[MINUTES] W3C CCG Verifiable Credentials API Call - 2022-10-18

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


VC API Task Force Transcript for 2022-10-18

  1. Introductions, Relevant Community Updates
  2. Alignment of VC API for JFF Plugest
  3. Internal vs. External API language
  4. Challenge management in the VC API
  Manu Sporny
  Our Robot Overlords
  PaulDietrich GS1, Greg Bernstein, Manu Sporny, TallTed // Ted 
  Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Dave Longley, Mike Varley, 
  Logan, Patrick (IDLab), John Henderson, Dmitri Zagidulin, Brian, 
  Joe Andrieu

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Manu Sporny:  Welcome everyone to the October 18th 2022 
  verifiable credentials API call. Our agenda is in the chat 
Manu Sporny:  On the agenda today, we are discussing internal 
  versus external API language we're going to talk a bit about a 
  test for the default issuer and an end point we've got some 
  amount of discussion around credential ID and whether or not 
  we're going to use that in update credential status that one's 
  been hanging out for a bit and then any other issues as time 
Manu Sporny:  We will of course start with our regular 
  introductions reintroductions and relevant Community updates okay 
  with all that said let's go ahead well the first question is are 
  there any updates or changes to the agenda.
Manu Sporny:  Anything else folks want to talk about today?
Manu Sporny:  Go ahead Dave.
Dave Longley:  Yeah I didn't check the the agenda for this but I 
  know during the jmf work a number of things have come up around 
  just a few minor changes for payloads for the VC API to to make 
  sure that these exchanges API is consistent with the other apis 
  we might want to cover that briefly and talk about getting spec 
  changes in so that people that are implementing the exchanges API 
  at JFF.
Dave Longley:  Are doing the same thing.
Manu Sporny:  Okay so let's put that first up on the agenda then 
  right after introductions and relevant Community updates please 
  remind me if I forget Dave can you raise an issue if there isn't 
  one associated with it so we can just get that into the into the 
Manu Sporny:   All right.
Manu Sporny:  Other updates or changes to the agenda?

Topic: Introductions, Relevant Community Updates

Manu Sporny:  All right first up introductions reintroductions 
  relevant Community updates I think we have a couple of new folks 
  here Greg John I think you've been here John Henderson I think 
  you've been here before but Greg would you like to just do a 
  quick introduction to yourself what you're interested in that 
  kind of stuff.
Greg Bernstein:  Hi my name is Gregg Bernstein previously been 
  teaching Web Design Systems and cyber security at one of our 
  local colleges here in California Cal State universities Bay 
  Breyer did a lot of networking work particularly standardization 
  at the ietf and I was teaching one covid hit and got really 
  interested in verifiable credentials.
Greg Bernstein:  So my interest is General verifiable could rent 
  credentials web interfaces for them the security stuff associated 
  with them and I like to get hands on and try out examples of 
  things and such like that and so I was looking at the apis and 
  got interested in your work.
Greg Bernstein:  Already downloaded this stuff from get and took 
  a little bit at look at it.
Manu Sporny:  Awesome that's great welcome to the community Greg 
  wonderful to have you here especially given your background and 
  your area of Interest we definitely need more folks down in the 
  code looking at things and in trying things out so welcome 
Manu Sporny:  John do you want to do a re-intro, up to you?
John Henderson:  Oh sure yeah just very briefly yep I'm John I'm 
  a software engineer with the energy web foundation so we have a 
  VC API implementation so following along here.
Manu Sporny:  Awesome welcome welcome again to the community any 
  other introductions reintroductions or relevant Community 
Manu Sporny:  All right I have a couple the first one is that I 
  believe we came to consensus last week on publishing snapshot of 
  the verifiable credential API to the verifiable credential 
  working group and the mechanics around that and all that stuff so 
  that is on my work queue I hope to get to it in the next week or 
  two the data Integrity work is also going out as far.
Manu Sporny:   Public working draft.
Manu Sporny:  It's kind of what the ccwg is focused on right now 
  and I'm one of the editors for that specs that's slowing 
  everything else down so that's in process just haven't been able 
  to get to it yet see.
Manu Sporny:  I think that's largely it for Community updates iiw 
  the internet identity Workshop is coming up next month 
  mid-november so if you haven't bought tickets definitely do so 
  now they run out of tickets typically in there's going to be a 
  lot of interop work involving the C API as well as you know the 
  jobs for the Future Foundation is doing a huge interop fest 
  Between like 30 companies VC API is involved in that it's one of 
  the protocols that people are using and work is continuing their 
  as Dave Longley mentioned okay I think that's it for Community 
  updates let's go ahead and jump into alignment I guess of BC API 
  for GFF plugfest.

Topic: Alignment of VC API for JFF Plugest

Dave Longley: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/311
Manu Sporny:  Dave do you have a issue we can drop in awesome 
  thank you.
Dave Longley:  Yeah just dropped it into the chat.
Manu Sporny:  Okay let me go ahead and share my screen here and 
  why don't you get us started there.
Dave Longley:  Sure I'm also trying to quickly find a link to an 
Dave Longley:  But the the short of it is a little while back in 
  the verify API we decided to make sure that when it's either in 
  the verifier the issue API which we made sure that when you're 
  posting payloads to the API that you have a top-level property to 
  put a verifiable credential or a verifiable presentation in and 
  the same is true when the when the data is returned and we had a 
  number of discussions around that and I'll agree that that was a 
  good idea and made I believe.
Dave Longley:   We made those changes.
Dave Longley: 
Dave Longley:  We did not make those changes to the X to the 
  exchanges API and the same arguments and rules sort of apply 
  there and so what this comes down to is is a very simple change 
  so that when people are posting data to the VC API exchanges in 
  point they should there should be a top-level property for 
  verifiable presentation if they're posting a presentation instead 
  of just posting a a raw presentation here's a.
Dave Longley:   Link to one of the examples that would need to be 
Dave Longley:  So that link shows the the post body just has a 
  presentation Rawley posted posted there and instead what we want 
  to do is have a property called verifiable presentation and put 
  it under there and the argument for all of that that we went 
  through before was to better future proof the API allow other 
  properties potentially be included and allow other things to be 
  posted in the same is true for any responses they come back from 
  the server so.
Dave Longley:   This issue is about updating the examples to 
  bring that in line with the.
Dave Longley:  We made with the other apis and this issue also 
  covers its trying to slow down my talking because I know you're 
  typing this on it this other all this issue also covers we have 
  an example that uses put in the API the HTTP put instead of HTTP 
  post and those semantics don't really match up because the user 
  isn't putting a resource on a server somewhere they're trying to 
Dave Longley:   In in.
Dave Longley:  Some transaction so they're not just placing a 
  resource there to get get it back later so post is a better as it 
  is the better semantics for that allowing the server to do 
  whatever it needs to do not just store a payload.
Dave Longley:   Or stories.
Manu Sporny:  Ice cream right any thoughts concerns plus ones yes 
  we should do this - one no we should not from the group.
Mike Varley: +1
John Henderson: +1
Greg Bernstein: +1
Manu Sporny:  So I'm seeing support from Patrick to do this 
  support from like Farley to do this.
Dmitri Zagidulin: +1 (A reluctant one)
Manu Sporny:  John Anderson Gregg Bernstein Dmitry Dmitry is 
  reluctant with luck tonight's about Dimitri.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Just changing code.
Manu Sporny:  Go ahead John.
John Henderson:  Use the library on the broken semantics Dave.
Dave Longley:  Yes so let me see if I can find the where they put 
  is from the spec.
Dave Longley:  So here is a link to that.
Dave Longley: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api/#continue-exchange
Dave Longley:  So put is being the way the place where you use 
  put in HDPE is when you want to store a resource untouched at 
  some endpoint and so the expectation is that a client is going to 
  generate some kind of resource some kind of data send it to a 
  server and then the server is going to put it there and then it 
  can be fetched later and really what's happening with the VC 
  exchange API is you might be posting.
Dave Longley:   Let's see what you actually post.
Dave Longley:  Hopefully we have an example of that.
Dave Longley:  What's being sent up as a verifiable presentation 
  and that's not just being stored at the end of the server that 
  doesn't even make sense you're exchanging their presentation for 
  another presentation that has like credentials in it or or maybe 
  a VPR that is asking for more data so this this operation as a 
  put makes no sense you're not giving the server a presentation 
  that it's going to hold on to and then you can go get it later 
  what you're doing is you're saying here's a presentation that's 
  meant to satisfy some kind of.
Dave Longley:   Constraints requirements in the exchange and in 
  return I hope you give me back.
Dave Longley:  With credentials or you give me back a VPR that 
  says you need more information and so post is is more appropriate 
  for as the HTTP verb in that case.
Manu Sporny:  Go ahead Patrick oh first John did that answer your 
  question and then after you Patrick.
John Henderson:  Yeah that's great thanks.
Patrick_(IDLab): I was curious in this interaction so we talked 
  about verifiable Prudential verifiable presentation but at which 
  stage in the interaction do you actually make like a request for 
  a presentation where you include your constraints and so on.
Dave Longley:  So when an exchange is first received however you 
  receive it whether that's through like a QR code or through a 
  chappie interaction you'll receive an exchange URL and you're 
  supposed to post an empty body to that exchange or L and in the 
  future there might be other things supposed to it but right now 
  it's just an empty body and in response you get back either a 
  verifiable presentation with the credentials you're looking for 
  because the server the server doesn't.
Dave Longley:   Need anything else from you.
Dave Longley:  You get back a VPR that describes what else you 
  might need to present in order to get the credentials that you're 
  looking for then the expectation is you construct that 
  presentation and you send it to the end point specified in the 
  VPR and the VP are either and the end point either says okay now 
  you're done and here are your credentials or it might have 
  another VPR and that process can can go on based on whatever the 
  business rules are for interacting with that Exchange.
Patrick_(IDLab): Okay and when you say VPR that stands for 
  verifiable presentation request.
Dave Longley:  Yeah that's right.
Manu Sporny:  Patrick all right so we have a bunch of plus ones 
  little reluctance to change code which is understandable no 
  objections so it sounds like we can make this change unless there 
  any objections.
Dave Longley:  And no objection I just want to clarify one more 
  thing with Patrick if you're starting a chappie if you start an 
  exchange from a chappie interaction you might have the initial VP 
  are given to you with the interact field for the exchange and you 
  can respond directly when that happens you could respond with 
  your verifiable presentation to The Exchange directly in your 
  first step.
Patrick_(IDLab): Okay cuz the the framework I'm familiar with 
  like first you would establish a connection between two agents 
  and then the verify agent would prepare internally a sort of 
  presentation request and including their the ID of both 
  connections here but in the VC API there seems like there's not 
  that concept of connection between both.
Dave Longley:  Yeah that's right.
Patrick_(IDLab): Okay because I know there was another concept 
  that people are working at it's called like a out of bound 
  Communications which seemed more in line with what is the 
  approach here of the VC API which is sort of communication that 
  are not bound to any pre-existing connections.
Patrick_(IDLab): Yeah so when you have a verifier you would sort 
  of create that request internally and then send that payload to 
  the holder and the holder would then.
Patrick_(IDLab): See if he has a credential that matches that 
  request and present the field that were required.
Dave Longley:  Yeah that's right and and so you might be starting 
  an interaction where you visited a website and you chosen the 
  credentials credential or credentials that you want on that site 
  and the site's able to generate a VPR to pass to you through 
  chappie in the beginning and then you choose a wallet and you 
  respond to that BPR but you there are other use cases where 
  you'll receive an exchange and point through some other mechanism 
  that and you might not know what to send to the end point first.
Dave Longley:   You just post an empty body and that endpoint at 
  that point would give.
Dave Longley:  For what it needs.
Manu Sporny:  Right I'm not hearing any objections so next steps 
  are to raise a PR that fixes the exchanges and points to ensure 
  that when verifiable verifiable presentation is returned that.
Manu Sporny:  Is contained in a verifiable presentation property 
  I have misspelled this.
Dave Longley:  Yeah and it's also in the case when you're 
  submitting one so it's in both payload case.
Dave Longley:  So stands for return.
Manu Sporny:  Is sent or return that is contained okay there we 
  go all right let's that seeing no one on the Queue I'll say this 
  PR ready ready for PR in we will try to get that fixed really 
  quickly so that the Jeff of plugfest folks can Implement 
Manu Sporny:   Go ahead.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Just as a point just as a data point in case 
  somebody's curious I don't expect a lot of jff implementers to go 
  The Exchange Route I suspect.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I'll bet if you are implementing The Exchange 
  Route and using it to test at jmf plugfest I'd love to hear from 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I just because it's a simpler sorry it's a 
  slightly more complicated workflow than just issue and so yeah I 
  see Patrick something.
Patrick_(IDLab): It's not related to what you said and so if 
  people want to conclude that first.
Manu Sporny:  Okay and I guess Dmitry you're saying like if 
  people are using like chappie playground to do it you just don't 
  have to do and you have a web Molly just don't have to do VC API 
  at all you can get past the second plugfest just using purely the 
  chappie playground yep.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We like we have the exchange endpoint 
  implemented but we need to polish it up so that it matches the 
  spec but we're not going to really use it in the plugfest prove 
  you can do we use it.
Manu Sporny:  Go ahead Patrick.
Patrick_(IDLab): So regarding the last two little lines he wrote 
  here you mentioned that you want the very vulgar option sent or 
  return and a very full presentation I just want to point out it 
  seems to be related so like when you issue a credential the 
  return body is the verifiable credential without like a 
  verifiable credential field so sure.
Patrick_(IDLab):  shouldn't this match as well or.
Manu Sporny:  Go ahead Dave.
Dave Longley:  Yeah that that is what we talked about before and 
  if we haven't updated the spec yet to do that we need to do that 
  but we had that discussion in a previous meeting and decided to 
  do that somewhere else in the other apis so it I don't know if 
  the this same PR could address those things all at the same time.
Patrick_(IDLab): So ideally like any request or response should 
  have like one layer above the actual payload to say what it is 
  whether it's a potential Republican actual presentation exedra.
Dave Longley:  Yeah because that allows that gives us the future 
  proofing features that we want and allows us to to work with 
  these things now there might be this is when you're creating 
  things or exchanging things it you know if there's a holder API 
  in your fetching a credential that might not be a requirement but 
  I don't have as much experience with the holder API and so can't 
  speak to them.
Manu Sporny:  I'm trying to see what we do here we definitely in 
  the issue thing we have a credential top-level thing that 
  contains it in the where where where.
Patrick_(IDLab): I usually just going to sort of the web API 
  documentation Pages the.
Manu Sporny:  In the return values and documented their that's 
  why I'm kind of digging in in here that would be I thought we had 
  components in here yeah we do trying to see she credential 
Manu Sporny:  Really is in the.
Dave Longley: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/291
<dave_longley> An issue related to the previous discussion ^
Manu Sporny:  Is sure Mo pencils Issue request body we specify it 
  we don't really specify each credential response in components is 
  where it is components issue credential writes that.
Manu Sporny:  No it's down at the bottom sorry.
Manu Sporny:  So in it sure looking for issue credential 
Dave Longley:  So I found the other issue where we had this 
  discussion before and it's still it is also ready for a PR.
Dave Longley:  And I went over that in the shop yeah.
Manu Sporny:  Here yeah it just hasn't been updated yeah because 
  we just return back standard bog standard verifiable credential 
  and we should be returning back something with verifiable 
  credential and this okay and in the yeah then the reason we did 
  this was because we wanted to support eventually other formats 
  being returned by the issuer API there's a theory that you could 
  return back and mdl or you know.
Manu Sporny:   Ovc jaw door.
Patrick_(IDLab): Yeah because like so in the case of like Aries 
  and occupy you know so the AIP vv2 extended originally was only a 
  non-credit but the ipv do extended this to also handle w3c data 
  model credential and you specified that like in the in the body 
  you know whether you want and on credential or json-ld.
Manu Sporny:  He he he he.
Patrick_(IDLab): Angel and I think.
Patrick_(IDLab): I really like the way that you define it because 
  obviously different data model of credentials they don't operate 
  the same way.

Topic: Internal vs. External API language

Manu Sporny:  Okay all right so I think we're good there we just 
  need those changes just need to be made to the API okay I think 
  that's a that item so moving on to our next agenda topic we're 
  going to revisit the internal versus external API language which 
  was a discussion we started last week and kind of ran out of time 
  to talk about issue is here.
Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/282
<dmitri_zagidulin> if we have time, any chance we can talk about 
  challenge management?
Manu Sporny:  And in this issue let's see where we got to last 
  week was that we should move past the internal versus external 
  language so she we don't need to talk about apis as being 
  internal or external Dimitri I see your request in chat we can 
  pick up challenge man.
Manu Sporny:  After this issue probably it's a good it's a good 
  topic but going back to external versus internal Joe Andrew noted 
  that we should specify the roles that are you know calling which 
  component and potentially why they're calling them Patrick 
  mention that internal versus external would add complexity.
Manu Sporny:  It's need to be anchored on a component and we need 
  to specify the roles that are expected to call the component 
  anyone any role can call any endpoint it's whether or not they're 
  authorized to do so or not is the real question so there's a 
  question around you know what are the expectations with these 
  endpoints Joe noted that we really should get this into the 
  specification before we try to do a publication of a note on it.
Manu Sporny:   David Chadwick chimed in in.
Manu Sporny:  The language that I used here with sloppy about who 
  is calling an end point I tried to clarify that a bit and then 
  maybe we can pick up with you Dave Longley and then Joe.
Dave Longley:  Sure I mean what I said Joe said better which was 
  just we should be talking about which roles we expect to call the 
  endpoints so that we can create the so people know how to create 
  the appropriate authorization for those roles.
Manu Sporny:  Okay sounds good Joe.
Manu Sporny:  You are muted still.
Manu Sporny:  Yep we can hear you.
Joe Andrieu:  How about now okay pretty much what Dave said I 
  mean I think you know the key thing is some of these flows some 
  of us have what we might call tribal knowledge about what's 
  expected and so I think by defining who is actually expected to 
  call what will help clarify what's the inside baseball and what's 
  public facing and you know I think that's a better way to think 
  about this internal external notion.
Joe Andrieu: :+1:
Dave Longley:  Yeah I just I want to really Hammer home that when 
  we say who were talking about a role I think people got confused 
  about that and they were thinking about you know individuals or 
  that sort of thing all of our winter we talked about answering 
  the question of who within the context of this API we're talking 
  about a role that someone's playing and we have well-defined 
  roles and if we're missing anything then that will should be 
  surfaced through this exercise when we can have them.
Manu Sporny:  Rikes we didn't want to make a decision on this 
  last week as we were doing it in a rush our is is everyone okay 
  if we move away from the internal external language and we 
  specify what roles are expected to call which end points.
Manu Sporny:   In which.
Manu Sporny:  Are expected to be associated with which 
Manu Sporny:  So the concrete PR is going to effectively be that 
  missing thumbs-up from Greg and Brian Patrick go ahead Joe you're 
  on the queue.
Joe Andrieu:  Sorry I was just trying to thumbs up and it put me 
  on the key.
Joe Andrieu:  I like it floating across the screen it just makes 
  me giggle silly.
Manu Sporny:  Okay that is kind of a pleasant I like the plus 1 
  but the thumbs up is like a much more pleasant sound yeah all 
  right so let me try and write something here next to the steps 
  are to raise up PR that.
Manu Sporny:  Notes to things for each endpoint.
Joe Andrieu:  Is our cats worst.
Manu Sporny:  One which role is expected which roles he's which 
  roles are expected to which world are expected to call the 
  endpoint and to which components those endpoints are expected to 
<joe_andrieu> /s/Is our cats worst.//
Manu Sporny:  All right any objections as for that next step go 
  ahead Patrick.
Patrick_(IDLab): Put a certain objection just have a really hard 
  time sort of grasping these two statements so if we maybe take a 
  more precise example let's say we have the important like get 
  credentials you know just to get all the credentials so if we 
  answer those two questions one which rolled is expected to call 
  that endpoint what would the answer to that be.
Joe Andrieu:  What coordinator you mean.
Manu Sporny:  The issuer controller role is expected to come 
  sorry thank you coordinator the issuer coordinator role is 
  expected to call the get credentials and point.
Joe Andrieu:  Which is on the issue or service.
Patrick_(IDLab): Well it's on the holder.
Patrick_(IDLab): In my head it was very much a holder resource 
  like a holder as potential and.
<dave_longley> sounds like doing this exercise will help! :)
Manu Sporny:  Yes that's true yeah which is on the issuer sir 
  hold on it let's do it let's do a simpler one to let me let me 
  try and do is to start with a simpler one because that one's a 
  bit confused as to whether holders or issuers should call that 
  yeah yeah yeah that one's complicated so let's go to an easier 
  one right credentials issue the.
Manu Sporny:  Is expected to call the credentials issue endpoint 
  in the credentials issue endpoint is expected to live on the 
  issuer service.
Manu Sporny:  So that's a full stop that's an example of there 
  that's an example there will be a PR Patrick that we can all look 
  at in I'm sure there's going to be a debate over things like get 
  credential right.
Patrick_(IDLab): Yeah it's just a thing just a distinction of 
  like what really is service means and this and I components so 
  the like component okay you have the service which is a component 
  and you would have like storage which is another component is 
  that okay.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah but to potentially a I mean I'm sure we're 
  going to get I'm sure it's not going to be as easy as we're 
  saying right here right I mean they're going to be ones like the 
  get credentials and point which have been confused about exactly 
  what they do.
Manu Sporny:  That meaning like you know it could be on any 
  service really right because.
Patrick_(IDLab): Well because also like me like also again like I 
  said that a lot but you know my point of reference is really a 
  reason like an Aries agent can effectively play all role you know 
  like an agent can as the capability to issue verify and store 
  credential and presents so in my head like the distinction of 
  those roles is more in the way that you will provision your agent 
  and you're going to use it.
Patrick_(IDLab):  so I have a hard time understanding.
Patrick_(IDLab): This all the segregation of components just from 
  my point of reference I have known that limited experience I have 
  and it's interesting I think it was Joe that mentioned there's 
  like tribal knowledge I think use as a term and I think that's 
  that's very true you know because I had a feeling even when I 
  started to join here like.
Patrick_(IDLab):  there was a lot of.
Patrick_(IDLab): Things that seem that we're very clear amongst 
  the people attending this meeting but from an outsider point of 
  view it's not so evident.
Manu Sporny:  Yep yeah completely agree.
Manu Sporny:  Police yet won't you.
Joe Andrieu:  So if I could I don't know if there's a queue here 
  have you seen the figure to diagram in the VC API draft Patrick.
Patrick_(IDLab): Yes that the diagram with the if it's the one 
  that I think so.
Joe Andrieu:  Okay yeah that's definitely where we're trying to 
  you know externalize that tribal knowledge it's currently out of 
  date because all the apps we've decided renamed as coordinators 
  but that's definitely the framework we're trying to tease out 
  precisely because of the problems with Aries calling everything 
  in agent and that it's hard to differentiate well what do you do 
  when right so so this architecture breaks it all out so we can 
  talk specifically about who needs what authors.
Joe Andrieu:   Ation for what type of function.
Patrick_(IDLab): I like what's the admin here like the the admin 
  the sort of square with the stripes like what does that 
Joe Andrieu:  Sure that's actually controversial so I'll take the 
  the lumps on the confusion about that if there is any what that 
  diagram means or what that element in that diagram means is that 
  there is a way for the issuer to administer all of these services 
  and it is probably not going to be standardized there was some 
  initial thought from when I first presented this component I 
  think did.
Joe Andrieu:   Petrie spoke up and said.
Joe Andrieu:  We're adamant that the administration side of it I 
  don't really think we should standardize that feels to be spoke 
  and I think I agree it might be nice to standardize it but first 
  we need to get the functionality working so the point is there is 
  some administrative interface in which the issuer would set some 
  business rules they would set up the assets management and ditto 
  the verifier would set up a pause management with the verifier 
  Services they would set up the business rules with the verifier 
  app so it's a conceptual block of this capability.
Joe Andrieu:   Billy has to be there but it's not expected to be 
Patrick_(IDLab): You see interface you mean like a web interface 
  or it's just an interface in general it could be any command-line 
  tool or anything.
Joe Andrieu:  Could be yes anything it could be a command-line 
  tool could be a Json file.
Patrick_(IDLab): Okay just a way to input some configuration and 
Joe Andrieu:  That's right there the main thing if you look at 
  the pattern right is the issuer the verifier and the holder only 
  deal with the administrative interfaces which is that's their 
  direct engagement with the system right the issuer is and then 
  the loop when you get a credential issued they are in the loop 
  when they set up the rules for how those credentials are going to 
  be issued.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah I mean this this diagram is actually holding 
  together pretty well Joe you know I mean we've been I don't know 
  why it was created nine months ago or something like that and it 
  feels like it's doing a great job of at least getting us on the 
  same page about the components in the system that said need edit 
  access so that we can update these yeah yeah exactly.
Joe Andrieu:  Yeah I need to get you the new diagram right is is 
  there an issue that is a PR I'm sorry is there a PR with the 
  changing code a change in language that I could add the change 
  the diagram to or something.
Joe Andrieu:  Okay I'll go track that down then.
Manu Sporny:  No yes yes there is yes there is let me I think it 
  is one of the open PR's renamed app the coordinator yeah in here 
  it's me asking you to.
<manu_sporny> Rename "App" to "Coordinator": 
Manu Sporny:  And ideally we would have something that what we've 
  tended to do in the past is some kind of shared tool that we can 
  link to with the chord diagram that we can then export the SVG 
  because Respec supports it natively in the browser supported 
Joe Andrieu:  Yeah I'm I'm torn.
Manu Sporny:  Well anyway that's that's that's their the request 
  is there out there anyway.
Joe Andrieu:  Yeah that I will definitely get an upgrade I also 
  do would like to get towards SVG instead of this proprietary tool 
  I use so let me let me wrestle with that but I will definitely 
  get us an updated diagram.
Manu Sporny:  Great awesome thank you okay that's it for that 
  issue we have 10 minutes before we are supposed to break so let's 
  pick up Dimitri your issue around challenge Management in the DC 

Topic: Challenge management in the VC API

Manu Sporny:  Go ahead me tree.
Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api/issues/310
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Actually right so can you hear me okay so in 
  implementing the verification for example but also the supplies 
  to The Exchange and point so we require a challenge to prevent 
  replay attacks right the fact requires a challenge but it but it 
  in implementing we're running into difficulties or these 
  questions of.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   So how do we.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  That Challenge from the verifier to the client 
  that's going to be it's going to be using it.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Right so it the challenge mechanism sort of 
  assumes that the.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The verifier in the exchange and point are 
  sort of coupled.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And so do we.
Joe Andrieu:  Hold on when when you when you say exchange and 
  point at which component are you talking about.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Which component does the exchange on point 
  live on.
Joe Andrieu:  That's that's the question.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Don't know we have an exchange API right like.
Joe Andrieu:  Well every time it gets brought up I ask these 
Manu Sporny:  Yeah it can yeah the exchange API can exist in 
  theory on every single one of these control what's the word 
  coordinator diamonds.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I mean it might need its own exchanger 
  coordinator but so I don't know the answer to a question Joe.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And so one of the one of the proposed 
  solutions that we've come up with but I've also seen other groups 
  do the similar thing like like Dave Longley is to have a 
  challenge management and point so my question to the group is has 
  anybody else run into challenge management problems how do you 
  provision a challenge and I'd love for Dave to to weigh in here 
  go ahead and mono.
Manu Sporny:  Unfortunately Dave had to go it's but we can bring 
  this up again next week I can kind of report I'm separated from 
  what's going on with challenges today but there's an issue here 
  is she 310 and so feel free to kind of take a look through that I 
  think that's that's got the proposal for the challenge Management 
  in point typically I know let's let's just talk about like.
Manu Sporny:   There's a presumption.
Manu Sporny:  Is a challenge and point on verifier on the 
  verifier service at least it could be it could Exist Elsewhere 
  but a coordinator can call a verifier service and say give me a 
  challenge and then.
Joe Andrieu:  Which which coordinator is calling is this is part 
  of where I get lost with the exchanges and this this notion here 
  and that the verifier at me to keep track of its own challenges 
  but I'm not sure who it's exporting or giving them to.
Manu Sporny:  The verifier service let's just let's just hold it 
  in on just the verifier right let's say there is an exchange and 
  here's where the diagram might break down Joe so so on the 
  verifier coordinator here there exists in exchanges in point 
  right in if the verifier at any point needs to go hey I need you 
  to do did off for example that's an example where you need a 
  challenge right the verifier.
Manu Sporny:   Later would call the verifier.
Manu Sporny:  Sorry let me start from the very beginning the 
  holder contacts the verifier and goes I want to engage in an 
  exchange with you the verifier goes okay I need to did off this 
  entity so I'm going to call the verifier service and ask the 
  verifier service to generate a challenge for me verify our 
  service generates a challenge which it remembers sends it back to 
  the verifier app the verifier app then bundles that challenge in 
  a verifiable presentation request.
Manu Sporny:   East and sends it back to the holder.
Joe Andrieu:  Why is it the verifier creating the challenge.
Manu Sporny:  Why is this verifier not creating the challenge the 
  coordinator it's a design Choice the coordinator supposed to 
  effectively have mostly business logic challenges aren't 
  necessarily purely business logic it's something that like every 
  sorry I shouldn't say that many services need that are that are 
  kind of outside business logic you're not custom.
Joe Andrieu:  So I argue that the the defense against man in the 
  middle is a business logic we are saying we are doing this thing 
  because we believe that someone could get in the flow here so we 
  are placing an additional requirement on the rules.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah but it's yeah I agree with you I agree with 
  you I think it's so common that when these verify our services 
  are deployed it may be more useful to have it there instead of on 
  the verifier coordinator.
Joe Andrieu:  I'm just right but I'm challenging that because 
  it's the verifier who we need to protect for man-in-the-middle 
  right so the verifier is the sole source of authority as to what 
  challenge they should accept as soon as they export that to the 
  verifier service they have to trust that the verifier service 
  isn't leaking that information it seems like a weird.
Joe Andrieu:   Security vulnerability to a.
Manu Sporny:  Okay well I mean let's let's let's see so I'll 
  write that down this.
Joe Andrieu:  Okay I can see topologically they're essentially at 
  the end of the day the same it's just who's on the hook for 
  making sure that that challenge is a unique nonce and I think 
  it's a unique nonce and the coordinators domain not in the 
  issuer's domain.
Joe Andrieu:  I have 11 more now when you get that down -.
Manu Sporny:  Okay go ahead Joe.
Joe Andrieu:  I actually thought it was essentially symmetric 
  that because the verifier is the one who's I believe we expect to 
  check so that's an interesting question as to whether or not it's 
  the verifier checking that challenge if they are then we still 
  have to communicate that challenge to them or communicate it by 
  reference to the earlier request right so if we request a 
  challenge from them then we have to Echo it back so I think we 
  have to Echo it back anyway.
Joe Andrieu:   Me either.
Joe Andrieu:  So we think that net that we're better off just 
  having they coordinator manage it and tell the tell this the 
  verifier service what challenge they gave.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So in in discussing which component on the 
  dryer diagram the API endpoint should live on I don't want to 
  lose track of the higher-level question which is.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Should we have a challenge and point in the 
  first place.
Joe Andrieu:  Well it depends on where you want to put it so 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Everybody doesn't get away like it's my my 
  question to the group is would others find it useful if we had 
  such an endpoint.
Joe Andrieu:  Wow let me push back on that because I don't think 
  usefulness is enough of a threshold that's what I think I think 
  what we're dealing with is whoo-hoo which owner of that 
  functionality has the least security problems as a result of 
  giving them ownership over that property and it seems to me that 
  challenges are not designed to be exposed externally except 
  through the path for which you were.
Joe Andrieu:   Defending against man in the middle.
Joe Andrieu:  So so you communicate it to the party and they 
  communicate it back to you having another party in the loop feels 
  like a security problem so I don't know why you would ever have 
  such a API.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah let me try and answer that the challenge 
  management can be difficult and you know if the the idea here is 
  the issue or services are expected their trusted components in 
  the system like if the if the verifier coordinator can't trust 
  its verifier service the all bets are off right because the 
  verifier service can can say oh yeah that thing's a totally valid 
  BC when it's not so one one.
Manu Sporny:  That we might need to think about here is.
Manu Sporny:  Um the trust boundary for between the verifier 
  coordinator and the verifier service the usefulness question that 
  I think Dmitri was asking at least for digital bizarre was we 
  don't want to have to force coordinators to do their own 
  challenge management because it can get pretty onerous to do that 
Manu Sporny:   We'd want.
Manu Sporny:  That have the ability to Outsource it now you know 
  coordinators can always decide I'm not going to Outsource my 
  challenge management I'm going to do it internally that's always 
  a thing right so it's exposure on the verifier service was meant 
  to be merely a convenience function not an absolutely mandatory 
  you have to call out to a verifier service to generate a 
  challenge at least that's that's how we were thinking about it go 
  ahead Joe.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The opponent will hold on you mind if I jump 
  in at a data point the other thing I want to bring up is that 
  there's challenge management challenge management across the high 
  level areas on the diagram meaning if there's arguments to be 
  made that they exchange endpoint lives on the issuer.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Part of the diagram because the exchange and 
  point is the thing that is issuing the credentials.
Joe Andrieu:  No it's not get Cricket credential is like I did I 
  really don't understand that definition of Exchange.
Manu Sporny:  I'll get credential isn't doing that so we need to 
  we need to.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Credential is not at all.
Joe Andrieu:  So if exchanges is what I called to issue a 
  credential then I really don't understand exchanges and that's 
  what I heard you just say Dimitri that I.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  That is the guy said that is what we're doing 
  to issue credentials on like for example for learning credential 
  wallet and the reason we're not using the issue and point is 
  because it before exchanging there's several rounds of 
  prerequisites that the wallet has to meet before before issuing 
  could go ahead man.
Joe Andrieu:  And at no no I'm good with this being an opening of 
  a messy conversation so I don't think we're going to resolve it 
  here in a few minutes.
<mike_varley> thanks all!
Manu Sporny:  I was going to end the call cause we're two minutes 
  over but I know Joe you were on the Queue so we'll pick this up 
  okay okay okay the issue isn't resolved we'll discuss this next 
  meeting okay that's it for the call today thank you everyone as 
  always for the great engagement we will pick up here next week.

Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2022 20:12:25 UTC