FW: Join the upcoming eSSIF-Lab workshop “Building an SSI ecosystem together”: 25 Feb 16:00 CET

eSSIF-Lab is holding an online workshop in which six of its subgrantees will showcase the results they have produced in their projects.
You are cordially invited to attend this (free) workshop (registration required though), and forward this invitation to your SSI friends).



We want to invite you to the upcoming eSSIF-Lab workshop “Building an SSI ecosystem together” on the 25th of February at 16:00 CET. Here’s a link to register<https://bit.ly/3KYohlW> for the workshop (you’ll receive the video link shortly before the workshop). Registration is free and open to all stakeholders.

If you are interested in identity solutions that improve the interaction between citizens and organisations, reducing administrative overhead and delays, while also satisfying high privacy, security and trust standards, we strongly encourage you to join this session.

The workshop will feature six eSSIF-Lab subgrantees, who will provide us with live demos of their solutions as well as insight into how these can be applied to solve real-world problems. You can check the full event agenda on the registration page<https://bit.ly/3KYohlW>.

Hope to see you there!

Best regards,

Scientific Coordinator of NGI eSSIF-Lab

Dr. ir. M.O. (Oskar) van Deventer
Senior Scientist Self-Sovereign Identity
Dept. Networks

T +31 (0)88 866 70 78
M +31 (0)65 191 49 18
E oskar.vandeventer@tno.nl<mailto:oskar.vandeventer@tno.nl>

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Received on Friday, 4 February 2022 08:16:50 UTC