Re: Role of different groups in W3C

On 8/9/22 11:29, Mike Prorock wrote:
> fantasai shared a personal take on these roles, that I thought was especially 
> poignant and can act as a good mental model to think about the roles, 
> especially as we see the addition of a formal corporate board in the new legal 
> entity. Thankfully she consented to me sharing with the list here (with the 
> request to withhold her email for spam concerns - she is bcc-ed on this note):

To be clear, messages from anyone on this list isn't my concern, it's just 
that the list is publicly archived and I try to use a different email for 
those. :) You're welcome to contact me directly if you want, my various 
contact info is documented here:


Received on Tuesday, 9 August 2022 16:28:32 UTC