Re: List function question/problem --

On 2022-03-20 5:00 pm, Manu Sporny wrote:
> On 3/20/22 6:07 PM, Steven Rowat wrote:
>> Unless I'm misunderstanding you, and you don't see your emails on the list either. Ever.
> Ah, I see. No, I see my emails hit the mailing list and they show up in the mailing list folder. That /is/ very strange. Have you tried unsubscribing and then re-subscribing? You can do so here:

Thanks. FYI, that link refused to let me unsubscribe. :-)

When I tried it, it said it didn't have the permissions, and redirected me to my profile to find the community group page which did allow me to Leave Group, Rejoin Group (Resigning Waivers).

After which, my test email still has the issue (didn't get to me, but did get to the archive).

And so, I've now tried an (unlikely, but I suppose possible) whitelisting of my own address at my ISP, and if that fails I can use the other link you sent to monitor the fact that the email shows up in the archives. Which will work.

So thank you!


> -- manu

Received on Monday, 21 March 2022 03:21:06 UTC