Re: Recommendations for Storing VC-JWT

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 6:24 AM Orie Steele <>

> I would still avoid transmitting them decoded since JSON member order
> might not be preserved, and reordering would break signatures.

It is possible to preserve signatures when member order changes by using a
set hash, as we did in  I'm not
necessarily recommending doing that, just point out that reordering isn't a
total showstopper.

Alan Karp

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 6:24 AM Orie Steele <>

> Hey Folks,
> As you know JWT compact representations are base64url encoded, making them
> impossible to query over from a database like Cosmos, Neo4j, MongoDB etc.
> A natural solution is to store the JWT in flattened form, like this:
> However, it's not clear to me from the RFC what these actually look
> like... this is what I want:
> {
>       "header": {
>         "alg": "EdDSA",
>         "kid":
> "did:key:z6MkneEzjgD4Rerd14F62MmcKXY5LQsLQeY6UntTQmtSKwFh#z6MkneEzjgD4Rerd14F62MmcKXY5LQsLQeY6UntTQmtSKwFh"
>       },
>       "payload": {
>         "iss": "did:key:z6MkneEzjgD4Rerd14F62MmcKXY5LQsLQeY6UntTQmtSKwFh",
>         "sub": "did:example:123",
>         "vc": {
>           "@context": [
>             "",
>             ""
>           ],
>           "id": "urn:uuid:494",
>           "type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
>           "issuer":
> "did:key:z6MkneEzjgD4Rerd14F62MmcKXY5LQsLQeY6UntTQmtSKwFh",
>           "issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:23:24Z",
>           "credentialSubject": { "id": "did:example:123" }
>         },
>         "jti": "urn:uuid:494",
>         "nbf": 1262373804
>       },
>       "signature":
> "pRMwWUl1rjVpUIChduHosy2NeZfdeBo0jkWfLKVXfmVO8Q31PN3kcw0CGIG78hS0z9MdXnOV7L3mBQtKBslQDA"
>     }
> If I can't represent a VC-JWT as JSON in a database, then I can't query
> over its contents, which is important for many public credential use cases.
> It would seem the rational thing to do is:
> 1. to store them decoded
> 2. store a decoded version next to the encoded version.
> I would still avoid transmitting them decoded since JSON member order
> might not be preserved, and reordering would break signatures.
> My question are:
> 1. What is the name for the representation I gave above in JSON (is this
> what flattened looks like), or is there a better way?
> 2. Which of the 2 storage options should JWT developers take, when
> planning to query over JWT verifiable credentials?
> Regards,
> OS
> --
> Chief Technical Officer
> <>
> ᐧ

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2022 17:09:52 UTC