a proof method using webauthn/passkeys

Hi all,


I would like to propose a new proof method and I would really love your


The proposed method targets cloud-based wallets and it enables proofs
generated by user-controlled devices using WebaAuthN/Passkeys. The idea is
very simple: the digest of a DID document/VC/VP is used as the WebAuthN
"challenge" (see this article by Yubico for more details


I have created a demo page that emulates the functionality that should be
implemented by a cloud-based wallet https://excid-io.github.io/fido2-sign/
(source code https://github.com/excid-io/fido2-sign). A proof should then
include in addition to the signature, the "authenticatorData" and the
base64url encoded "clientDataJSON". The demo has been tested with
Edge/Chrome on windows with yubikey, Safari on iOS 16/MacOS Ventura
(passkey), and it fails with Firefox. 





Nikos Fotiou -  <https://www.fotiou.gr> https://www.fotiou.gr

Researcher - Mobile Multimedia Laboratory

Athens University of Economics and Business

 <https://mm.aueb.gr/> https://mm.aueb.gr


Received on Friday, 18 November 2022 09:42:48 UTC