Preparing to hand over CCG work items to VCWG 2.0

CCG Chairs and fellow standardistas,

The VCWG 2.0 charter vote is probably about a month or so away and the
charter currently contemplates pulling in between 5-10 CCG work items!
Presuming that the charter gets through the W3C Advisory Committee vote
(450+ organizations) unscathed, these work items will definitely include:

* Data Integrity
* Ed25519 Cryptosuite
* Secp256k1 Cryptosuite
* JWS Cryptosuite
* BBS+ Cryptosuite

The work items may include:

* Secpr1 Cryptosuite (if we can get another sponsor, help!)
* PGP Cryptosuite
* Status List 2021
* Credential Refresh 2021

There is a part of the W3C Community Group process where we will need to
publish "Final Community Group Specifications" for each of these work
items, get appropriate IPR commitments from CCG Members that contributed
to these items, and publish the documents so the newly rechartered VCWG
can take up the work.

Chairs, we'll want to discuss this during a call in the upcoming weeks.
The sooner the better.

-- manu

Manu Sporny
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
Our Verifiable Credential Deployments

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2022 03:12:55 UTC