Re: PROPOSALs for VC HTTP API call on 2021-06-22

That’s progress!

- Adrian

On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 4:38 AM David Chadwick <> wrote:

> I can agree with SHOULD rather than MAY. But not MUST for reasons already
> explained.
> Kind regards
> David
> On 23/06/2021 06:15, Alan Karp wrote:
> I think Adrian and I agree.  My position is that if you implement a system
> with authorization tokens that system must support attenuated delegation of
> them.  The SHOULD means that you don't have to implement such a system.  Of
> course, I'm strongly in favor of it.
> --------------
> Alan Karp
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 9:54 PM Adrian Gropper <>
> wrote:
>> +1 to Alan’s security point around “confused deputy”. We should try to
>> avoid authentication based access control whenever possible.
>> I disagree with David’s MUST conclusion:
>> “Thus it seems to me that delegation and attenuation must be optional
>> features of both the issuer and verifier APIs, and be determined by the
>> issuer and the RP respectively.”
>> OAuth experience has shown that if we make delegation optional, issuers
>> will gravitate to that which is easiest and least risky for them. The
>> result is Sign-in with Google or Facebook and the death of Sign-in with
>> OpenID Connect as well as hardly any dynamic client registration in the
>> wild.
>> The alternative definition of “optional” is the make delegation a SHOULD.
>> That forces issuers to explain why they do not support delegation in any
>> particular context.
>> - Adrian
>> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 11:06 PM Alan Karp <> wrote:
>>> Attribute-Based Access Control falls into the family of
>>> autheNtication-Based Access Control (NBAC) schemes discussed in our "From
>>> ABAC to ZBAC" paper,
>>>  (It was
>>> published in the Journal of Information Warfare, but that link is dead.)
>>> It, like Identity- and Role-Based Access Control suffers from the problem
>>> of ambient permission that leads to confused deputy vulnerabilities.  The
>>> problem arises when authentication (of identity, role, or attributes) is
>>> used when a request is received to look up whether the requester has the
>>> needed permissions.  Capability systems do not separate designation of the
>>> resource from the permission to use it, so they do not suffer from the
>>> confused deputy problem.
>>> --------------
>>> Alan Karp
>>> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 1:43 PM David Chadwick <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Alan
>>>> sorry that we are submerged in a sea of acronyms. It does make
>>>> conversations difficult especially for people who are new to an area. By
>>>> ABAC I meant attribute based access control e.g. as standardised in XACML
>>>> (by OASIS). We have had a discussion about this years ago, only then it was
>>>> with reference to X.509 ACs. But as I have indicated previously, VCs are
>>>> simply a new incarnation of X.509 ACs, with many improvements of course.
>>>> Whether a VC is a capability and contains the actual operation (e.g.
>>>> validate VP) or is an indirection to it by containing an attribute (e.g.
>>>> Trusted RP, which maps into validate VP by the verifier) depends upon the
>>>> requirements of the verifier. Both mechanisms have their advantages. Both
>>>> are feasible. And both can support attenuated delegation. In the ABAC/RBAC
>>>> case the attribute could be part of a role hierarchy and the superior role
>>>> holder could delegate a subordinate role to a delegate. Alternatively the
>>>> VC could contain a set of attributes and a subset could be delegated. In
>>>> the capability case, one would have to define what an attenuation of the
>>>> authz command  is e.g. what could you delegate from validate VP?
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> David
>>>> On 22/06/2021 16:36, Alan Karp wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 4:09 AM David Chadwick <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alan
>>>>> You are completely ignoring the ABAC model for authorisation in your
>>>>> statements below. If ABAC is used for authz then a VC is perfectly
>>>>> acceptable on its own as an authz token for gaining access to a resource
>>>> By ABAC do you mean Authorization-Based Access Control?  That acronym
>>>> is commonly used for Attribute-Based Access Control, which is why I
>>>> introduced the term ZBAC.
>>>> I believe that a VC is a perfectly acceptable authz token only if the
>>>> spec includes attenuated delegation.  If it does not, I would prefer that
>>>> people who want ZBAC use a different token spec that does support
>>>> delegation, even if they are using VCs for non-authorization claims.
>>>> --------------
>>>> Alan Karp
>>>> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 4:09 AM David Chadwick <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alan
>>>>> You are completely ignoring the ABAC model for authorisation in your
>>>>> statements below. If ABAC is used for authz then a VC is perfectly
>>>>> acceptable on its own as an authz token for gaining access to a resource
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> David
>>>>> On 21/06/2021 21:47, Alan Karp wrote:
>>>>> I asked a number of people expert in capability systems if delegation
>>>>> is necessary to have a viable system.  They concluded it was unless every
>>>>> holder of an authorization token proxies every request in lieu of
>>>>> delegating.  I don't know how viable proxying is in the VC use cases.
>>>>> Given that information, I would like to see an option specifying that
>>>>> verified credentials MUST NOT be used as authorizations unless they support
>>>>> attenuated delegation (I believe the OAuth term is sub-scope
>>>>> re-delegation.) and that any such system SHOULD support revocation.
>>>>> If you don't support delegation, people will be forced to share access
>>>>> tokens.  The result will be loss of an audit trail and the likelihood that
>>>>> they will share more permissions than necessary.  The result is a less
>>>>> secure system that is harder to use.
>>>>> --------------
>>>>> Alan Karp
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 12:52 PM Manu Sporny <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all, Here are some of the proposals that we didn't get to on the
>>>>>> call last
>>>>>> week. We'll be processing them this week (these are all proposals
>>>>>> that have
>>>>>> been circulated on the mailing list, I'm just summarizing them here):
>>>>>> PROPOSAL: Implementations SHOULD support authorization delegation by
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> technologies such as GNAP and Authorization Capabilities.
>>>>>> PROPOSAL: Implementations MUST support authorization delegation by
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> technologies such as GNAP and Authorization Capabilities.
>>>>>> PROPOSAL: Implementations are informally urged to support
>>>>>> authorization
>>>>>> delegation. Implementations MAY support other authorization
>>>>>> mechanisms,
>>>>>> especially ones that support authorization delegation.
>>>>>> PROPOSAL: Implementations MUST support OAuth2 for the
>>>>>> /credentials/verify
>>>>>> endpoint. Implementations MAY support other authorization mechanisms
>>>>>> for the
>>>>>> /credentials/verify endpoint.
>>>>>> We will be running these proposals tomorrow to come to some decisions
>>>>>> wrt. the
>>>>>> direction of the authorization aspect of the work... after we process
>>>>>> a few
>>>>>> PRs and issues.
>>>>>> -- manu
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Manu Sporny -
>>>>>> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>>>>>> News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 11:48:17 UTC