[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2022-11-08

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2022-11-08

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, kristina, Mike Prorock, Ben - Transmute, 
  Jean-Francois Blier, Stuart Freeman, Keith Kowal, John Kuo, Ankur 
  Patel @ Microsoft, Bruno Vavala (Intel), Alan Karp, Andrew 
  Hughes, Steve Magennis, Mark Foster, David Waite, Erica Connell, 
  Kaliya Young, Leo, Daniel Buchner, Manu Sporny, Joe Andrieu, Orie 
  Steele, Dmitri Zagidulin, Sapan Narang, Will, David I. Lehn, Jeff 
  O - HumanOS, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), 
  rgrant (Ryan), Nesim, Phil L (P1), Ted Thibodeau, Andy Miller, 
  Rebecca Busacca, Territorium, PaulDietrich GS1, Nate Otto, Kerri 
  Lemoie, Ankur @ Microsoft, James Chartrand, Gerard Iervolino, 
  Rohit Gulati

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: See a lot of familiar names and faces I 
  haven't seen or ever so good to see some of the familiar names 
  and faces.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: At least you know in acronym sentence.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Let you put your face on it for crying 
  out loud.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Menu did Stewart still has managed.
Stuart Freeman:  Yeah you have to setup gravatar and and the 
  little three dots menu on just so you can set which email address 
  it should look up on gravity.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: How are you good to see you again in 
  Mark yeah look.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: I know he can't do simultaneous but 
  those who can are we close to see people's faces because it's 
  called good stuff you haven't I haven't made it down to inw 
  either in.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: 18 months I want to say.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Or even how are you like crap.
<orie> hey!
Harrison_Tang: Is like a little party going on here I think.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Oh sorry well you tell us ready to go we 
  will socialize.
Kristina: I'm I'm in Dublin actually on.
Harrison_Tang: All right that's a that's do that up sorry 
  Kristina please.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: I know I heard all about it from page or 
  just now so like half my engineering team is in Dublin.
Kristina: Recording has stopped.
Kristina: Okay I'll shut up.
<andrew_hughes> Is the recording running?
<kristina> yes, recording running
<manu_sporny> No, recording is not running :(
<nesim> Hi, first time here, just getting familiar
<manu_sporny> Harrison, try to start it again (or at least start 
<ankur_patel_@_microsoft> :heart:
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Sounds good thank you thank you thank you for 
  calling that out.
Joe Andrieu:  Recording his own.
Harrison_Tang: All right any other announcements and reminders.
Harrison_Tang: All right any work items that people want to bring 
Harrison_Tang: All right so let’s get to the main agenda so we 
  are very pleased to have a Kristina, Ankur and Daniel from 
  Microsoft to talk about their latest developments on Microsoft 
  Entre verify ID at the w3c cgg meeting today so some of you guys 
  know if you know my my impression is that Microsoft Entre Entre 
  verified is actually one of the biggest if not the biggest 
  commercial deployment.
Harrison_Tang:  of self sovereign and decentralized identity 
Harrison_Tang: So I'm very very excited to learn more about the 
  latest innovations that they're doing at Microsoft so the without 
  further Ado just want to give a quick warm welcome to Daniel 
  Ankur and Kristina all right the floor is yours thank you.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Thank you very much my name is Ankur 
  Patel for those who don't know me I lead our product development 
  efforts for entre verified ID which is a managed implementation 
  of all the good Open Standards work that goes on across the 
  industry specifically in the context of decentralised identity so 
  we'll share with you some of our work our learnings along the way 
  the current progress Kristina will cover our progress on 
  implementation of standards and.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  some of the next steps around it and 
  Daniel walk us through the.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: architecture.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: of how we implemented it these are again 
  overviews you have our contact information we're happy to dive 
  into details of any of it if you have questions feedback comments 
  please put it in chat I'll keep an eye on it and I don't know 
  what the rest of the protocol is raise your hands or otherwise I 
  would love for this to be a discussion and we can do some of it 
  now and then of course we can do follow-up discussions as 
  appropriate as well so with that Preamble let's dive in all 
  trying to share my screen I put together a few.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  slides so window do that share.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Can you see that okay.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: So we think about this as decentralized 
  identity work at Microsoft which is a key framing which is we 
  have one of the implementers of this big ambition that the 
  community has led for some for a very long time now our work 
  started this incubation hypothesis it took us two years in fact 
  to come to creating this hypothesis which was We Believe each of 
  us needs a digital identity that we own and control and this 
  comes from a place where I'm on.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  the same team that operates Microsoft 
  account that's how you do Xbox Halo windows outlook.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Etc so there's more than a billion 
  people around the world who do those things every day it includes 
  Azure active directory which is the Enterprise identity 
  management system for 96 percent of Fortune 500 companies whole 
  bunch of governments around the world including United Nations.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: It includes LinkedIn as our professional 
  right so consumer Professional Network we operate all of these 
  different account systems.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: I think we've come to realize that our 
  digital identity is bigger than that.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: And so how might we move towards that 
  world and the reason we want to do it is because our mission 
  statement as a company is to empower every person in business to 
  achieve more not that two or three billion that we reach today 
  and oh by the way make it work whether Microsoft is online or not 
  make it work whether it's Microsoft's policy as a business to 
  allow or not.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  because that's not our.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Choice our choice is about empowerment 
  and then local context whether its regulatory or business can 
  decide how best to partner with each other we want to ensure 
  highest security compliance privacy and convenience for using 
  such systems so that's why we embarked on this journey several 
  years ago and the second part was super important to us because 
  our customers told us these governments are on the world's ….. 
  and by the way make sure it's compatible with the existing 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: not Ask people to rewrite all of the in 
  applications devices and their lives to start over for those 
  outcomes so how do we strike a balance between the two these are 
  the two things we hold ourselves accountable to the first release 
  of this went live for us earlier this summer on August 8th so 
  it’s taken us four years to kind of go about doing the best we 
  can do releasing this work and this work today is very much in 
  the Enterprise context we're still not ready to support the 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  The world is imagining in the context 
  of self sovereignty if you will.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: There's a lot more work.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Remains and I'll share with you some of 
  that detail as to why we are making such Nuance statements.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: It's a good segue to the current state 
  of affairs on standards I'll hand off to Kristina to walk us 
  through what we've done so far and we we’re trying to go.
Kristina: Yeah so just to give a brief overview mostly should be 
  aware with most of the standards um used in our Tech stack so 
  starting from the entity identifier certainly bottom labels 
  probably wrong but for so we use decentralized identifiers DIDs 
  DID web for issuers and verifiers and DID:ION long form for.
Kristina:  issuer holder or.
Kristina: Verifier so our customers would have that choice um and 
  also we do use well-known JID configuration specifications from 
  div to establish binding between DID and see domain name for the 
  lifecycle management /revocation we do use ….. 2021 we're using a 
  pre-draft version you're waiting for a final specification so.
Kristina:  hoping it's getting final soon.
Kristina: And we’re hosting it in the identity Hub certain 
  version of decentralized app Note again another disk back for 
  data models the ….. CVC data model so it's a ….. VC transport 
  protocol Vice it's open ID for ….. stack and ….. presentation 
  exchange so yeah it's pretty pretty straightforward I'm that's 
  what we do.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: One comment in the upper right-hand 
  corner that you see we are actively working on exploring ideas 
  around SD job for example for enabling support for Selective 
  disclosure this is one of the examples of us wanting to ensure 
  compatibility with existing internet as well as moving the ball 
  forward on enabling new scenarios but we want to do those 
  scenarios when set standard support is available interoperability 
  is achievable.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: So Kristina can you take two more 
  minutes to talk about our interoperability work as well here and 
  then I'll re-Echo that a bit later.
Kristina: Okay yeah that's a great point so our approach to 
  interoperability has been interoperability on profiles there is a 
  work happening in diff is a presentation for starting this 
  presentation profile whereas there is a tech stack on consisting 
  of pretty much standards obviously on the screen as a one way to 
  interpret for certain scenarios mainly you know that you know ….. 
Kristina:  So that
Kristina: people who.
Kristina: Implementers customers who realize how important moving 
  towards as a issuer verifiable model is and they want to know 
  start implementing on crossing the chasm towards that model they 
  have this clear tech stack you know saying if you implement this 
  you can interoperate right away and again it's not to say that 
  our way or the only way to say it's a way how we can ensure 
  interoperability and means is first to use cases.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Unmute myself so that's a quick overview 
  of our stack there’s a lot more detail in it you might have lots 
  of questions so please put in chat or follow us offline happy to 
  dive into any of that detail as appropriate I'm going to try to 
  queue up a demo so we can actually look at some of this stuff 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: So what does this unlock for us we went 
  and talked to customers and 92% of those organizations today 
  state they do these activities around onboarding employees 
  contractors customers vendors suppliers and that's the pattern 
  that we observed that the best place that we think we can 
  leverage a decentralized approach is on Cross domain verification 
  and these processes listed on the screen that's the start of it.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  the next thing that ends up happening 
  is access to high.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Value applications and resources so 
  Azure active directory for example does tens of billions of daily 
  authentication events at four nines today from an availability 
  and reliability perspective however we want to augment that 
  system to now bring verifiability in or in addition to ease of 
  use and secure.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: And so our ambition is to empower our 
  Enterprise customers who end up working with consumers who end up 
  working with governments for that matter some governments are 
  Enterprises in that to use these decentralized rails to continue 
  to have the benefits of ….. security but augmented with privacy 
  and portability this becomes particularly more important when we 
  go to things like Self Service account recovery today most of 
  them rely.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  on things like an email roundtrip or 
  SMS round.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Trip or knowledge base questions like 
  asking what street you grew up on not very interesting go ask 
  Google everybody knows and therefore thinking about how might be 
  bringing verifiability by going to the most suitable 
  authoritative Source without doing custom integration work would 
  be better received as a result 82% of that audience also said 
  They wish there was a safer faster easier way of doing these days 
  so these are bread-and-butter problems for Enterprises today 
  around the world.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  web three and other web and then.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Number we can put on also have similar 
  needs but one of the things we've come to learn is that are here 
  and now companies with budgets and consumers with need that we 
  can address immediately and that's one of the key reasons why I 
  do this job at Microsoft because they have a privileged role to 
  enable this jumpstart adoption of this work for a large set of 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: We think this credentials therefore can 
  help power the trust fabric for the internet each bubble on the 
  screen today could be considered a cloud right like many 
  universities around the world run on Azure active directory for 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  but that domain specific.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Credential whether it's an old token or 
  fighter token only work for their own University context but if 
  you issued a verified ID now as an internet facing credential 
  they can continue learning with any preferred institution around 
  the world that chooses to onboard them they can get a student 
  checking account they can get an internship and employer they can 
  improve their skills on LinkedIn they can get a student discount 
  at retailers and so on so forth so we have found tremendous 
  interest from our Enterprise customers.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  on wanting to go this way because it 
  helps their own businesses.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: It helps security and compliance it 
  helps them give new value and tailored value for their customers 
  without incurring new privacy and security risks if I may I'll 
  pause here just take a quick temperature check if anybody has any 
  questions or comments before I go into this tells you the why we 
  are doing it next I will show you what is it and how does it 
  actually work.
Harrison_Tang: Actually we have Alan on the queue Alan do you 
  want to ask your question.
Alan Karp:  Yeah on your opening slide you said everybody wants 
  to have an identity that they control isn't it more proper to say 
  identities I mean even in the Enterprise I have an identity for 
  my employer but also for the contract I'm working on.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: You're correct and so it's important for 
  us to those knew there were so many words and nuances to consider 
  the important hold on I just turn on my other computer one thing 
  to note is we completely believe that people have to have control 
  over personas and facets of their lives that they share and then 
  it's a matter of are those separate identities or there's 
  personas and we as identity Community have had this debate and 
  argument forever.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  one of the things that we learned from 
  consumer research.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: On this work like end-user how do you 
  think about it their vocabularies that is one of me.
Mike Prorock: +1 Personas vs identities is a very important 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: There are different projections of me 
  that I share with different people even in my analog life forget 
  digital and therefore we arrived at this depth idea of a digital 
  identity but the idea is very much about supporting multiple 
  personas profiles construct separation of concerns that has to be 
  rooted in from ground up.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: So hopefully that helps clarify some of 
  our comment.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Okay I'm going to share a quick demo so 
  let's do that anybody else have any comments as I bring up my 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Okay sounds like we're in good shape so 
  I'll go to Woodgrove here I'll try to share from this screen 
  high-wire act I don't know if that's possible or not but I will 
  start sharing.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Hopefully you can see that okay yeah so 
  this scenario as I mentioned for us is Enterprise focused and 
  think about good growth is a fictitious company they're trying to 
  hire someone Matthew Michael gets an email invitation or shows up 
  in person to join this company and the first thing they ask them 
  is hey we don't know you we need you to get verified with a 
  partner We Trust.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  and so in this case they’re.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Sending them to a fictitious company 
  called true identity in such processes have been used by Banks 
  all over the world for a very long time we have done Partnerships 
  with ten leading identity verification companies I'll show you 
  who they are a bit later who can do things like take a selfie 
  upload a ….. identity document but instead of sharing this data 
  on the back end and the user not knowing what kind of did got 
  done in their name in our world we are saying there should be 
  issued a verified ID what a verifiable credential.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: So I will go to the screen here and put 
  up that guy next to it.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: For demonstration purpose to make it 
  easy I'm scanning this QR code which results in an open ID 
  connect request I'm having it up in the establish trust across 
  domains I click next I get a credential issued to me I click add 
  in this case true identity is the issuer they are testing to a 
  bunch of claims for their current business process I can go back 
  to my employer and say hey I completed verification with a 
  partner your trust I can present the you that at the station.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: This is a presentation request just like 
  any other open ID connect credential kick this off somehow did it 
  stop sharing.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah I lost it at least might need to reshare.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Yeah let me do that trying here we go 
  Click Share rejoining 15 seconds oh I've been disconnected hang 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Phone got kicked out.
Mike Prorock:  Because you're trying to demo this is what always 
  happens yeah.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Is too much to do three devices sharing 
  one corporate Wi-Fi network with personal hotspot.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: But I will keep talking in the meantime 
  so the request here would have been an open ID connect request 
  for requesting a verifiable credential so in our case we are 
  changing that connect request to instead of asking for a ….. 
  token or a fighter token you can now ask for a verifiable 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: In this case the verifiable credential 
  that was issued by true identity inc that you saw was against a 
  decentralized identifier that is locally minted on the phone in 
  our case we are currently using ion long form that Orie is on the 
  call I saw him so I can do some name-dropping help develop a 
  while ago and we are continuing to use that the identifier for 
  the issuer.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Is based on didweb and we also support 
  did ion as a method so Enterprises can choose whether they want 
  to use a permission system or a permission less system as their 
  root of trust if you will.
Alan Karp:  Excuse me we're seeing we're seeing your slides not 
  the demo.
<orie> Yes! I worked on ION, Sidetree and Well Known DID 
  Configuration... in addition to DID Web. :)
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Yeah I'm about to switch I just joined 
  thank you here we go.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: So now I can go back to the demo.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Is a presentation request that I'm 
  getting in this case woodgrove wants to know that I'm in start 
  the presentation request again.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Scan the qr-code.
<orie> Love the QR Code with nested image!
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: It should result in a new request.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Click Share and they're able to present 
  oh let's view needs to refresh.
<mprorock> /me cheers at the UX on this
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: All these things were a lot easier when 
  you're getting a room but then to travel.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Actually I don't know if it's any easier 
  in that room we fiddled with the HDMI cable.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Okay now that I have presented this 
  credential I can continue my onboarding they were able to verify 
  the signature that it came from a partner they trust it has the 
  information they need going forward woodgrove can now issue me a 
  verified employee credential so that's another key thing we're 
  doing is we're going to make every azure id customer be able to 
  issue these credentials whether it's for their employees their 
  vendors their customers their students or whatever it might be.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  and we are making it.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Part of azure id free so.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: That's a commercial thing for us that we 
  believe so strongly in this that it helps improve the zero trust 
  posture that we believe they should be available to all 
  Enterprise customers for free now one of the things about these 
  credentials I can use it not only at work but also Beyond work 
  right so this is my work one the first things I can do is order a 
  computer for a discount for work so I go to the proseware if I 
  want to get my Enterprise discount how many federation's can 
  proseware buy.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  Possibly set up versus they can request 
  a credential.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Sort of type verified employee and if my 
  employer is on this list I get my discount.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: And best of all one of the things we 
  have embraced is this idea of a receipt so the user has an 
  independently signed receipt of every interaction they have had 
  with a credential so that they can present this for audit and 
  governance for their own lives to Regulators or otherwise.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Okay so that's a quick demo I'm going to 
  switch back over to slide we're on my end.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: So that's what we call entra verified ID 
  it's a common set of apis and rails using which it hasn't 
  switched for you it looks like I will try it again.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: When do your share again.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah I think you're up on the screen share here 
  the Microsoft Entra verified.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Okay and does it showing Entra Verified 
  ID now did I turn off My Demo screen.
Mike Prorock:  Yep and I in just a jump in real quick with a 
  quick question the you mentioned receipt is that just coming back 
  in form of a verifiable credential and are you tracking some of 
  the things around like software supply chain and receipts for 
  checking in builds and things like that or trying to align that 
  ability their what.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Yeah that would be an application of 
  this work right so there's no special work we're doing for it but 
  yeah so our colleagues and GitHub rx4 exceptions for example 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: And then LinkedIn is doing their own 
  exploration and Xbox is doing their own exploration so these are 
  all the places how we can see we can help jumpstart adoption of 
  issuance and presentation of set credentials.
Mike Prorock:  Okay awesome thank you.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Cool so we think this is a better way to 
  verify not only is it easy to use and secure but it's verifiable 
  transparent and convenient so we are building this into the 
  existing Microsoft authenticator app but as Kristina mentioned we 
  are also making ensuring interoperability so the SDK that we use 
  to build off indicator experiences implementing that same VC 
  interop profile that she described.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  and and we are able to actually.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Demonstrate interoperability with ping 
  workday matter Spruce IBM and a whole bunch of companies.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Avast right so there's a bunch of 
  Partners around the ecosystem who are all kind of holding each 
  other accountable and we're trying to do it the right way one 
  implementation of this is in Microsoft authenticate and we think 
  again we can help adoption on the Enterprise side and some of 
  those other brands can help in other Industries and scenarios for 
  which they are a preferred vendor but most importantly this won't 
  be a one-way Street we are by default ensuring we work with each 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  okay let's keep going so what’s 
  underneath this.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Is a platform for us the management 
  interface audit for Enterprises to issue requests and verify is 
  built into a portal which is available to every azure id customer 
  today on by default free it's included in their subscription the 
  entire service is comprised of a handful of apis Daniel is our 
  architect on our team he'll walk you through what that looks like 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  so they.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Simple to use rest apis and then that is 
  the end user wallet like experience which in our case we build 
  into authenticator very implementing again the interop profile 
  the SDK we are keenly interested in that open Wallet work that 
  communities championing next so lots of good stuff happening I 
  hold it to Daniel now on some taking a quick overview for 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: One last thing to add for you Daniel 
  there is that our documentation then points directly to set 
  standards and specs so that if anybody wants to implement their 
  own version they can and still be interoperable.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Okay so I'm going to move the 
  conversation forward I noticed a question in the chat around 
  custodian wallet or agent so in this case it's an unauthenticated 
  wallets authenticator today as it sits is unauthenticated and it 
  handles creating Keys credentials managing life cycle of keys and 
  credentials basically as well as receipts and you can back that 
  up export the file basically all the contents.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  encrypt it in the pneumonic phrase and 
  take it to another wallet
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Of your choice this is one of the areas 
  that we want to continue to work with the community on making 
  that experience better but hopefully that answers your question 
  did the organizers want to recognize anyone else on their 
  questions or comments before I keep going forward it again if you 
  want to cover anything else.
Mike Prorock:  No I think.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah I think you hit for sure it looks like 
  Steve's question there which is I think I had an overlap on as 
  well the one question that I did want to get on because you do 
  mention kind of and call out that they're you know you're 
  utilizing obviously the verified ID rest API that you guys have 
  published up I mean the open ID for VP and VCI cetera right 
  that's that's moving along nicely in this kind of out in the open 
  what's your sense around like rest apis and.
Orie Steele: +1 Help us build the traceability api!
Mike Prorock:  Getting into more of like system to system type 
  use cases and non-interactive use cases I mean are you guys 
  planning on you know collaborating because obviously if I think 
  about like supply chain use cases working with you know is that 
  an area you guys would be willing to collaborate with you know 
  all okay.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Absolutely look the default answer is 
  yes it's a matter of when and how we go about.
Mike Prorock:  Okay because I think the Dynamics Team in 
  particular right would be a great participant with your guys 
  input especially the traceability API as Orie is noting in the 
  chat so yeah.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Yeah absolutely and by the way we're 
  working with those same colleagues right so Dynamics also has a 
  thing called fraud for example and office has a set of things 
  where you do signing for example and so on so forth all the 
  boring enterprising things there is a there's a widget of that in 
  our company and we are super interested in it we have our own 
  supply chain concerns even for our own devices and software 
  Supply chains for that matter as well right.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  so these are all pressing problems for 
  us but we thought was we first want to get.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Identity of organizations and 
  individuals represent such organizations to be trustworthy at 
  which point I can go talk about applications and processes and 
  devices that those persons and organizations operate until we 
  achieve tension things.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Okay so I will proceed.
Mike Prorock:  That makes total sense than really appreciate the 
  you know kind of logical flow and real clear diagramming here so 
  thanks again from the chairs here and I think there was one other 
  wasn't it on the Queue yeah hang on yep Allen or Steve might 
  still be on.
Alan Karp:  Yeah do you have anything about the key and 
  credential recovery or you're going to leave that up to the 
  individual companies.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Today we just have a rudimentary offer 
  which is for the individual side you are able to backup or export 
  the key the credentials and the receipts into a bundle that isn't 
  protected using a pneumonic phrase and then you can place it 
  wherever you like including Google drive or your home desktop and 
  then there is an ability to import that back into authenticator 
  at least we understand it we're working with our interop.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  Partners to figure out where else we 
  could use such a thing or.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Who else would be supporting and making 
  it better that's in fact one of the slides in here is next steps 
  on we want to do much better on it and if Community has ideas on 
  what that could be up to do it.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Should I keep rolling.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah I think think good to go thanks.
<mprorock> would love thoughts on hardware sec integration and 
  isolation later if we have time
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Okay so the scenarios are next right so 
  what where do we see energy from the community around it 
  particularly around our Enterprise customers again it is on that 
  faster remote onboarding it is securing access and recovery and 
  as well as business process so the onboarding thing even into the 
  especially in today's economic environment it's super competitive 
  and people want to reduce their costs both in.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Time and money that it takes to do this 
  and these are existing budget line item for every Enterprise to 
  go make this better and it happens across the board across the 
  world and each one resulting in poor privacy and security posture 
  and compliance ….. And so.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Describing the value there and making it 
  reusable has landed really well the other key place where it 
  applies is securing access to privileged apps so as I mentioned 
  we do tens of billions of daily authentication events some of 
  them for example let's take my own CFO for my company goes and 
  approved high-value transactions such a financial officer for 
  Microsoft but they use the same multi-factor authentication as 
  they do to check their email we think we could do better and 
  bringing in there.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  real-world identity and verification 
  and being able to verify from trusted sources whether it’s the 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Or other applications like security 
  training and clearance super valuable so there's a whole bunch of 
  initiative around skills learning and using those at the stations 
  to prove proficiencies to gain access to resources.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  and from a security zero trust 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: It is proving to be a really valuable 
  asset because now you're no longer relying on a single domain 
  testing new things.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: And because of the simple apis that 
  Daniel described they can go request these apis from disparate 
  issuers who could be running on completely disparate 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: They could have a workday system issuing 
  their workplace credentials and they could be using an IBM system 
  who's issuing their training credentials and they could all be 
  presented into authenticator and gone on to azure id accepting 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  right for this customer.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Who wants to work across that ecosystem.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: That federating through the user has 
  landed really really well with our Enterprise customers one of 
  those other places given again today's economic climate at most 
  companies that super keen on is reducing their cost around 
  support as you may have heard.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Like every phone call you make to get 
  your password reset is $50 that's like a crazy number and if you 
  can get down to seconds and significantly cheaper both for the 
  user and by the way it's better for privacy and security so win 
  win win so we have found our customers are resonating with a 
  cheaper faster more trustworthy way to verify these types of 
  flows and other stations and it's every business.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  Process in the industry and as much as 
  I keep talking about enterprise.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: We have to realize that every consumer 
  interaction with a brand whether you're going to a hotel or a 
  restaurant or getting on an airplane is an Enterprise interaction 
  and it's these Enterprises are making those design choices.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  and so our goal.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Here is to make that as simple and 
  intuitive as possible to enable that customer choice and 
  empowerment that I started to call when there's a bunch of case 
  studies that are public I adopted these slides but we have a few 
  new ones now in addition some of the next steps if you like 
  actually I can I just saw comment go by I'll recap what these 
  three things are keio University is using it for student identity 
  and not only having that identity verified on campus would be on 
  campus National Health.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  Services in u.k. is using it for our 
  staff passport for the caregivers.
<kristina> keio is also alumni creds and their internal IT staff 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Because doctors go from hospital to 
  hospital and getting their identity verified time and again 
  results in time taken away from providing care government of 
  Flanders is looking at they already have digital identity for 
  their citizens they want to issue these kinds of credentials to 
  Citizens so that they can open a new business or do business 
  around the world and still be able to easily verify their 
  identity while respecting their privacy.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  some of the next steps we’re focused 
<rohit_gulati> Here is the link to the list of our case studies - 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: We think we made good progress on 
  registration key management interoperability and it will continue 
  by no means we're done however the next thing we need to add and 
  improve on as Allen was just asking as well is around recovery 
  making it more better on revocation on being able to check finder 
  and attributes how do we reduce correlation there next up onstage 
  for us is things are on selective disclosure and maybe even zero 
  knowledge proof but again you want to lead with interoperability 
  standards first we have more work to do that as a community.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  the second key area that we're focused 
  on is performance and scale as Daniel was mentioning.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: So did web is the.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Default configuration we have enabled we 
  do support did ion as a preview method and it really relies on 
  customer adoption but from APIs and user experience perspective 
  and developer experience perspective they don't know any 
  different on which DID method are interacting with by by Design 
  we opted for that when we do make it very clear for issuers and 
  verifiers on where do you want to go and why and so on so forth 
  so we have some customers exploring use of did ion but most of 
  them feel very comfortable starting with.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  did web and then exploring moving up to 
  a permissionless system but.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Currently everyone starts with this did 
  web world they're also thinking about other methods to support 
  some of them are being proposed by things like European Union 
  digital identity initiatives some of them are being proposed by 
  large corporations who want to do consortiums and they want to do 
  their own permission thing whether it's based on ethereum or some 
  other flavor but for all of them be pushed towards a common 
  attraction is that the DID method.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  please provide that.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: And we'll follow the same pattern that 
  we've been talking about as an architecture.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: The last one they always ask for the 
  community is we continue to do all of our work and diff and w3c 
  so come join that growing movement so these are standard Slide by 
  the way I use with all of my customers.
<phil_l_(p1)> Going back to DIDs, It appears your using a single 
  did and profiles to contextualize their role in different 
  contexts rather than supporting multiple DIDs for different uses. 
  Further explanation as to why?
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: And we've seen tremendous uplift on it 
  there's a bunch of other companies Beyond contributing to 
  standards are also helping activate now on participating on 
  developing policy helping evolved business models and so on so 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: That's a quick update but I do want to 
  say thank you first of all to you guys who tirelessly work in 
  forums like these and many others for that matter Kristina had 
  quite the alphabet soup so all this work doesn't neatly happen in 
  one room you guys know it more than most of us do so I just 
  wanted to take a minute and on behalf of a product guy wanted to 
  say thank you because this is like a quest it's a 10-year thing I 
  feel like I'm a third of the way in have a long way to go but I 
  feel very optimistic.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  because of all these resources we have 
  created from starting with this idea of like.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: What is this decent ….. why do I need it 
  what I don't understand to now I can't I don't have enough time 
  in my calendar well for my team for that matter around the world 
  to handle the rate of inbounds and a lot of it is still there 
  spending on education and awareness on why do you need it where 
  is it appropriate what are some of the challenges what are what 
  is the art of possible versus true reality today at least in our 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  these are some of the resources we 
  share with our customers as well.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: You’ll get this deck as well and if you 
  have other questions for this please hit us up I want to be 
  respectful of your time and calendar though and we can spend more 
  time on Q&A if you like.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Ankur Phil I think you have some 
  question you have the floor.
Phil_L_(P1): Yes can you hear me.
Phil_L_(P1): Great this is it appears that you're using profiles 
  as a way of contextualizing different dimensions of users for 
  different for different roles opposed to allowing for multiple 
  individual dids to be Associated or multiple digital be 
  associated with a person that was just curious to why that 
  approach in this particular instance.
<kristina> profile is purely for interop
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: I might have misspoken or misunderstood 
  in this case that's not what we're doing we are in fact doing 
  what you just stated which is there could be a different 
  identifier associated with any given credential the relying party 
  or verifier can request one or more of those things verify each 
  of those subjects Association or binding with it independently 
  but using one set of apis the profile construct in fact is 
  something that we're exploring.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  the context of decentralized web nodes 
  and such again starting with a enterprise.
<kristina> how DIDs are assigned can be defined in the profile
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Entity relationship first and then maybe 
  do end-user the profile of word that we use specifically is as 
  Kristina’s pointing out in the chat is in the context of interop 
  and so the interopability has a profile with says said standard 
  ingredients used in this manner this recipe results in 
  interoperability among us as ecosystem Partners it was not in the 
  context of holder presenting credentials.
Phil_L_(P1): Got it thank you very much.
<mark_foster> How are you defining Schema
Harrison_Tang: I have a question how does my impression of active 
  directory is that it has a registry of employees in big 
  Enterprises and if my impression is correct how does the how does 
  the DIDs underlying the verified IDs like work with active 
<kristina> we have few credential type templates + custom types 
  customers can define
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: It turns out actually it's not even the 
  users accounts that are in there right those actually sit the 
  profile of an employee actually sits in human Capital Management 
  Systems like workday and sap or Oracle or something what is in 
  Azure active directory or active directory is a permission 
  management system which says here's what how we're going to do 
  access management here's how we'll all authenticate here's how 
  I'll authorize here’s who has access to what application so and 
  so forth.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  what we are now introducing is 
  verifiable credentials as one such method.
<kristina> ^ re schema question
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Using which you can verify attributes 
  which could have come from Azure active directory active 
  directory workday sap whatever we're saying here is a standard 
  way of doing it across disparate systems does that make sense.
Harrison_Tang: Yes thank you.
<mark_foster> How do you map schema to Linked Open Vocabularies
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: It's no longer about usernames and 
  passwords which is what we have been true traditionally relying 
  on and now the modern Incarnation could be an MFA or a …. key but 
  in all of those cases The Binding between an object ID which is 
  in the directory and that credential is sitting in the directory 
  and we are saying what if it wasn't there what if it was with the 
  user instead.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  as a result I don’t have the right app.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: That speaks specifically to One 
  Directory at a time I can talk to anyone.
<kristina> we do not do linked data rn
Harrison_Tang: Got it so essentially the active directory becomes 
  more of a personal Pursuit permissioning and also kind of 
  authorization authentications kind of service and then the ID 
  registry is somewhere else basically okay.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: That's right we've come to learn that in 
  fact our customers have told us the real value that azure id 
  provides is this orchestration right it's not the source of Truth 
  the source of Truth is your human Capital management system or 
  your CRM system for consumers or whatever it might be.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: But what you want is a common interface 
  using which you can ensure Integrity perform security compliance 
  all of that stuff that you don't want a ….. application you do it 
  using a service like Azure active directory or your preferred 
  while you could use ….. or whatever it might be.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  as long as they support standards.
Harrison_Tang: Got it so what if sorry for all the questions what 
  if the service doesn't support these standards like some of the 
  for example some of the issuers are not as familiar with a 
  verifiable credentials and DID Concepts like what do you do there 
  do you do some kind of proxy like issuer ….. or.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Yeah it's back to today's world right so 
  today if I go to your I don't know you visit my company and we 
  don't set up Federation and I'm going to ask you to create a 
  local account right.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: No different which is another important 
  point though on ensuring compatibility existing internet you 
  can't say sorry I can't do business with you no do I have to be 
  able to work with you we have to provide alternate rails what are 
  those and what our users are saying is I don't want to do 
  different gestures and I'd learn different rituals I just want 
  one way either I fill out a form or scan and present or something 
  right it just better work everywhere.
Harrison_Tang: Got it thank you.
Harrison_Tang: Any questions from the community.
Mike Prorock:  I'm just going to throw in a chair another chair 
  comment which I'm sure Harrison would Echo is just really 
  appreciate this Ankur and team like you know it's one it's always 
  great seeing this stuff roll out for a variety for a variety of 
  contexts but two actually seeing proposals that will scale that 
  match and blend with real-world use cases and can integrate 
  clearly obviously nothing's perfect and we're always going to 
  keep evolving and improving and trying to find.
Mike Prorock:   Better interoperability you know Etc.
<orie> yes, really awesome work!
<kristina> let's cross the chasm towards issuer-holder-verifier 
  model together so that we can build more use-cases
Mike Prorock:  But uhh just really appreciate the openness this 
  is very helpful I think it's very helpful to the community and as 
  I mentioned before especially around like traceability API like 
  if that seems like a good Next Step we'd be happy to bring you 
  guys into that and collaborate on that so.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Absolutely and look up this is going I 
  genuinely think this is going to take a community effort for all 
  of us to partner together and I work in some of these other 
  forums and when you don't get that feedback of like is your work 
  bettering is it going somewhere and how does it all right so I'm 
  happy I do this with my partners and customers I'm happy to come 
  do this every quarter every six months whatever you guys think is 
  the high frequency at least for our part and we can share.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  updates I can bring my customers to 
  tell you stories if it helps.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah that that absolutely would be great to get on 
  some of that like customer feedback and integration into other 
  areas obviously a lot of us that are you know testing your APIs 
  are working with you guys you know in one capacity or another you 
  know are here on this call but the ecosystems broadening so much 
  right and that's a great thing so we should definitely you know 
  have some offline you know chats between ourselves obviously 
  Kristina is one of the chairs of the VC working group but with 
  Brent as well right.
Mike Prorock:   Right and just see about you know let's look at 
  some of these practical things and make sure we're working some 
  of that stuff into the.
Mike Prorock:  Schedule coming up so really once again really 
  appreciate it.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Thanks everyone you have our contact 
  info please ping us if we can be of any help anybody else have 
  any closing comments or anything else.
Harrison_Tang: Sorry I have one curiosity question so any single 
  identity can have multiple they can wear multiple hats right so 
  identity can be a issuer it can be a verifier it can be like a 
  data subject holder itself right so my question is how do you 
  kind of deal with the multiple roles or for lack of better term 
  personas for a single issuer how do you deal with that especially 
  how do you educate.
Harrison_Tang:  these users as well as how do you on the.
Harrison_Tang: Ui/ux side how do you actually clarify these 
  complicated Concepts.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Such a good question in fact one of the 
  things I always talk about the hardest bit about this stuff is 
  actually ease of use and ease of use on helping audiences 
  understand these Concepts that's one of the key concerns we have 
  around selective disclosure knowledge proof stuff of how do I 
  understand what the heck is actually happening forget you would 
  you can technically do it so for our part this idea of fitting 
  the current model of presenting credentials is something that 
  normal users understand and creating the ceremony.
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  of this is the party of.
<kristina> ah - would be great if we can work on the trust 
  frameworks together :) that is absolutely necessary to prevent 
  verifiers over-requesting data
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Requesting something from you this is 
  the party who is going to receive this information hence the idea 
  of a receive ironically we are trying to model more of the analog 
  world in terms of such ceremonies and rituals we feel like the 
  digital world is actually lagging compared to what we can do in 
  our everyday life quite fast and fluid so that's our inspiration 
  around it and we've created trust markers we have created markers 
  in the user presentation and we can talk through the ux more 
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft:  next time we chat but these are all the 
  things we test with end users to get feedback on.
<mprorock> /me thinks that is very well said
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: Inspiring that confidence understanding 
  specifically not just kind of the word service the lip service 
<mprorock> otherwise we would have no paper credentials left in 
  supply chain
Ankur_Patel_@_Microsoft: informed consent like actually trying to 
  test it and making sure like is there enough information on the 
  screen that helps you understand the of you feeling over about 
  for example that's part of the reason why you choose 
  authenticator or somebody else for example was not putting those 
  work and care and finesse that will be required does that make 
Harrison_Tang: Yes thank you.
Harrison_Tang: All right thanks Ankur and thank you Daniel thank 
  you Kristina for coming here and spending your time to present 
  your latest work on the Microsoft entra verify ID thank you.
<ankur_patel_@_microsoft> thank you team - really appreciate your 
  leadership and partnership!
<mark_foster> Thank you
<rohit_gulati> Thank you all
Harrison_Tang: Any any last announcement or reminders 
Alan Karp:  I had a question I tried to access the documents but 
  it asked me to login is that correct that I do something wrong.
Kristina: Sorry login where.
Alan Karp:  At the aka.ms
Alan Karp:  Those are some of the links for some of the on the 
Kristina: I'm No usually you shouldn't have to login.
Alan Karp:  That's what I would have thought but okay I'll figure 
  it out.
Kristina: Yeah feel free to send me like which ak.ms doesn't work 
  and I can help but ya know usually doesn't require.
Harrison_Tang: Cool Kaliya oh sorry.
<orie> Hey Mark!
Mark_Foster: I wanted to say hello I'm new to the group I just 
  wanted to say hello I'm Mark Foster and I'm working on some I've 
  been coming from a solid world you know solid project Tim 
  berners-lee's project and I'm learning more about the community 
  here and decentralized IDs so looking forward to learning from 
  you guys.
<orie> Welcome!
Mike Prorock:  Awesome great to have you thanks for jumping in on 
  the reintro at the end here so.
<mprorock> hard stop for me - thanks again!!! all
Harrison_Tang: Welcome Mark Kaliya do you have any announcements 
  that you want make.
Harrison_Tang: No problem thank you.
Harrison_Tang: Thanks a lot.

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2022 19:24:16 UTC