Re: Thoughts about signatures, JOSE, and NIST curves (was: [PROPOSED WORK ITEM] ECDSA Secp384r1 Cryptosuite v2019)

While we are on the topic:
I am used to using JsonWebKey2020 when the contentType is
application/did+json . However, is it okay to also use  JsonWebKey2020 when
the contentType is application/did+ld+json ? At some point in time I
convinced myself that JsonWebKey2020 was only meant to be used with JSON,
and when you moved to JSON-LD it became make up your own name with
description and date.
Looking back, this may not be accurate.

tl;dr: I am trying to resolve this question that came up yesterday:

-Brent Shambaugh

On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 12:45 PM Mike Prorock <> wrote:

> big +1 to this:
>> I would strongly recommend building on one or the other, or both, and not
>> attempting to invent anything new that is not directly compatible with them.
> In general IETF is the place to look for the actual formats for Keys,
> Signatures, etc
> Those then can get leveraged and wrapped with other niceties as
> appropriate elsewhere (e.g. a W3C spec/standard that uses the IETF
> definition of ED25519 for underlying key representation etc)
> Mike Prorock
> CTO, Founder

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2022 19:54:42 UTC