[MINUTES] W3C Verifiable Credentials HTTP API Call - 2021-06-08 12pm ET

Thanks to Manu Sporny for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Verifiable Credentials HTTP API telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Verifiable Credentials HTTP API Task Force Minutes for 2021-06-08

  1. Report Out on Use Cases
  2. GNAP, Bootstrapping, and Authentication
  3. Trust Agent Discussion
  Manu Sporny
  Manu Sporny
  Manu Sporny, Vaishnavi, Sanuja (Diwala), Eric Schuh, Aaron 
  Coburn, Matthieu Collé, Mike Varley, Juan Caballero, Butch Clark, 
  Charles Edebiri, Orie Steele, Adrian Gropper, Muhamed 
  Turkanović_(Blockchain_Lab:UM), Justin Richer, Heather Vescent, 
  Troy Ronda, David Ward, TallTed 

Manu Sporny is scribing.
Manu goes over IPR statements.
Manu provides Agenda: 
Juan Caballero:  Wallet and Credential Interface -- WACIPex 
  specification and profile will be readable by curious parties 
  later this week. There are examples in there, text is more 
  complete and useful for people in there. That might be a useful 
  point of comparison wrt. bootstrapping later today.
Juan Caballero: 
Eric Schuh:  Quick reminder to everyone, soft deadline for use 
  cases for next week -- please get those written up -- let Juan or 
  I know about it. Then we'll be moving into the distilling 
Manu Sporny:  Any other announcements or changes to the agenda.
Manu Sporny:  Juan provided an agenda, we're going to follow it.

Topic: Report Out on Use Cases

Juan Caballero:  One thing came up when we met this last week -- 
  we were thinking about how these diagrams map to the use cases, 
  and we thought the trust agent use case was a good example, 
  collectively thinking through terminology/mapping and how it 
  relates to the different steps in the flow would help.
Orie Steele: Unrelated announcement... Apple roles out support 
  for SMART on FHIR health VCs.... 
<eric_schuh> Joe unfortunately can't make it today due to a minor 
  medical issue
Juan Caballero:  One comment that Joe Andrieu had was that we 
  were thinking about naming the gray metacategory here, and 
  thinking of division into verifier/issuer/holder... and thinking 
  through use cases where there are more than ... where that real 
  world category of the issuer broke down into multiple real world 
Juan Caballero:  ... And thinking about the relationships between 
  them. If this described a shared incentive, shared interest, 
  trust boundary, and we thought maybe one thing worth thinking 
  about would be if these were categories were things we wanted to 
  think about a little bit. That's a bit abstract... We want to 
  think through how parts relate and whether or not the Holder box 
  / Issuer box is part of the confusion.
Juan Caballero:  When you're thinking about bootstrapping, 
  authoring, it might be more helpful.
Juan Caballero:  We're going to test it working through one use 
  case. If it's useful, great, if it's not, sorry for wasting 
  everyone's time, it was just a hypothesis.
Juan Caballero:  Any questions?
Juan Caballero:  Does anyone have any thoughts about 
  authorization vs. bootstrapping.

Topic: GNAP, Bootstrapping, and Authentication

Manu Sporny:  I thought Adrian's comments were interesting... 
  showing up with a token and then how did they get that token.
Adrian Gropper:  The major point I'm trying to make, and I'm glad 
  that Justin is here, he's been editing standards around this 
  point for as long as I've known him. UMA, HEART, GNAP... my point 
  is that it's inconsistent with SSI to presume that in order to 
  control something, someone has to possess it.
Adrian Gropper:  The question that Manu asked, is at what layer 
  of DIF/W3C/SSI protocols discussion that we are involved in, 
  where do we consider this linkage between the controller and the 
  processor to use GDPR terminology, or alice-alice vs alice-bob 
  flows which was the purpose of UMA.
Adrian Gropper: 
Adrian Gropper:  I just put a link to a document that I shared w/ 
  CCG Chairs to try and get this conversation about the role of 
  delegation, also talked w/ Christopher Allen, law of agency, 
  again, this idea that the subject (hopefully Self Sovereign 
  Subject), doctors, lawyers, etc. has the right to use those 
Adrian Gropper:  If this discussion doesn't belong in VC HTTP 
  API, then we need to go back to CCG and figure out where it does 
Justin Richer:  If you could go back to the message that was on 
  just a second ago... this captures something really important.
<juan_caballero> VuHappy
Justin Richer:  This is what Manu was talking about before... 
  there are a few different places that VC HTTP API (which needs a 
  shorter name), where authorization protocols come into play.
Justin Richer:  How do you protect access to the VC HTTP API 
  itself? How do you use the results of a VC HTTP API (use a VC and 
  communicated efforts that come from that) in the process of 
  deciding whether or not you're going to answer an API call from a 
  different API
Justin Richer:  And finally, how do you get one of these 
  authorization elements, an access token in the first place... 
  each of these aspects have compelling pieces to it, and they're 
  all pretty different from each other.
Justin Richer:  From my perspective, the modularity of these 
  different pieces not get crossed with each other. You can solve 
  these things in different ways with different combinations of 
  these technologies.
Justin Richer:  Some of these things can be used to solve some of 
  these things... so using a VC as an access token format, GNAP 
  doesn't care about format, that gives you some flexibility.
Justin Richer:  The most compelling connections apply in the 
  bootstrapping process... how do you get this access token in the 
  first place... traditionally, with UMA, bring your own authz 
  server... resource servers will just accept this... but that 
  doesn't happen from all of the trust bootstrapping problems that 
  the real world brings with it.
Justin Richer:  One of the things that GNAP tries to work on is 
  what sort of thing you can bring to an authorization server to 
  get access to it. In OAuth2 there is some baked in assumption 
  that someone logs into authorization server and gets token.
Justin Richer:  GNAP tries to move away from that, that's one of 
  the key places that VC HTTP API could use GNAP ... show up at 
  authz server, using VC HTTP API, to determine whether to give 
  them access token and what to put in access token... all 
  decisions can stay inside that coupling between AS and RS and it 
  doesn't have to leak in awkard cross domain ways.
Justin Richer:  That is possible with UMA, but doesn't fly.
Justin Richer:  There are three main aspects to this depending on 
  where you are in the process wrt. connecting these things and 
Adrian Gropper:  If people have questions for what Justin just 
  said, I'll step back -- I agree with what Justin said, having 
  worked on UMA for a decade... another way of speaking about it, 
  if people want to react to Justin's perspective... simply put, 
  when that token is presented, to get VC, either token was signed 
  by RS, could be holder, could be anybody, or it was signed by AS.
Adrian Gropper:  As Justin pointed out, the AS is an entity that 
  is trusted by the RS... in OAuth, it's typically the same, in 
  GNAP/UMA it doesn't have to be. If you have that idea in mind, 
  that the token is going to be signed one way or the other, you 
  can layer on top attenuation, or layer scopes, on top of 
  delegation/authz process. Those are secondary.
Adrian Gropper:  Will the issuer accept tokens that only it has 
  signed, or will it accept a token that is signed by an AS... 
  where you bring identity claims and so on.
Manu Sporny:  +1 To what Justin said and separation of concerns; 
  what would this group like to focus on? the requirement for an 
  auth token on the API, or the overall bootstrap [scribe assist by 
  Mike Varley]
Manu Sporny:  All that sounds good but segmentation and order of 
  operations [scribe assist by Juan Caballero]
<juan_caballero> ... is what we need to decide here
<juan_caballero> /me embarassed that mike outscribed me
Justin Richer:  Yes, I agree with the sentiment, that is the 
  first of the three different scenarios that I pointed out, when 
  you're making a call to the VC HTTP API, that API is or can be 
  protected by access tokens and that access token is either 
  contains/dereferencable to security aspects.
Justin Richer:  My recommendation for that use case is to define 
  things in terms of OAuth Rich Authorization Request, or GNAP 
  mechanism -- multidimensional JSON structures, security profile 
  for certain API, it makes sense that this is the group that would 
  define what that would look like, and you can use it in both 
  OAuth and GNAP and the notion of how you got the token is out of 
  scope, and it should be there.
Justin Richer:  It allows you to defer how exactly you get back 
  those access structures... you could bake them into the token, or 
  you can do introspection, or chuck it in a database and look it 
  up -- that's all separable.
Justin Richer:  Important that modules are well defined, you 
  don't necessarily have to cross them all over the place.
Justin Richer:  Now how does a VC HTTP API decides that it 
  accepts a certain type of token, different question from how you 
  get the token, that should remain separable questions.
Adrian Gropper:  One question to both Manu and Justin, to what 
  they were both saying -- the way I like to think about it -- 
  there are no identity-based claims associated with Manu's 
  proposal. The token itself has things related to scope, as Justin 
  made clear, but not to identity.
Justin Richer: Note: not scope, RAR. Analogous but different
Adrian Gropper:  There will be corner cases, where nature of 
  client, the bearer of the user attached to the client, the side 
  cases that are not that important -- they need to be managed. 
  Authorization server sees identity related claims, and issuer 
  does not (as defined by Manu).
Juan Caballero:  I'd like to time box this a bit, don't know that 
  Mike can come every week and did show up to do his use case today 
  -- unless someone is volunteering to do the PRs for making sure 
  that everyone else's work doesn't preclude this sort of token -- 
  feels like it's listing design goals/constraints... might not be 
  right time to do that.
Justin Richer:  I will be quick -- what I'm talking about is not 
  just design goals, understanding what problem you're solving, 
  what I'm seeing is that people talking about similar but 
  fundamentally different problems, that's not a good thing wrt. 
  making progress. That kind of stuff is important to 
  resolve/address use cases.
Justin Richer:  Identity claims -- that's what this group should 
  be defining... that you get token, dereference... what kinds of 
  things do you need to do that, how to serve that request... one 
  of several ways that could fit together... becareful what you 
  talk about.
<orie> link
<orie> to source
Adrian Gropper:  I've started writing code on Github, I'm putting 
  up a protected OAuth protected, JWT-protected VC -- then work 
  done by Spruce, and goal is to show the delta between the OAuth 
  as done in FAST API and the minimal implementation of GNAP to do 
  the same thing (in the same FAST API) CouchDB as database... if 
  someone woul dlike to play with this, please help and let's work 
Juan Caballero:  People that are interested in prototyping, 
  please check out that repo and contribute.

Topic: Trust Agent Discussion

Adrian Gropper: https://github.com/agropper/OGNAP
Mike Varley:  I'm happy to go through it, I do have a preface -- 
  link it to conversation around authorization. I did write this 
  use case with the hope that it's out of scope. We're able to 
  design the API in a way that enables this use case w/o specific 
Mike Varley:  Someone may layer in a trust agent, trust proxy, 
  use case without specific API endpoints... because I wasn't sure, 
  I wrote it down
Mike Varley:  The use case is that, in an open world of SSI, the 
  trust policy is up to the verifier to define.
Mike Varley:  It may be beneficial for a verifier to outsource 
  that trust, to a trust agent, imagine you have an entity -- small 
  business, accept provincial ID documents, but don't have 
  connections or IT staff to keep up proper identifiers, changing 
  world that is decentralized identifier, so I want to hook up to 
  trust agent service that is going to do that for me. if they tell 
  me this DID is good, I trust them, good to go.
Mike Varley:  I will continue processing the information. I have 
  a sequence diagram that we can go through, to connect it to 
  previous conversation.
Mike Varley:  Holder has set up a connection with a verifier, in 
  a session has obtained authorization to provide presentation to 
  verifier. Holder now has permission to call an API, key to 
  verifiers lockbox to drop off a message... content of that 
  message, presentation of ID, still left to verifier to process, 
  meet its trust policy,
Mike Varley:  Is it from a provincial government, or from a 
  library... there is an internal policy decision there.
Juan Caballero: /Me can't chew gum, find the mute button, AND 
  screenshare :(
Adrian Gropper:  Listening to presentation, you're describing a 
  health information exchange, federation, two jobs relative to 
  verifiers... number 1, health information exchange does patient 
Adrian Gropper:  Number 2, the health information exchange, acts 
  as a federation, so in effect it limits the risk of the verifier, 
  once verifier has accepted a contract to join the federation, 
  they have a safe harbor, they can blame the HIE.
Adrian Gropper:  Is that a fair summary?
Muhamed: I wanted to ask a question, trust agent per-se, in 
  europe we are using one service, European blockchain 
  infrastructure, holds a trusted issuer registry -- DIDs of 
  accreddited institutions are hold, and only used once authorized, 
  using those services as a trust agent... there is a DID, we go to 
  infrastructure, is this issuer in the trusted issuer registry, if 
  it is, it's an accreddited registry, is this the principle here?
Mike Varley:  Adrian, federation, yes the trust agent would 
  represent a federation of trusted entities, verifiers could 
  mix/match, but yes, similar to concept of relying on federation.
Mike Varley:  With regards to registry, a trust agent would use 
  registry to implement its policies, it would rely on registry... 
  A trust agent could use registry, filter it, combine it, etc.
Mike Varley:  That registry would play a key role there.
<muhamed_turkanović_(blockchain_lab:um)> so as a orchestrator
<muhamed_turkanović_(blockchain_lab:um)> ?
Mike Varley:  Back to the API - yes, you characterized it, if we 
  designed the API endpoints in a way, as a holder I can call 
  present credential what as verifier describes as HTTP API 
  endpoint, and that goes through trust agent first and then to 
  verifier, the holder doesn't need to know it's calling trust 
  agent or verifier directly, API is agnostic to that, 
  authorizations that allow calls to go through, then we can focus 
  on just what those API endpoints look like, and we don't have to 
  build in extra logic for proxy, trust agent, etc.
Mike Varley:  I don't have to go through extra authorization 
  dance, that's what I'm hoping for...
Mike Varley:  Can we keep this goal of using trust poxy in flow 
  and trying to ensure it doesn't disrupt the API too much, cause 
  extra endpoints to be created, or if they do, we keep them in the 
Adrian Gropper:  I think this is useful -- although, Mike didn't 
  answer my other part of my question -- the patient matching... 
  this is critical to us as a VC SSI community, we have made the 
  assumption that knowing that issuer/verifier are both talking 
  about same person, same subject, of VC is seen as technical 
  thing, not as something that requires a Trust Agent.
Adrian Gropper:  The Health Information Exchange allows the 
  issuer/verifier symmetrical, outsources patient matching as best 
  they can... not just a trust federation issue. It's an identity 
  matching, ZKP, link secrets, I just wanted again to highlight the 
  fact that Mike's trust agent case might or might not have both of 
  these characteristics.
Adrian Gropper:  They are two dimensions that are orthogonal.
Juan Caballero: +1
Adrian Gropper: An example of separation of identity match vs. 
  trust federation 
Mike Varley:  So, Adrian, for your patient match question, I 
  would say that is another function outside of this specific use 
  case or APIs requirements.
Mike Varley:  Two sets of data, name address date of birth, DID 
  Presentations with link secrets, am I dealing with the same 
  person -- it's another function that an identity network would 
  have to build.
Mike Varley:  Wrt. to Manu's comment, getting to the concrete for 
  what we want to do for authorization is key -- I feel as though, 
  we're getting to the point with the Trust Agent concept, good use 
  case, keep it in mind, but let's focus on the core functions of 
  the issuer/holder/verifier API and do our best to not code for 
  special cases, even one as interesting as a Trust Agent.
<orie> I would prefer to not see GNAP included in the respect for 
  this API.
<orie> respec *
<orie> Nothing against GNAP, but I don't think thats what this 
  call is about.
<juan_caballero> or HTTP APIs?
Adrian Gropper:  To clarify this for both Manu and Mike, the link 
  I put in the chat is this orthogonality that I am talking about 
  -- it's an example of it, this is a vaccine credential, issuer is 
  someone that vaccinated someone, verifier needs to know w/o 
  needing to know... vaccinator has checked -- in a standard QR 
  Code, which is recognizable by the verifier, but because it's 
  32x32x4 it can be hashed reliably into the VC, this works on 
  paper w/o blockchains/central registry, this is orthogonality, 
  once you introduce a trust agent, you can separate out these two 
Adrian Gropper:  The Level of Assurance, as part of federation, 
  what I'm doing here is a hack, admittedly, LOA of security chain 
  is different from trust that vaccinator is using the right 
  vaccine and so on.
Justin Richer:  To add on to what Manu and Mike were saying, the 
  separation of these bits is important, if there is a policy 
  engine to make these decisions, or an if statement, that should 
  all be totally ok.
Justin Richer:  From an interop perspective, having a way to 
  describe what it is that you're asking for an dallowing and how 
  you process it can be handled in a bunch of separate ways.
Justin Richer:  It would be useful for this group to define Rich 
  Authorization Request objects, that's from GNAP... use that type 
  of structure, define those as you define your API, and you're 
  effectively defining a reasonable security layer w/ the API 
  you're defining. This is separate from how you process VCs and 
  everything else.
Eric Schuh:  Reminder, get use cases in the more detailed the 
Orie Steele: -1 To "using GNAP" or "RAR"... I can live with OAuth 
  2.0 for now... maybe when GNAP is finished it would be 
  appropriate to use.
<orie> I am a big fan of GNAP moving forward without this call 
  tripping all over understanding it
Manu Sporny:  We need to keep moving this conversation forward 
  asynchronously. I have been getting a number of frustrated emails 
  over the past several weeks wrt. the speed at which we're moving. 
  Let's move things forward on the mailing list, talking more is 
  the only way we understand where the other is coming from and is 
  what enables us to focus and move forward. Try to focus on things 
  that we can put out of scope, be concrete. We'll be running 
  proposals and polls next time to try and constrain the 
  focus/discussion in the group.
<juan_caballero> +1, to manu
<mike_varley> thanks all

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2021 21:59:28 UTC