[AGENDA] Traceability Weekly Meeting, Tues 6/1/2021 13:30ET

DESCRIPTION: Discussion and work around Traceability related CCG Items
MEETING MODERATOR: Mike Prorock <mprorock@mesur.io> or Orie Steele <>
MEETING DATE/TIME: 6/1/2021 13:30 ET
MEETING LOCATION: meet.w3c-ccg.org/traceability

The group meets Tuesdays at 1.30pm ET/10.30pm PT on jitsi using this link:
meet.w3c-ccg.org/traceability - Meeting duration is 1 hour.

This meeting is held by voice over Jitsi at the above link, and covers Pull
Requests and Issues for items related to the use of various CCG projects
related to use of VCs, DIDs, and other CCG related projects as related to
traceability and supply chains.

Primary repositories tracked by the group for discussion are the:
1) Traceability Vocabulary https://github.com/w3c-ccg/traceability-vocab
2) Traceability Interop Profile

Based on a resolution from the last meeting, focus will alternate each week
between the two primary topics (Vocab and Interop) - The agenda below will
reflect the primary topic for the week.

1. IP Note, Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Introductions (5 minutes)
2. GitHub Issue & PR review (Vocab)
3. GitHub Issue & PR review (Other related repos - if required or
referenced by an issue on a core repository)
4. Proposals to Address Challenges
5. Next Steps and Community Discussion

NB: An easy way to get a topic out for discussion by the group is to open a
relevant issue on one of the above repositories as appropriate.

NB: The agenda may be updated periodically if a special topic is under
discussion, or a guest speaker is identified, etc.  In the event that the
agenda is updated, the updated agenda will be distributed to the
W3C CCG mailing list.

Received on Friday, 28 May 2021 13:05:10 UTC