2 special topics IIWs


 I'm writing to share links to the two Special Topics IIW we are pulling
together these as an experiment based on feedback from the community in the
closing circle of the last IIW.

1) *User-Experience and SSI on July 22nd*. 8am - 2pm pacific time.

2) *The Business of SSI on August 4th* 8am-2pm pacific time.

We also have IIW33 set now as a virtual event October 12-14
we had too much uncertainty around travel for folks outside the US who are
now 50% of attendees, delta+ variants, fires in California at that time of
year and wanting to provide hybrid participation options and not having

Let me know if you have any questions.
 - Kaliya

Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 20:18:02 UTC