Open Identity Summit 2021 - Deadline for Submission: 15.02.2021

Dear Colleagues,


I would like to remind you that the Deadline for Submission for the Open
Identity Summit 2021

( <> is approaching:

Please consider to submit a paper or abstract related to your

current work around identity, trust and verifiable credentials. 






Dipl. Inform. (FH)

Dr. rer. nat. Detlef Hühnlein

ecsec GmbH

Sudetenstrasse 16

96247 Michelau

Telefon +49 9571 948 1020

Mobil   +49 171  9754980 <> 


ecsec GmbH

Sudetenstrasse 16

96247 Michelau


Amtsgericht Coburg HRB 4622



Tina Hühnlein

Dr. Detlef Hühnlein


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Received on Tuesday, 9 February 2021 05:57:44 UTC