Re: CBOR-LD for VC

Would be interesting to explore what the intersection of CBOR-LD, VCs, and
IPLD would be. IPLD is a dataformat for hash linked data. It specifies a
DAG-CBOR encoding which uses tag 42 to represent a hash link (which imo is
pretty much the only way you can responsibly do linked data).


*Joel Thorstensson *
Co-founder / CTO
[image: 3Box Labs] <>

On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 05:48:52, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:

> Continuing the CBOR thread but now with dedicated subject line.
> I'm not much into "LD" but obviously you should be able to create a
> The only real stumbling block I have found is that the "Guardians of CBOR"
> consider URLs as type identifiers a bad thing because:
> - The intention was (and is) that you register application-specific nnn()
> tags with IANA
> - URLs open the possibility reading CBOR schemas in run-time which is a
> known XML foot-gun
> Decentralized URLs as type identifiers are (IMO) a necessity for a lot of
> systems. Regarding reading schemas in run-time: there will always be people
> who do not understand how to write secure software but will do it anyway.
> As I wrote in another thread, using COSE signatures (or encryption) is
> something I wouldn't do. Using COSE public key and algorithm identifiers is
> though perfectly workable.
> Regarding possible COSE-LD signatures I would consider a solution where
> signatures only protect the actual bytes transferred, and feature the LD
> part as a hash. That is, validation of LD canonicalization would be an
> optional step.
> Thanx,
> Anders

Received on Monday, 14 February 2022 10:16:26 UTC