Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object

On 2021-12-17 8:44 pm, Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) wrote:
> The #didobject #DID #Method is approved for acceptance into the @w3c #DID #Method #Registry. 4/4.
> Thank you reviewers and everyone who has put up with all my questions over the past 4 years. This is a big deal/day for me.

This link specifies that developing with the "DID:object" Method will require several Microsoft programming tools: "Microsoft Visual Basic", the ".NET Core Framework", and "Microsoft Common Language Runtime".

And that DID:object is a core part of the "Trusted Digital Web" which "is envisioned to be the next generation, decentralized, trusted replacement for the World Wide Web."

And that creating DID:object was part of "a 4-year quest to create a platform to Tokenize Every Little Thing (ELT)".

Wow..."replacement for the World Wide Web".

Michael, perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but how can you describe this as a 'decentralized' system, if Microsoft tools are required to run it?

Isn't it just as fair to say that you're appropriating the word "object" and ensuring that only people who pay Microsoft can use it as a DID Method?

"Object" was such a nice word, too. When you first announced it, I was hopeful about being able to use "did:object"; because it does seem the most appropriate word for publishing all kinds of "digital objects". (Good catch there!)

But alas, now I can't. Unless I go along with 'One ring to rule them all...and in the darkness bind them' (Tolkien).

I'm not an expert in this, but I'm going to suggest that the next version of the DID Method Registry should disallow this use of "object" because it's centralized, that is, controlled by one corporation who can require payment or set other rules to develop with it.

Then, maybe someone else can make another DID:object, one without a 'pay-to-play' component, register it, and the two DID:objects can then compete in the real (digital) world.

Oh what fun. [sarcasm alert]

Steven Rowat

> Michael Herman
> Founder
> Trusted Digital Web
> Get Outlook for Android <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 14, 2021 11:43:49 AM
> *To:* Brian Richter <>
> *Cc:* W3C Credentials CG (Public List) <>
> *Subject:* Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object
> The Trusted Digital Web platform is capable of supporting and processing any class of Fully Decentralized Object from identity through to any type of business document or personal credential through to any type of NFT (e.g. photo, calf or kiss, etc.). If you're fairly technical, I recommend watching https <>:// <>J6n9TvxA93I <><>. If you're less technical, watch https <>:// <>IuEew7rH5gw <>
> The following 2 videos also provide a lot of insight into the use of VCs (aka the Structured Credential model) on the Trusted Digital Web:
> - https <>:// <>
> - https <>:// <>kM30pd3w8qE <>
> did:object is, in fact, the ideal method namespace for the Fully Decentralized Object model as realized by the Trusted Digital Web.
> Thank you for the question Brian.
> Best regards,
> Michael Herman
> Founder
> Trusted Digital Web
> p.s. Here is a copy of the TDW ARM that illustrates the various VDRs supported by the Stratis Platform blockchain answer your question more directly Brian.
> Reference:

> Image
> Get Outlook for Android <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Brian Richter <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 14, 2021 10:54:13 AM
> *To:* Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <>
> *Cc:* W3C Credentials CG (Public List) <>
> *Subject:* Re: Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object
> Hi Michael,
> Interesting work. Is there a reason you decided on the "object" method name? I don't see anything in here that makes this method any more "object" oriented than all other did methods as a did is essentially an object for all intents and purposes.
> The CRUD operations describe implementation details of how to interact with the method (I assume through a library you've also published) but it doesn't go into technical specifics that I could see.. I'm interested in knowing how the method works on a technical level. Is it as simple as these objects are written to the Stratis blockchain (which I have no experience with). Are the signatures handled by the blockchain?
> Thanks,
> Brian
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 3:00 AM Michael Herman(TDW) <> wrote:
>     Checkout

>     The publication of this DID Method specification realizes, in large part, a 4-year quest (or should I say personal mission) to create a platform to Tokenize Every Little Thing (ELT).
>     Best regard,
>     Michael Herman
>     Founder
>     Trusted Digital Web

Received on Sunday, 19 December 2021 18:00:42 UTC