- From: Kaliya IDwoman <kaliya-id@identitywoman.net>
- Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 12:54:34 -0800
- To: steve capell <steve.capell@gmail.com>
- Cc: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>, W3C Credentials CG <public-credentials@w3.org>, lucyy.cci@lfph.io, johnw.cci@lfph.io
- Message-ID: <CA+z9oKAmHdPkJg98tfdOHaSORQfMbh==3rDTGscZ0JEiwAA3SQ@mail.gmail.com>
Myself, Drummond Reed, Mawaki Chango, and Tobias Looker, Sasha from Zaka, Todd Gehrke from ID2020 (I might be missing a few more folks from VC land) are all in the WHO expert working group on Vaccine Credentials each as our "own person" not representing our "organizations". We all signed NDAs to participate to keep the conversations in the group in the group. The WHO will publish a schema. It isn't clear when this will happen it could be as late as this summer. They are taking input from existing work in this area including the European schema that Tobias is using as a starting point. The DIVOC project for India already has a schema too. As for what Tobias is putting forward I have heard from health care oriented folks that it is important to figure out the FHIR langage/bridges into that data representation as well. *CCI has a Use Case Implementation Workstream - Schema Task Force* - looking at schema's for both test results and vaccines. https://slack.lfph.io/ relevant channels #cci #cci-schema-tf *We also have **Vaccine Credentials Focus Group* - not working on schema's but working on jurisdictional issues for implementation in different geographic regions - a US focus group has formed. https://slack.lfph.io/ relevant channels #cci #https://slack.lfph.io/ relevant channels # cci-vaccinecredentialsfg-us I think where discussions about the schema happen and where the schema is ultimately hosted for the long run are two different questions. Another really big question arising out of the WHO conversations is how to represent VCs on paper. I'm working furiously in my role as Ecosystems Director at CCI to try and connect the key folks who have been working on innovations on paper based VCs to be in dialogue with one another to come up with some clear answers about how this can be done in the most compact format. I hope this is clarifying. - Kaliya On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 6:52 PM steve capell <steve.capell@gmail.com> wrote: > > Why are we assuming that this is an alternative to the work the WHO is > doing? > I suppose because there was no mention of it in the proposal. Also if the > working group is already collaborating on the WHO initiative then why start > another one? > > But anyway - good stuff :) I'm sure the W3C members would have a lot of > value to contribute. > > On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 at 12:28, Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com> > wrote: > >> On 2/15/21 5:15 PM, Steve Capell wrote: >> > There’s already a WHO initiative to do exactly this. And I’d imagine >> > whatever WHO publishes as a VC standard to replace the yellow card will >> be >> > the de-facto (and of course de-jure) world standard. Why would you work >> on >> > an alternative ? >> >> This is funny. :) >> >> Why are we assuming that this is an alternative to the work the WHO is >> doing? >> Or that there aren't multiple people in this community that have already >> been >> accepted to and are involved in the WHO work streams? >> >> I'll let those people step forward if they exist. >> >> I'm not one of them, although I have been (along with a number of other >> folks >> in the CCG) been participating in the Vaccination Credentials Initiative. >> >> Many of us are going to be vaccinated and using paper well before this >> stuff >> becomes broadly standardized. It's still very useful work... for digital >> vaccination credentials, in general, and for the next pandemic. >> >> -- manu >> >> -- >> Manu Sporny - https://www.linkedin.com/in/manusporny/ >> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. >> blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches >> https://tinyurl.com/veres-one-launches >> >> >> > > -- > Steve Capell > >
Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2021 20:54:59 UTC