[MINUTES] W3C CCG Traceability Call - 2022-08-16

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


Verifiable Traceability Task Force Transcript for 2022-08-16

  1. IP Note, Agenda Review, Scribe Selection
  2. GitHub Issue & PR review
  Orie Steele, Mike Prorock, Mahmoud Alkhraishi
  Our Robot Overlords
  Chris Abernethy, nis, Raad Al-Husban, Ben - Transmute, TallTed // 
  Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Khalid, vivien, Ted 
  Thibodeau, Orie Steele, Raad

<tallted> PEBCAK strikes us all at times.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.

Topic: IP Note, Agenda Review, Scribe Selection


Topic: GitHub Issue & PR review

<ben_-_transmute> auto-scribe not working?
<chris_abernethy> It never seems to work for Nis
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> Nis might 
  need to change browser to make the auto-scribe work
Ben_-_Transmute: Okay I mean I think the Scribe will be on 
  Chris's side will Chris when people talk does it show where it's 
  coming up on the screen.
Chris_Abernethy: I can see the CG bought working for you me I've 
  noticed in the past it doesn't work for nests for some reason 
  this what browser are you using.
Chris_Abernethy: I've actually never seen it work for you yeah.
Ben_-_Transmute: I can do one or two more okay so the next pull 
  request is going in order is do you want to address.
Ben_-_Transmute: 520 has still has unresolved conflicts on this 
  pull request.
Ben_-_Transmute: Okay so we can say that this is still working 
  progress on.
Ben_-_Transmute: Okay and this if you're back do you want to give 
  it a shot.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah that is strange I can take over for Eunice 
Ben_-_Transmute: Maybe the maybe the spritebot is faces against 
  people from Denmark or something.
<orie> Report this issue with transciption please, and chase it 
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah not not at all I can take over I'm So Okay 
  so we've done.
Chris_Abernethy: You done 524 it's gone just reload my page here 
  okay so the next one is 525 and the link is coming in to chat now 
  so this is from Vivian Vivian would you like to comment on this 
Vivien: Yes this is a new definition for schedule delivery 
  schedule which is to Mentor a present a plan for transportation 
  of commodity Crossing like borders but I notice no one has 
  approved it so.
Chris_Abernethy: Yeah this one looks like you put it in two hours 
  ago and had some corrections for Ted is this something that we 
  want to leave for a bit and give people chance to approve before 
  we merge this.
Vivien: Yeah I think it's better for people to take a look at it.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay I'll add a comment to that effect.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay let's move on to 2:55.
Chris_Abernethy: This is from this.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay I see that we have two of three approvals 
  on this does anyone object to merging this pull request.
Chris_Abernethy: I'm Jack's I'll merge now.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay that has been merged.
Chris_Abernethy: Next is issue 522 this one is also from this.
Chris_Abernethy: Excellent it's a very small change has three or 
  four approvals to if no one objects will merge that presently.
Chris_Abernethy: Has been immersed in the final PR is 520 this 
  one is rods robbery like to come in.
Chris_Abernethy: Got it apologies I forgot that we had already 
  done this one all right that is it I believe for PR sir Trace 
  vocab so let us move on to trace interrupt he ours.
Chris_Abernethy: Second while of this up.
Chris_Abernethy: You're so this will be working off of the first 
  item is PR 348 so when is mine.
Chris_Abernethy: These are all mine so this is to add some 
  additional responses for did resolution and this is in reference 
  to issue number 289 the problem here is we have some rather 
  generic and somewhat improper responses when the path parameter 
  for the did is either in an invalid value or value that does not 
  represent key.
Chris_Abernethy: Or just represent something that can't be 
  resolved at the end point so this PR does two things it has a 
  generic 404 to the open API schema and the set of responses for 
  this endpoint and it also adds a specific 400 error for this 
  endpoint in the case where the value is invalid.
Chris_Abernethy: Looks like we have three approvals does anyone 
  object to merging this in.
Chris_Abernethy: - I'm sorry and the queue.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> We''ll 
  probably get through all of these, but better (and default) sort 
  order would be 
Chris_Abernethy: Got it Juno.
<orie> conflicts
<orie> yep
Chris_Abernethy: Okay thank you for the correction.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Well should 
  be cousin turn it's very important to do the stuff that's been 
  touched for this back in time first so that those old things 
  continue to be on our work list otherwise we'll always look at 
  the first few things that have been most recently opened or 
  touched and that means the old stuff just lingers.
Chris_Abernethy: Understood okay so I will switch then and begin 
  doing this in this first order makes the next 1327.
Chris_Abernethy: This one is mine as well.
Chris_Abernethy: This is an update to you the documentation 
  regarding publishing the weekly minutes I've added some 
  screenshots and move this into more of a tutorial format like we 
  have for some of the postman tests so hopefully this is a little 
  bit easier to follow than the documentation that we were 
  previously linking to an external sources I have for approvals.
Chris_Abernethy: Said you had some.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> sorry, I 
  pasted wrong link above :-(  This is the right order 
Chris_Abernethy: It implements and commit does anyone object to 
  merging 327.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay next PR is 334.
Chris_Abernethy: This one is mine as well this PR is in response 
  to issue 315 and this is an issue that arises because in the 
  facet area of the generated reports from the testing results we 
  have a fixed height area for listing all of the tests along with 
  a red yellow or green box indicating the result and as we add 
  more tests that fixed area starts to become quite crowded in 
  things we can.
Chris_Abernethy:  to overlap so this is an adjustment to make.
Chris_Abernethy: A dynamic height area instead of fixed so that 
  things are just easier to read and don't overlap.
Chris_Abernethy: See this has 4 for approvals and objects I'll 
  merge this.
Chris_Abernethy: The next PR is 341.
Chris_Abernethy: 341 builds off of a previous change that we made 
  when we introduced the text traceability API into the 
  traceability context we have a lingering at vocab in one of the 
  examples that can be converted to use a context for the 
  traceability be one instead.
Chris_Abernethy: This has or for approvals objects I'll go ahead 
  and merge this.
Chris_Abernethy: Did you now.
Chris_Abernethy: And that is complete.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay final TR4 J's interop is 346.
Chris_Abernethy: Before six is in response to issue 272 and the 
  goal here is to split the report templates used to generate the 
  conformance and interoperability reports into to Ginga templates 
  so that we can more easily make these reports beverage as we come 
  across data points like the title for example that should not be 
  the same between the two reports and this has.
Chris_Abernethy:  for approvals going to head to merge.
Chris_Abernethy: Emerged that was the final PR so let us return 
  to trace vocab.
Chris_Abernethy: And we can begin to go over the issues.
Chris_Abernethy: It'll be done in Lisa recently updated order as 
  mentioned previously here's a link to that list.
Chris_Abernethy: The first issue Trace vocab is 357 and this is 
  yours would you like to comment.
Chris_Abernethy: It's my audio still working or is been 
Chris_Abernethy: And maybe unavailable.
Orie Steele:  You made me.
Ben_-_Transmute: No sorry I was putting just get back in bed not 
  right when I came up let me look at the issue and.
Ben_-_Transmute: Okay okay go yeah go ahead and I think I think 
  the issue for this was that just so we wanted the images in the 
  respect document to appear with the documents that they describe.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay is this something that we feel is ready for 
Ben_-_Transmute: I think if we're in agreement that we had say 
  yes it's very for PR I think the way to address this would be to 
  have mark down at the top of our demo file that gets interpreted 
  for each credential type.
Ben_-_Transmute: If that's an acceptable approach we could say 
  ready for PR.
Ben_-_Transmute: Looks like Oreos on the queue.
Orie Steele:  So if you read the open API specification 3 it has 
  a series of fields that describe themselves as being marked down 
  and I believe that those fields can be used to accomplish this 
  objective so I'd like for the action item on a ticket to describe 
  either exploiting open API specification three definitions for 
  markdown compatible fields or for an alternative solution to be 
  proposed and if we agree that we're going to use OS.
Orie Steele:  Was that support markdown.
Orie Steele:  To solve this thing.
Orie Steele:  You believe it is ready for PR.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay and does that sound like a.
Chris_Abernethy: Solution here do you want to review that and we 
Ben_-_Transmute: I agree I made a comment to that effect I'm yeah 
  I made a comment to the effect and if you would like the honors 
  of applying the ready for po pack.
Chris_Abernethy: I will do it would you like me to assign you to 
  that or.
Ben_-_Transmute: Sure I'll make it take it and track it.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay next item Up 365 Benjamin this one is yours 
  as well.
Ben_-_Transmute: I'm not entirely sure this is this might be 
  stale I think we were talking on the call to something of the 
  effect that the CD was not updating the respect document but I 
  think as far as I can tell it is so if unless I'm completely 
  crazy I think this can be closed.
Chris_Abernethy: I know that we had this issue in Trace interop 
  last week it was fixed.
Chris_Abernethy: But if we're if you're confident that this is no 
  longer an issue than I think you know we can close this.
Ben_-_Transmute: I think Nest you want to double check to see if 
  your changes were to have if we have any.
Ben_-_Transmute: I'm pretty free I'm pretty sure we made updated 
  updates the respect document recently that updated text and such 
  and I believe those have been implemented as a CD so I think we 
  can probably safely close this issue.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay I will close.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay next is issue 366 on the call.
Chris_Abernethy: Is there anyone that can comment on 366 from a 
  food or should we skip this one.
Chris_Abernethy: I'll let him know that we're saving this for 
  when he's able to join.
Chris_Abernethy: It's 370s This one belongs to eat.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay next is.
Chris_Abernethy: This one is Benjamins.
Ben_-_Transmute: Let's see I'm reading over it.
Ben_-_Transmute: I think I did this get a dress I think I might 
  have had a PR something that address this the main thing is I 
  found we're associating the term credential with verify your 
  credentials which means we would expect to see something with the 
  credential subject and a proof and so there were a bunch of 
  schemas such as order registration Prudential where it did not 
Ben_-_Transmute: Proof it was just a normal Json file.
Ben_-_Transmute: I think a lot of these might have been removed 
  potentially but I can't remember exactly.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay can I tag you to review and see if this 
  still needs to be active.
Ben_-_Transmute: Okay looks like it looks like I was able to find 
  it yeah so to to talk on the call as are we yeah or he's posting 
  in the comment binding data registration credential order 
  registration credential product code registration credential if 
  you look inside.
Ben_-_Transmute: Hey I can post in the.
Ben_-_Transmute: Koston it all we have is type order registration 
  credential order ID probably sorta certificate name so there's no 
  there's no claims there's no you know these are not verify with 
  these are not verify your credentials these are just Json files 
  and so if no one's claiming responsibility that they should 
  either be changed or removed and are we in agreement on that.
Ben_-_Transmute: Okay so I guess should we say this is ready for 
  PR then.
Orie Steele:  No it should it should say on the issue what the 
  action is to take and then it would be ready for PR so is the 
  suggestion to remove the credential suffix from these types.
Ben_-_Transmute: How are we going to remove the suffix or we're 
  going to remove the Jason because I doubt they're being 
  referenced anywhere.
Orie Steele:  Okay the whichever of those actions you believe 
  should be taken should be left as a comment on the issue prior to 
  saying it's ready for PR we would say it's ready we are if we all 
  agreed to the action that was described on the issue.
Ben_-_Transmute: Okay the suggested action is to remove the files 
  and I left a comment indicating that.
Orie Steele:  I'm in favor of removing them just for the record.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay nobody objects I will add ready to PR.
Ben_-_Transmute: And then I guess like me or this on that.
Chris_Abernethy: Tag you were assigned you.
Ben_-_Transmute: Are yes I mean.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay next issue is 385 earnest.
Chris_Abernethy: I'm sorry I didn't hear the last part you'll tag 
  yourself in.
Orie Steele:  Miss your audio kind of trails off so I'm not sure 
  if your neck is obstructed but make sure you're speaking into the 
Chris_Abernethy: Okay next issue is 389 this one is from Mike 
  Russell are you on the call I don't think he is can anyone 
  comment on this one I'm not familiar with it myself.
Chris_Abernethy: I'm going to go ahead and indicate that we need 
  some more information for Mike.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay let's move on to 390.
Chris_Abernethy: P90 is also from Mike looks like request for 
  Russell to add some credentials for some specific items.
Orie Steele:  Which issue is this.
Chris_Abernethy: Or do you feel like we can add ready for PR here 
  or I'm sorry this is 390.
Orie Steele:  I only really look at it once the link goes into 
  the chat just for the record.
Orie Steele:  Right I think it's the same kind of thing.
Chris_Abernethy: Looks like request for more credits.
Orie Steele:  Same sort of thing that Mike was saying before I 
  think the action item is to create some certificate types for 
  this I'll leave a comment on it.
Chris_Abernethy: All right I'll let you comment and we can move 
  on to 399.
Chris_Abernethy: 399 is also moons.
Chris_Abernethy: Ceci requested bundle traceability contacts into 
  an npm package can anyone comments on this.
Orie Steele:  I can comment on this so we frequently do this for 
  dads and VCS and at least you know it's just speaking for 
  transmute I'd be happy to publish the traceability of vocabulary 
  is an npm context however relying on it as a static context seems 
  very much unwise to do while we're accepting pull.
Orie Steele:   West's that are altering the.
Orie Steele:  Shinobi context file that's being shipped so I 
  would say that this is basically blocked pending publishing of a 
  stable version that's not going to be altered and I'll leave a 
  comment to that effect on them on the issue.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay would you like me to add the blocked label 
  while you're doing that.
Chris_Abernethy: Doesn't appear that we have one in this repo of 
  create one.
Ben_-_Transmute: Do you want to differentiate internally fuck the 
  rest I think we have an externally blocked I think what it does 
  blocked in by internally blocks.
Chris_Abernethy: Maybe we should make it say internally blocked 
  since we do have any specific externally blocked.
Chris_Abernethy: I will do that.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay let us move on to 395.
Chris_Abernethy: This one is yours as well.
Ben_-_Transmute: Let's do this was the one of versus.
Ben_-_Transmute: Any of for the entity thing I think this was 
  addressing the pull request and so my suggestion would be to 
  close this if.
Ben_-_Transmute: Knowing that sex.
Ben_-_Transmute: Yeah I think this this was for entity so the 
  entity type was moved to entity type and yeah this was the entity 
  migration thing.
Orie Steele:  This is the pull request that resulted in the 
  explosion of undefined terms.
Orie Steele:  Yes that's correct so regarding this address 
  json-ld process issue with one of schemas this ticket corresponds 
  to the translation between Json schema to json-ld context as I'm 
  as I understand it and.
Orie Steele:  It is a fact that today our Json schema processor 
  does not build json-ld contexts that are aware of one of so for 
  this particular item the way that I interpret it was that this is 
  a request for that processor to be made aware of one of.
Orie Steele:   Does that.
Orie Steele:  Aligned with what other folks thought the issue was 
Orie Steele:  Because if not then we just don't even have 
  consensus on what the issue is about.
Ben_-_Transmute: I think that was defined as approach number for 
  which there are no volunteers for this this issue was 
  specifically narrowly defined to one of four entity being either 
  a person or an organization and that was not being handled by our 
  json-ld processor and that we Define several you know five 
  possible approaches to address this and I think the specific 
  approach for this would be to was that we create.
Ben_-_Transmute: Entity type specific.
Ben_-_Transmute: Jason property for that for.
Ben_-_Transmute: Yeah I think yeah which number.
Orie Steele:  Right which then created the undefined term problem 
  but so I suggest we close this issue and we just pick up this 
  concept again fresh start work more narrowly defined issues for 
  this it's not the people processor and then for the ad type 2 
  type aliasing for undefined terms and all defined classes.
Ben_-_Transmute: Yeah I agree I the if we want to create a 
  specific issue for one of that could be its own issue.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay Benjamin would you mind creating a comment 
  to that effect.
Chris_Abernethy: Do we want to order to create this issue first.
Ben_-_Transmute: Or did you want to create those issues or do you 
  want nearness to create this issues.
Orie Steele:  I'd like for you to create the issues and Link them 
  before closing this one I think we can close it outside of the 
  call once it's been handled by descendants.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay next issue is from you or this is number 
Chris_Abernethy: Regarding Max size limit for json-ld view seats.
Orie Steele:  Really right so we all know that Json documents can 
  in practice become so large so as to fail to fit into certain 
  database engines it's fairly common that the mongodb like be some 
  limits be applied to Json representations and specs so you would 
  say you know okay we're creating Json formatted verifiable 
  credentials but there is a maximum.
Orie Steele:   Payment size limit for the file.
Orie Steele:  And that's what this ticket is sort of seeking 
  advice for and what we would do is we would gain consensus on 
  what the largest credential that we think should be illegal 
  traceable credential would be and then we might even want to take 
  some some padding room on that so that you could make a 
  presentation of it you might not be able to make a presentation 
  of the largest possible credential plus some other stuff if you 
  didn't have good padding on your largest possible credential so 
Orie Steele:   Those are the concerns that are.
Chris_Abernethy: Got it so I think the next step would be for 
  someone to put forth a suggestion on what that maximum size 
  should be or at least where we should try and find it you 
  mentioned Mongo sizes being a common.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay do we want to talk about whether we have 
  consensus on adopting mongodb conventions and moving to ready to 
  PR or do you want to let people sit with this for a bit.
Chris_Abernethy: If no one has an opinion on that I would suggest 
  we sit with it for a little bit.
Ben_-_Transmute: I would I would be okay with moment to be 
  conventions I'm going to put a thumbs up on that.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay I agree with that as well.
Chris_Abernethy: So we have a direction we have size shall we 
  make this ready for PR.
Chris_Abernethy: Next issue is 204.
Orie Steele:  Yes I might make a suggestion why don't you ask the 
  list for help with this maybe ask the ask the maintainers of an 
  ontology or ask the public credentials mailing list.
Orie Steele:  If you're struggling to move it along just share 
  the issue give them some contexts and ask them for help in a 
  polite manner.
Chris_Abernethy: So you add that note to the okay the next is 
Chris_Abernethy: It's just one is yours regarding bill of lading 
  must have description of cargo.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay thank you.
Chris_Abernethy: The next issue is you 68.
Chris_Abernethy: Is opened by Vladimir.
Chris_Abernethy: And it was regarding a wrong un CL 1153 
Chris_Abernethy: Already the last suggestion was from you that we 
  make a concrete proposal here or close the issue no one has made 
  such a concrete proposal if anyone would like to do so I think 
  now would be the time otherwise perhaps we should add pending 
Orie Steele:  He's asking for Curry's I think we've decided not 
  to use curries I suggest we say we've discussed this and the 
  working group has decided not to use carice close the issue.
Chris_Abernethy: Well I don't know now.
Chris_Abernethy: 268 has been closed.
Chris_Abernethy: X issue is 157.
Chris_Abernethy: Or are you open this one.
Chris_Abernethy: It's related to examples for geo spark Sparkle 
Orie Steele:  Yeah this is from the beginning I don't think we've 
  ever seen any Geo Sparkle examples added we have been using 
  schema.org geo coordinates and the place sort of representation 
  places a class that defines both addresses and locations in GPS 
  coordinate world so I suggest we close this issue because there 
  hasn't been any activity on it and I think we've got a good.
Orie Steele:  How to handle this stuff using the schema.org place 
  already in place.
Chris_Abernethy: I'll sing with comments.
Chris_Abernethy: K next issue is 2746 Ellie I Authority also from 
  glad but a mere can anyone comments on this issue from Vladimir.
Chris_Abernethy: Do we feel this is pending close stale or close 
  now stale.
Chris_Abernethy: Or he has suggested we close now due to 
Chris_Abernethy: Favor of that does anyone object.
Chris_Abernethy: Was it now.
Chris_Abernethy: Next is 276 another one from Vladimir.
Chris_Abernethy: Anyone can comments on this you stu.
Chris_Abernethy: Yep already has suggested that we closed because 
  this has been implemented so let's do that.
Chris_Abernethy: Buzzing with comet.
Chris_Abernethy: It was me I lost my place to 78.
Chris_Abernethy: 278 was also opened by a mere anyone comments on 
Chris_Abernethy: Ping's Mike back in May but there's been no 
  activity since then.
Orie Steele:  Yeah so I mean I think this is just a general thing 
  we keep running into where we've got you know an rdf class that 
  we'd probably all prefer to share but it's been introduced in a 
  vertical specific context and generally the rule there is that 
  you if you introduced it in that way you should work to make it 
  more generic so I think we should just ask for these properties 
  to be moved to an rdf class.
Orie Steele:  That would be.
Orie Steele:  Benton on agriculture use cases and I'll leave a 
  comment on the issue suggesting that.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay and this one is ours so if you could tag 
  Russell on that.
Chris_Abernethy: So the next one is 279.
Chris_Abernethy: This one is also Vladimir's anyone comment on 
Chris_Abernethy: It's you added ready for PR back in May.
Chris_Abernethy: They went to check to removing ready for PR.
Orie Steele:  I think the the label should be removed the last 
  comment prior to adding a ready for PR label should be a clear 
  action that a developer or contributor could take to resolve the 
Chris_Abernethy: I agree how remove that now.
Ben_-_Transmute: Is the issue being said here is just we're using 
  the same term place for two different things is that the only.
Ben_-_Transmute: That's numbers using identifiers and you wi is 
  using identifiers.
Orie Steele:  There isn't anything wrong with with that to be 
  clear like you can say this attribute uses this this identifier 
  type that's fine.
Orie Steele:  Yeah it's not.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I don't think 
  that's the error that he's flagging if you read the to the titles 
  of those two things that he copied yes it is a kind of paste 
  error I'm sure note that batch numbers title is unique well 
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): And clearly 
  it's better should be something more like batch number.
Orie Steele:  Is there a specific to oil certificate types is 
  that correct.
Orie Steele:  Should we start adding like a label so that we can 
  filter issues by use case like for example oil and gas issues.
Orie Steele:  Folks want to do that just so it's easy for you to 
  quickly come in and see the things that are relevant to your use 
  cases that you might pick at.
Chris_Abernethy: I think that's a good idea.
Chris_Abernethy: You have quite a few tickets so that would be 
Chris_Abernethy: Is that something you're volunteering or doing 
  all right.
Orie Steele:  Yep I will create some labels for the use cases and 
  I will apply them as we go through from now.
Chris_Abernethy: Excellent thank you regarding this one do we 
  want to specifically call out what the bugs are that need to be 
  addressed we did have a bit of confusion at the outset so maybe 
  clearing that up would be helpful before we ready for PR.
Ben_-_Transmute: Okay now I would make a comment just stating 
  that so we don't like.
Chris_Abernethy: For you to do that and I will add ready to for 
  PR or you cannot ready for PR.
Chris_Abernethy: Okay the next issue is an oldie number 24.
Chris_Abernethy: Or is this one was originally yours.
Chris_Abernethy: Some of the recent comments were from this I can 
  anyone comments on number 24.
Vivien: I don't think there's any progress on this from the side.
Vivien: Yeah there's some event on the crystal cup and there are 
  other likes of events that extend from heaven.
Orie Steele:  My understanding of this ticket is that it's an 
  ancient ticket tracking an intention to support EPC is which is 
  now better tracked and more focused fresher tickets so I would 
  suggest leaving a comment to the effect of we have other tickets 
  to track implementing and adding support for EPC is and link to 
  those tickets and then close this one.
Chris_Abernethy: Miss will you accept that desk.
Chris_Abernethy: This one is open by Miss and also had some 
  comments on it.
Ben_-_Transmute: Looking back at it.
<tallted> we're over time, folks
Ben_-_Transmute: Value is type string I think to be want to be 
  have bio to be a type okay yeah that's it my user string I think 
  should we update it to type number ready for PR looks like the 
  last time we agree to this we can put ready for PR and I guess we 
  didn't nessen anyone so I guess.
Ben_-_Transmute:  I can assign.
Ben_-_Transmute: After this to track it and then that way when I 
  filter issues by ones I've been assigned to you I can pick this 
  up again all right are we okay for that suggestion of changing by 
  you from a string to a number or should buy your administering.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): It's only a 
  number if it never includes the units in this attribute.
Ben_-_Transmute: Threaten me the text values is number okay thank 
  you or.
Ben_-_Transmute: All the recommended also we're at time.
Chris_Abernethy: Thank you for noticing that.
Orie Steele:  Right we're supposed to end five minutes early from 
  now on for these calls also or the new w3c process so I think we 
  should stop right here and follow up with the notes and see you 
  all next week.
Chris_Abernethy: Do I have a volunteer to publish the notes.
Chris_Abernethy: I can do it if nobody is interested I would like 
  someone else to do it simply to follow the new instructions and 
  tell me if they're good or bad.
Orie Steele:  Agree I'm since you did the documentation on the 
  instructions I think you should be free so Ness or been one of 
  you should try it.
Chris_Abernethy: Excellent thank you Miss.

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2022 20:01:49 UTC