Re: More #didhumor: What is an NFT?

On Jan 28, 2022, at 09:28 PM, Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <> wrote:
> It's not intended to be offensive ... it follows from the previous definition of D.I.D. and it is the same person playing both roles in the video ...sound like you didn't notice that.

Michael --

In the followup quoted above, you are blaming the reader(s) of 
the original post for having been offended by your use of a 
serious mental illness in a "humor" post.  That substantially 
increases the offense you're committing.

This is not the first time one of your "humor" posts has been
noted as offensive, along similar lines.

Please stop making such posts.  You may interpret this as a
request that you stop posting "humor", because you do not seem
to be able to discern what is offensive to others.

Thank you.


A: Yes.                
| Q: Are you sure?           
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2022 17:08:37 UTC