Re: Facing Architectural Challenges in VC 2.0

On Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 12:08 PM Christopher Allen wrote:
> On the contrary, I'd love to see the VCs for JSON-LD community move forward, in particular as I'd like to see more focus of a variety of issues at the VP levels, more designs that leverage selective disclosure (in particular mandating at minimum the use of the emerging Merkle Disclosure LD proof), and focus deeper into requirements of the use of key material and security of code.
> It is what feels like a 5-year quixotic attempt to unify with JWT that I'd like to move past, especially as even that isn't good enough, as advantages of going beyond JWT integration to leverage modern cryptography, support other kinds of structured data models and herd privacy, opportunities of CBOR-based structures, etc. meet other needs. Maybe a VC 3.0 can solve them all, but it doesn't feel like VC 2.0 has time.

Ah, good, thank you for this, Christopher. It seems I completely
misinterpreted your email to the mailing list and will re-read it with
the perspective you outlined above. I will try to find the time over
the next couple of weeks to provide thoughts on each of your concerns
-- as I said, I do think there are some good points being made there
and perhaps discussing the other items will help us find a common
understanding of where we are and what's possible (both near term and
far into the future).

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Friday, 16 December 2022 20:18:12 UTC