CHAPI protocol flow diagrams (was: Re: Progress check on this thread)

On 3/29/22 8:43 PM, Tobias Looker wrote:
>> Yes, I can commit to doing one for CHAPI and VPR + VC-API.

A first cut at some CHAPI protocol flow diagrams (using VPR and VC-API) that
are claimed to be end-to-end secure are available here... along with LOTS of
healthy debate over if/when they are actually secure and when they are not:

More analysis on the security model is here:

> Great, would we aim to present on a CCG call or somewhere else / some other
> format?

Yeah, once we get enough clarity and potentially come to some set of
information that we can distill into a more easily consumable form, we should
aim to present to anyone that will have us. Given the momentum of the thread
-- CCG would be a good place to start. I expect that we're still around 4
weeks or so out from being able to do that.

It feels like there are a variety of more conceptual things that might need to
be conveyed to the broader community.

* The role of mediators in the ecosystem
* Same-device wallet invocation
* Cross-device wallet invocation
* WACI + DIDComm

The above feels like a lot; overwhelming... and I'm sure I missed other
important items. Thoughts?

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Saturday, 2 April 2022 23:51:30 UTC