Re: CHAPI and Brave compatibility

On 4/8/22 12:49 PM, Brian Richter wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a known timeline for when CHAPI will work with the Brave
> browser? As a Brave user it’s not great that I would have to recommend
>  a browser I myself try to avoid.

This is actually being worked on right now. I don't yet have a clear
timeline for a production release, but we should have something working
internally for testing in a couple of weeks.

> What is the API that Brave is missing? Is it something that will come
> with time or is it a design decision?

Brave only has partitioned, ephemeral 3rd party cookie storage -- and it
does not expose the Storage Access API. This makes it impossible to work
with the integrated iframe approach that CHAPI uses. We're implementing
a popup window flow (similar to how "OAuth/OIDC/Login with..." works on
sites like to address this.

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Friday, 8 April 2022 17:33:44 UTC