_collins> This meeting is held by voice over Jitsi at 
  the above link, and covers Pull Requests and Issues on items 
  related to the use of various CCG projects related to 
  Traceability and the Supply Chain.
<benjamin_collins> Starting with interop issues
<benjamin_collins> starting interop PR's
Benjamin_Collins: Oh yeah all right I'm just a little bit since 
  it's not making up for that that's what I'm doing.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah so this is a PR in the purpose of this is 
  to clarify the request body for credential status requests the 
  existing schema indicated that there was a credential ID which is 
  a string and a status which was an array of objects that contains 
  type and status but there was no definition of what some of the 
  possible values are for those or which of these fields are our 
  properties are required.
Chris_Abernethy: Define that so it made sense to modify our 
  schema to incorporate some of those changes namely adding some 
  required fields and producing some values for the credential 
  status type and Status values.
Chris_Abernethy: I don't believe Ted is here today.
Chris_Abernethy: This one is mine so this is a request to change 
  the schema for the credential note item and right now we have a 
  we are allowing both string and object with ID for credential 
  subject but.
Chris_Abernethy: We wanted to restore we want to restrict this so 
  that it's just credential with ID no string.
Orie Steele:  Just a comment about the normative requirements of 
  the credential subject field ID is optional there so it's really 
  just credential subject should be an object whether there's 
  properties true.
Chris_Abernethy: Yet you're absolutely correct I misspoke on the 
Chris_Abernethy: And I believe the pull request includes out as 
  an optional item.
Chris_Abernethy: And this also includes various example updates 
  in modification to the conformance test as appropriate for this 
Chris_Abernethy: I'm happy too yeah paying some folks if we don't 
  do this we're not in line with the VC data model so I think it's 
  important so already I ping you officially verbally and I'll ping 
  Mike and mood as well.
Orie Steele:  What's the question.
Chris_Abernethy: Whether or not we should merge this.
Orie Steele:  Doesn't seem like it has a required field so it 
  seems like it should be merged.
Chris_Abernethy: This is another yeah this is another one of mine 
  this is another VC data model change the proof property for 
  embedded when the proof is embedded that has to be present if 
  it's an external proof like a VC J WT where the proof is part of 
  the encapsulating object and it doesn't but that's that's not 
  what this particular spec item represents there's a separate open 
  API spec item for VC J WT so in this.
Chris_Abernethy: Scenario proof should always be required.
Chris_Abernethy: And I did update that folder name as you pointed 
  out in this thanks for catching that.
Chris_Abernethy: Let me do that after the call and as long as 
  everyone is okay with me merging after I resolve conflicts I can 
  I can do that as well.
Chris_Abernethy: So this is an issue that is a placeholder to 
  change the script that updates the embedded conformance schema 
  items in the conformance test Suite that's used to verify the 
  responses right now when a spec includes an example that's also 
  included and it doesn't need to be it just adds to bloat in the 
  postman sweet so that can be.
Chris_Abernethy: Have not had a chance to work on this.
<orie> Excellent... that conformance is .... to the spec.
Chris_Abernethy: So when we run the postman conformance sweet one 
  of the things that it does is for each request it's making it 
  takes the response and verifies it against the compiled open API 
  spec so that we don't have to you know individually verify each 
  element whether it's there or not we just run it through a their 
  fire and in order to do that it needs access to those items so 
  what we do is whenever the spec is.
Chris_Abernethy: We compile it into Json and then we extract the 
  relevant portions and put them in two variables in the postman 
  Suite so that they can be referenced in used for that 
  verification purpose in cases where the spec includes an example 
  that is also included but not used in this case this isn't 
  something that's displayed to users so examples are not helpful 
  there this is just used for verification of responses from the 
  system under test.
Chris_Abernethy: I'm happy to work on this it's a easy fix it 
  just hasn't been something I've been able to get to you.
Chris_Abernethy: Sure this is simply an orphan ticket that the 
  work has been completed and it's ready to close.
Chris_Abernethy: That goes for the next three as well.
Chris_Abernethy: So this is a question and I wonder if we 
  shouldn't add a label called discussion for this sort of thing 
  but that may be a side issue but the reason I opened this is 
  because the response for a post to credential status is listed as 
  a 200 Response Code but there's no response body and my question 
  here is should we change that to a 20-4 no content response or.
Chris_Abernethy: At a response body definition.
Chris_Abernethy: With either one I think 2 or 4 no content is 
  probably more appropriate but I think we should open it up to 
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah currently it doesn't seem to be needed.
Chris_Abernethy: I'm happy to take this on if we want to make it 
  ready to PR.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah and I'll self-assign.
Chris_Abernethy: So 349 is an interesting one because it's a 
  question of how do we respond to a request that is formatted 
  correctly but which the server can't respond to and in this case 
  it's because the issuer that comes in in a credentials Issue 
  request does not represent any known key materials for the the 
  implementation so.
Chris_Abernethy: Can't be satisfied.
Chris_Abernethy: Call Ted plenty of this out I think and 
  suggested that that request is probably the right not the right 
  choice and I tend to agree with him because requests are 
  formatted correctly.
<orie> its 4xx... the server didn't make a mistake.
Chris_Abernethy: Or is suggesting 400 is correct I think tell Ted 
  suggested 501 not implemented which I think is right out but 422 
  on processable content could be a good option because the syntax 
  of the request is correct but the server's unable to process the 
Chris_Abernethy: Or do you want to comment on maybe why you think 
  I see a change it to 4 XX yeah so that's where we stand I think.
Orie Steele:  Yeah big basically like the server didn't make any 
  mistake here the client should have known better and the way to 
  signal that as a for 400 level are maybe not 400 specifically I 
  think a more specific area code in the 400 range would be better 
  than informant.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah and I think one of the initial questions 
  that Ted was bringing up is that it is this a should the server 
  have this key material like is this a service configuration and I 
  suggested that perhaps that was a bat slow to go down and it 
  might not even it might not be worth it to try and sort of 
  inspect errors in that way and simply suggest that the client.
Chris_Abernethy: Made a mistake here.
Chris_Abernethy: Do you want to want to comment on that.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Yeah I really 
  think that this could go either way I'm not.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I'm not 
  totally wedded to 501 but I think it is the more.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Apt error 
  here whether the client should know better or not is debatable it 
  is entirely possible that the issue is on the server side.
<orie> how?
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): So my mind 
  how does the server know that it's got all of its key material 
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah but I think you know I would counter that 
  with how does the server confidently serve a 404 error instead of 
  a five hundred you know this should the server have that 
  documentation and it's misconfigured or does it not exist I would 
  suggest a we assume the server set up correctly in this case.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Well 404 not 
  found is pretty clear it's not found it doesn't say why it's not 
  found right it doesn't say it hasn't been installed and it exists 
  and it doesn't say that it doesn't exist and that's why it's not 
Chris_Abernethy: Right but but 400 implies client error and I 
  think you made the argument of distinction between client and 
  server error.
Orie Steele: Reminder: 
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): The 404 
  implies that the client screwed up and ask for something that 
  doesn't exist and so it shouldn't have asked for it but it is 
  entirely possible that the thing is supposed to be on the server 
  and it's there by accident somebody didn't put on a redirect that 
  there were supposed to or whatever this happens constantly.
Orie Steele:  I just want to add some context about the Ted's 
  assertion that the there's no way for the issuer server to 
  communicate to the issuer client what acceptable payloads you 
  might submit and and he's not sort of he's not wrong to point 
  that out this has been a thing that the VC API Group has kind of 
  punted on and shuffled around.
Orie Steele:  For quite some time.
Orie Steele:  Last comments from that group that I heard on the 
  subject and it could have changed so I'd look more to mic Pro 
  Rock and mood or more involved in that work to comment but my 
  understanding was that the entire issue or API was moving towards 
  a world where.
Orie Steele:  Issuer endpoint was specific to a single identifier 
  so for every issue and point that endpoint would only work with 
  one identifier and so you might ask well what is that identifier 
  I don't know that they've communicated that at all but I have 
  heard them say that it it you know they want to this to be such 
  that there would only be one identifier that you could ever be 
  asking for a credential from when you ask for a credential from 
  issuing point.
Orie Steele:   So I'm just sort of summarizing what I've heard 
  the VC API Group folks.
Orie Steele:  On the falls and the issues that have seen related 
  to it and I don't know really much beyond that but that to me 
  kind of indicates that they're thinking that the client should 
  know what the issue would be because the client would know what 
  the issue is for the end point that they're requesting because 
  these endpoints are you know quote-unquote internal and points 
  where the HTTP client and the HTTP server kind of both under the 
  same control of sanction same trust model same.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Okay so on 
  that I would say then 422 is the right response to use.
<orie> yeah, i could live with 422
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I don't think 
  it's perfect but I think it's the best of what we've got 
Chris_Abernethy: I would be inclined to agree with you Ted and I 
  think this is a perfect opportunity to make use of the the 
  details in our error responses to indicate why.
Chris_Abernethy: This couldn't be processed.
<orie> 500 === explosion.. and potentially an SLA violation.
Benjamin_Collins: Yeah also you can kind of think of it somewhere 
  to like a 403 error where it's like not authorized like say I was 
  trying to do something that's like obvious like me has been I try 
  to you know send a request with an issue or it may even that you 
  know did web maybe net or something you know the server is going 
  to look at that and say you don't have authorization to use this.
Benjamin_Collins: Or that's completely wrong where I don't know 
  what you're talking about like that's not an error that's 
  happening on the server that's you know this client doesn't have 
  authorization to use this identify.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I'd be okay 
  with that as well I mean that's part of the challenge here right 
  is that these response codes.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Were 
  developed for a specific application which is not the application 
  that we're putting them into now.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): So we can 
  shoehorn something in ugly that is close but not quite or we 
  could suggest maybe some additional error codes here.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Unrecognized 
  key or something might be a way to go but you know that's an 
  extension that's a new error code.
<orie> 400 with a better error code would also work.
Orie Steele: +1 Ted
Chris_Abernethy: So Ori are you suggesting it sounds like what 
  you're suggesting and Ted suggesting are slightly different Ted 
  are you suggesting using a new currently as yet undefined HTTP 
  Response Code or are you suggesting what or he's saying chat or 
  it's 400 with some additional context.
<benjamin_collins> Note that on the issue we have 3 votes in 
  support of 422
Orie Steele: +1
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I think 422 
  with initial context is fine what I was suggesting would be a 
  different yet yeah as yet undefined.
<orie> saddly I need to drop.
Chris_Abernethy: I think it would probably be best to avoid.
<orie> make excellent decisions :)
Chris_Abernethy: Standard response codes and I think based on our 
  discussion and some of the approvals in the comments if 422 is 
  probably as close as we're going to get.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): And we're 
  totally allowed to add extra context to what goes back with 
<benjamin_collins> i think the main thing here is 4xx > 5xx
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): So that I 
  think that probably the best we're going to do given that we're 
  not going to extend the codes Beyond what's already defined.
<benjamin_collins> and then inside 4xx, 422 is probably the 
Chris_Abernethy: Okay in this I think we can ready for PR this 
  and go with go with the 42.
Chris_Abernethy: Just as a side note this also applies I think 
Chris_Abernethy: Presentations with incorrect holders to sort of 
  the same scenario.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah yeah sorry I didn't mean to pollute the 
  issue here.
Chris_Abernethy: 329 is mine as well so.
Chris_Abernethy: This is scenario where you can make a post to 
  credentials issue with a number of types in the options I believe 
  you can do Ed 25-19 signature Json web signature VC J WT I think 
  is something we're working on implementing but the response 
  linked data proof schema only allows one value there and it 
  seemed like that.
Chris_Abernethy:  allow the same values that.
Chris_Abernethy: Pour it into proof type in the request.
Chris_Abernethy: So I would I would like to move this to ready to 
  PR if nobody disagrees.
Chris_Abernethy: Five 5351 this is mine as well.
Chris_Abernethy: Let me just review this.
Chris_Abernethy: So this is related to the link tissue credential 
  options EML file there is a property called created which is 
  defined as a string and the description is the date the proof was 
  created and the question here is should we modify the description 
  of this text indicate that it should be or must be a valid XML 
  date-time string and test that accordingly.
Chris_Abernethy: This is what we do for.
Chris_Abernethy: Issue in State Property.
Chris_Abernethy: I don't know where that originated but it is in 
  our traceability API currently.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I think this 
  came from the DC data model.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): And has to do 
  with the jaw translation.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I'm a little 
  concerned that it's defined as the date the proof was created and 
  not the date time especially given that people still I think want 
  to use it as valid from.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Well that's 
Chris_Abernethy: That's I think what issue and state is for.
Chris_Abernethy: No this is a proof option for the issuing a 
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Oh I see 
Chris_Abernethy: My personal opinion is and I want to open a 
  separate issue for this is that you should not be able to adjust 
  to the date the proof is created that should be filled out when 
  the proof is created but I don't I haven't looked into that 
  enough to know if that's an appropriate suggestion to make.
Benjamin_Collins: I would tend to go that direction as well that 
  issue and state is when the proofs are set to take hold and then 
  the proof created is assigned by the system for when it was 
  actually signed so I can make a claim that as of last year I 
  graduated from college and that is my claim and the issuance date 
  would be as of last year but time I made that statement would be 
Benjamin_Collins:  like today or a minute ago.
Benjamin_Collins: And that taste and you know we would ideally 
  want to preserve that functionality that you know if I said I 
  graduated from college a year ago that you know the statement 
  made and the issuance they would be the same if I'm playing it 
  today you know the issue of state would be a year ago and then 
  the proof that would be today when I made that statement.
Chris_Abernethy: Should we comment that this entire property 
  should potentially not be permitted in a credentials Issue 
  request proof option set.
Chris_Abernethy: Oh yeah that would be great in us and we can 
  maybe do a little bit more research I can look into this further.
Benjamin_Collins: And then double strike against the VC API it's 
  up to us I think ideally we would want the time that the proof of 
  your side will be assigned by the system.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Just looking 
  at this yellow file I'm a little as is probably following the 
  same convention that's being followed elsewhere and it's going to 
  be confusing to me there too.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Credential 
  status is a double word there right but created and type are not 
  so it's not clear what they assess what their associated with.
Chris_Abernethy: I believe that this is from the VC data model so 
  I don't think we decided that.
Chris_Abernethy: But if we wanted to change it I think we would 
  have to open an issue there.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): And then I'm 
  extra confused by the method of credential status.
Chris_Abernethy: That's I'm with you there that's probably a 
  terrible description.
Chris_Abernethy: If you want to let's leave the comment in there 
  that we have I am happy to do some further research and.
Chris_Abernethy: Look into the other apis that we need to adhere 
  to and make sure that this is something that we well to find out 
  whether or not we can talk about removing this.
Chris_Abernethy: Is it required.
Chris_Abernethy: Well if it's not required then we can say for 
  our purposes in our profile so to speak that.
Chris_Abernethy: It's emitted right.
Benjamin_Collins: I like that angle.
Chris_Abernethy: So I think.
Chris_Abernethy: I think we need yeah let's maybe table this and 
  get some input from everybody and maybe think about this for a 
  week and come back to it.
Chris_Abernethy: It would be it would be great if folks could 
  think about both paths you know if we do need to keep this should 
  we in fact be verifying it as a date if we do not need to keep 
  this then that's that's a moot point but we should think of both 
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah that you know writing conformance tests 
  really brings out brings out a lot of things thanks so let's see 
  this is for the same item the options created and this is a 
  positive test for various items here if we do not include it 
  because it's optional then we should verify that the response 
  contains a value.
Chris_Abernethy: That is close to.
Chris_Abernethy: With appropriate fuzziness for for Network time 
  if we do provide it then the response should contain a value that 
  matches the one that we provide provided so this is just 
  additional testing.
Chris_Abernethy: And I think I'm going to put a comment that this 
  is related to 351.
Chris_Abernethy: I think that if we could get consensus that this 
  is appropriate to add in the cases where we are in fact going to 
  allow this value then.
Chris_Abernethy: We can we can make it ready to PR.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah this is all conformance testing because if 
  we omit the created date you know assuming that we're allowed to 
  specify what we want that to be if we omit it because it is 
  optional what do we expect in the return value and I would posit 
  that it should be issued by the server at the time that the proof 
  was created and that should be reasonably close to you know now 
  we're now is the time that you issued the request.
Chris_Abernethy: I think that we should probably hold off on this 
  until we come to a conclusion on whether or not we're going to 
  allow this field at all because if we aren't going to allow it 
  then this would be wasted work so I suggest I'll put a comment - 
  that we should hold off.
Chris_Abernethy: Marcia your tongue.
Chris_Abernethy: So in 360 the request body to the credentials 
  verify endpoint does not actually require that there be a 
  verifiable credential in the body which that doesn't seem to make 
  a lot of sense.
Chris_Abernethy: That should be required because if it's not 
  there then you can verify anything.
Chris_Abernethy: Alternatively if anyone you know has a 
  dissenting opinion I would.
Chris_Abernethy: Say that we need to discuss what the response 
  should be someone or miss it and I think it would still be bad 
Chris_Abernethy: I'll take it.
Chris_Abernethy: So yeah so 342 is interesting I started this out 
  because as you know we used to use the first item in the also 
  known as array as a way to figure out the endpoint for a 
  deployment of the chair of the implementation of this API we no 
  longer do that we now use the services node in the did document 
  and we get the end point out of there.
Chris_Abernethy: So that leaves.
Chris_Abernethy: Inch of use cases where we are checking that 
  also known as zero is present examples have it etc etc and this 
  was a proposal to remove those in Horry countered with why are we 
  using also known as at all why do we not simply require dude web 
  and drop support for dookie so that everything is signed with did 
  web we require did web anyway as.
Chris_Abernethy:  as part of the process for discovering.
Chris_Abernethy: And points so everyone is going to have one and 
  I thought that was interesting I ran some tests and started using 
  did web as the issuer in some of my requests locally and it works 
  fine so I think we should discuss what people think about this.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah and I you know I ask Cory excuse me or why 
  we didn't do this in the first place and he let he let me know 
  that at the time that we started did web was not as widely 
  supported as it is now.
Chris_Abernethy: So I'm in favor of this so I you know I put my 
  plus one in there.
Chris_Abernethy: Yes I agree a hundred percent I think that's 
Chris_Abernethy: I have a comment on that that I found about that 
  since our discussion this morning and if you so the current API 
  spec requires that did Jason be available from the same place as 
  credentials issue right same they need the same prefix so that 
  being said if you also had another way to provide if you provide 
  a did somewhere else that.
Chris_Abernethy: And you know.
Chris_Abernethy: Need a sub path but then pointed to a service 
  implementation that did not have the sub path now you're 
  maintaining did documents into different places so that seemed 
  like a little bit of extra work and maybe that we should just 
  remove the / did Json from the spec entirely but if we do that 
  then how do we test that folks are including the right service 
  Block in the did document I don't think we can because.
Chris_Abernethy:  we don't.
Chris_Abernethy:  we don't know.
Benjamin_Collins: Isn't this the finding that it was tender 
Chris_Abernethy: I think so Nest maybe if you could outline 
Chris_Abernethy: And I think what you're proposing is that you 
  you have it did web that does that includes a sub path to specify 
  tenant information but that the associated did document for that 
  will include a service endpoint that does not include that 
Benjamin_Collins: I think this might be hard to discuss without 
  it picture documents it's talking about I think you know I think 
  you can you can have a did web with a service point that starts 
  the points to a different you can include any URL you want in the 
  service block on the did so I could say Hey you know my did web 
  is hosted on transmute but if you want to send me a presentation 
  and I'll send me a presentation at measure dot IO / my tenant 
  named yeah that would be perfect.
Chris_Abernethy: So if you're if you're providing the.
Chris_Abernethy: If you're providing the did web with the path 
  information in it.
Chris_Abernethy: And you're pointing at an implementation that 
  also contains the path is that is that how you do it.
Benjamin_Collins: I think I'm kind of jumping ahead of I think 
  where you're going is like eye on transmute we have a did web 
  document that represents a that represents a customer's you know 
  did method but they don't want to see you know transmute that 
  Industries they want to have their own name on their own did web 
  so we could give them the option to download their did web and 
  then that would result of their host name and then the service 
  can point to.
Benjamin_Collins:  to Maven better measure or whatever.
Benjamin_Collins: Work that presentations so you can kind of do 
  that with did webbing the case of where you generate the did 
  weapon versus where you hosted it what you can do that in two 
  different locations.
Benjamin_Collins: If that's what you're getting at.
Chris_Abernethy: I think I think it is and then my question is at 
  the actually deploy implementation what did document are you 
  serving up at did Json.
Chris_Abernethy: Right but but someone is making the deployed 
  implementation right so it exists somewhere because you're 
  pointing at it yeah.
Chris_Abernethy: Yep it's entirely possible that I'm just I've 
  turned myself around in my head so I'm happy too.
Benjamin_Collins: Yeah I think the main thing here is to draw a 
  diagram to discuss what we're talking about the main thing with 
  the web is the identifier points to the location where it's 
  hosted on the web server you know where is generally you know the 
  service was generated where you know okay you know Mason mavin 
  error measure transmitter is is hosting your key material that's 
  where it is versus where the document is actually hosted three 
  two separate places.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah I got it.
Chris_Abernethy: Well I can't I can't because I have to kick 
Chris_Abernethy: All right all right.

Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2022 18:37:02 UTC