Re: decentralised VC renderer question

Also worth noting that in the VC-EDU space, where the primary focus is on the human readable scenarios, they’ve explored embedding the VC into a PDF as well.


From: Manu Sporny <>
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 9:44 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: decentralised VC renderer question
On 6/28/21 10:23 PM, steve capell wrote:
> if it hasn't been a topic for the group then maybe it's something to add
> somewhere on the long list of future to-do's?

It's been discussed over the years, and yes, the solution is something along
the lines of what you suggest. The following technologies have been explored,
but with no firm resolution yet... we're all still very much experimenting
with all of this now:

* A static image embedded as a data: URL in the VC. This
  includes SVGs.

* A content-protected link to an external image in the VC.
  This also includes SVGs.

* HTML iframe to HTML-rendered credential that is
  specified in the VC.

* Fully encapsulated HTML+CSS embedded in the VC.

* Web Component[1] referred to in the VC.

All of the solutions have non-trivial privacy, payload size, and security
implications. It's certainly a solvable problem... but the ecosystem seems to
be focused on getting the foundation right at present and not rushing ahead to
address the rendering problem.

If you take a look at wallet today, they seem to be plucking values like
"image", "title", and "description" and doing generic rendering for the other
fields in the VC. Note that this is possible because the semantic meaning of
each claim is globally known.

It's all a work in progress... yes, people are working on it... but not in any
coordination CCG fashion, yet.

-- manu


Manu Sporny -;;sdata=AmV4teKlxUumRcitn5XMqHCF53hUABGU9u4IYF12M2I%3D&amp;reserved=0
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021);;sdata=fVAJyjlWv8RsXjSBm6qIbnu0Z%2Fobd16i01VOhwM%2F1%2B8%3D&amp;reserved=0

Received on Wednesday, 30 June 2021 11:28:13 UTC