Re: Future-proofing VCs via multiple signatures

I can comment that as of last week’s ETSI meetings, there are no plans for the EU to adopt any new signature schemes as part of the new EIDAS v2 regulations.

So it will indeed be quite a while before one could use these legally in the EU (or other countries that have adopted ETSI signature and identity standards).


From: Manu Sporny <>
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 9:31 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Future-proofing VCs via multiple signatures
On 1/14/22 1:20 PM, Christopher Allen wrote:
> Let me know if these are interest to you — Blockchain Commons has on our
> roadmap to demonstrate these this year with CBOR, but could be funded to
> demonstrate with LD-Proofs.

Yes, all of those variations are of interest, albeit a bit far in the future.

The challenge for a number of us in this space is how woon these mechanisms
will be approved by IETF and NIST... all the math can be well researched and
solid, but until there is an RFC from IETF or acknowledgement from NIST that
these mechanisms have approval from an international standards body or a well
known national standards body, many medium to large corporations and
governments around the world tend to play a "wait and see" game.

While we're interested in chain and M-of-N set signatures, especially with the
qualities you alluded to, much of the VC industry seems to be focused on
single signature schemes. I expect that to change, but might take years. As
you know, it's our job to make sure the technology is ready before the world
needs it.

Do you know where each of the technologies you mentioned are wrt.
standardization and cryptographic peer review?

> LD-Proofs

Note that the "LD Proofs" work has been renamed to "Data Integrity" (umbrella
term for the "canonicalize, hash, then sign/anchor/proof" approach). While
Linked Data can be used, it is not required and alternate data models and
canonicalization schemes (such as pure JSON and JCS) can be used.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -;;sdata=38Yuk7uWbAxnP4fbwfA6NX9xWzonTgGKwEQ703MB83A%3D&amp;reserved=0
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021);;sdata=8NC0eewQJojIiZMEAEpKwwjZE56tmHS%2Bufo20fpSzbk%3D&amp;reserved=0

Received on Monday, 17 January 2022 00:09:46 UTC