- From: W3C CCG Chairs <w3c.ccg@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2021 11:20:17 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks to Manu Sporny for scribing this week! The minutes for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2021-04-27 Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes. Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below). ---------------------------------------------------------------- Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2021-04-27 Agenda: undefined Topics: 1. Introductions / Reintroductions 2. Announcements and Reminders 3. Action Items 4. Traceability API Organizer: Kim Hamilton Duffy and Wayne Chang and Heather Vescent Scribe: Manu Sporny Present: Justin Richer, Heather Vescent, Manu Sporny, Mahmoud Alkhraishi, Chris Winczewski, Charles E. Lehner, Mike Prorock, Ted Thibodeau, Taylor Kendall, Wayne Chang, Adrian Gropper, Matthieu Collé, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Orie Steele, Ryan Grant, Juan Caballero, Dmitri Zagidulin, Kayode Ezike Audio: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2021-04-27/audio.ogg Manu Sporny is scribing. Wayne Chang: Welcome to the CCG weekly meeting. This is April 27th - talking about IIW recap and Traceability API today. Wayne goes over standard IPR agreement language -- get W3C account - sign contributor license agreement -- all calls recorded and transcribed -- use the queue to speak. Topic: Introductions / Reintroductions Justin Richer: Hi Justin Richer, independent consultant out of Boston area -- working with Secure Key - haven't been able to make it to CCG calls lately, but wanted to drop in and hear about IIW. Justin Richer: I do a lot of work in IETF, OpenID Foundation, Kantara, W3C, on a bunch of different efforts, have my hands in lots of different things. Wayne Chang: Any reintroductions? Wayne Chang: None, so moving on. Topic: Announcements and Reminders Heather Vescent: Today is the first CCG 101 session, Mike Prorock is doing intro to supply chain and VCs Heather Vescent: This is the first of a set of 101 sessions. VC HTTP API inviation for this Thursday -- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0166.html 3Pm ET Heather Vescent: Mike Prorock does a CCG 101 Tuesday, April 17, 2pm PDT / 5pm EDT / 22:00 BST / 23:00 CEST / 6am+1 KST / 9am+1 NZST Manu Sporny: We'll be discussing VC HTTP API -- please join if you're interested -- information on the mailing list. Topic: Action Items https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22action%3A+review+next%22 Wayne Chang: VC Maintenance Meeting -- we did make a PR with the process on how to make changes to the VC specification Wayne Chang: Please review the PR -- will send it out to the mailing list. https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/774 Wayne Chang: Just sent a PR on how to update the specs for the maintenance version -- maintenance mode -- not focused on adding new features at this time. Wayne Chang: Would like new features to be housed in repo -- contributions, extensions, will happen later this year. Wayne Chang: General process I can review quickly here... Wayne Chang: Only focused on merging Errata PRs for now... then editors/chairs mark issues -- substantive, non-substantive, editorial, etc. New features will need rechartering of WG... W3C CCG will be notified, then PRs merged in 14 days. Wayne Chang: VCWG will meet from time to time and merge PRs in branches to make formal recommendation for publishing new versions of the specifications. Wayne Chang: If you're interested in making changes to VC spec, that's how you do it. Orie Steele: IIW also led to a new unification between aries and didcomm and vc http api / DIF presesentation exchange :) <by_caballero> ^ good first steps! <orie> which I'm really excited to see level us up in terms of wallet exchanges and interoperability Heather Vescent: (Scribe assist) manu: thank's Wayne, hopefully the process is straightforward with the right safeguards, but still enable people to innovate on the base. Item of note: a lot of peopel are spread between a lot of groups right now: DID Spec is in CR and getting finalized, LDS work starting, the VC HTTP API work, in general there is a lot of work going on. It is going to take a while for us to re-prioritize the right work is happening in the right place. People shouldn't expect the VC spec to move quickly. We should have a process that allows people to make request and get reviews. People should understanding everyone is really overworked and don't expect things to go quickly with any of this work. Orie Steele: Nobody expects the CCG to mvoe quickly :) Orie Steele: I'd like to summarize some of the conversations w/ presentations wrt. IIW -- Wayne Chang: Going to cover that at the end Topic: Traceability API Wayne Chang: What is the traceability API, who's involved, etc? Orie Steele: For those not familiar with this work, CCG work item that's been active in community -- focused on JSON interop for Verifiable Credentials -- number of components to make that work at scale... additional tooling around JSON-LD and JSON Schema, to pull thsoe two things together... if you canre more about JSON Schema, you can lean more on it... if you want JSON-LD, you can focus on that Mike Prorock: Note: this will be getting discussed at a high level in the 101 call later on today <mprorock> the vocab and VC creation and Data Model aspects Orie Steele: We've add a bunch of JSON-LD tooling, work item that has a use case requirements section -- use cases for describing VCs for supply chain traceability -- data model for supply chain, use GS1 vocab, INCHI/CHEBI for chemicals, broad set of vocab for traceability -- fairly useless just by itself. Orie Steele: You need a set of APIs that need it's API -- Traceability vocabulary -- valid JSON Schema, valid JSON-LD, spec is built properly -- many of companies working on Traceability... working on VC HTTP API endpoints... supply chain traceability credentials. Orie Steele: One of the challenges w/ that particular work items -- lack of use cases, lack of requirements, no support for Holder APIs -- representative of things wallets do -- present VCs, receive VCs... as of today, internal API -- tests in isolation that are powerful, but it can't actually show you any form of interop in end-to-end. It has no authorization, you can't expose it on public Internet. Orie Steele: So, Traceability API is a level up for the VC HTTP API to make it something you can expose on public Internet, add APIs for direct wallet interactions over HTTP -- wallet interactions and wallet interaction protocols are a rough seas area -- everything from VP request spec, presentation request... to Presentation Request spec, which does data model for defining how stuff works over DID Comm... to Bloom spec about flows for HTTP and QR Code. Orie Steele: The Traceability API will take approach to iterate, and drive toward consistent set of interfaces, enterprise grade authn, presentation exchange... purpose of work item is to think about traceability -- data model around vocab, businesses want to use today -- what are best tools to solve that problem, looking for more mature solutions... like DIDComm (IIW work) -- tremendous community alignment around businesses exchanging presentations around web Wallets, native apps, backend services. Orie Steele: All of those use cases need to be supported/addressed to prove out interoperability -- not just web wallets, not just back end services, move presentations around trust boundaries, we need that today -- that's what Traceability API is meant to solve. Manu Sporny: +1 To those needs in the ecosystem. The issue is that not all those things are about traceability. There are needs outside of traceability for that. +1 for getting together to move forward quickly, we need to make sure we need to align all these people. Some companies and people are frusterated by the rate of progress. [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] Manu Sporny: It sounds like it's an implementation guide for traceability, it covers data models and how do you authenticate system, and wondering if that may be a better way to convey the language. It's fine to put experimental API in there, but calling it an API is misleading because it's an ecosystem thing. It's not just focused on APIs. [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] <orie> I agree its more than just an API <orie> its a useable ecosystem <wayne_chang> "Traceability System Overlay" Manu Sporny: So wondering your thoughts Orie and other supply chain folks. For example, I can imagine having implementation guides for traceabilibity, citizen cards, education and enable each sector to move at their speed. Allow those that can move faster to move faster and feed those learnings back into the ecosystem. [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] Manu Sporny: Without feeding that back into the foundational specification, we will diverge which will create more work in the future. [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] Manu Sporny: What's the feedback loop for this work? [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] Orie Steele: Yeah, I think in a word -- the word ecosystem feels good, Implementation Guide feels too narrow -- Traceability Ecosystem I'd be fine with. Ted Thibodeau: +1 To msporny's comments Orie Steele: The non-negotiable is some ability to put a certain set of pieces together in a certain set of interop tests at a certain level of security. We need to be able to describe Authorization, capabilities, use cases together in an ecosystem. That unification is a continuous process, people are creating new serialization formats, CBOR-LD -- support it right out of the gate, probably not... does word API preclude you from doing that level of work... I don't know the answer to that quewstion, naming is hard. Orie Steele: The Traceability issue right now is authorization, API -- solved by API -- but if you want to make it more broad, Traceability Ecosystem -- spanning multiple things -- that's true -- I'd be willing to expand scope to work on those items, as long as we don't lose sight of being able to do the thing we need to do. <tallted> "Traceability API" and what's been posted on github discussions suggests a much lower-level focus, than what's now being orally described by Orie Adrian Gropper: This is the first I've heard of the Traceability API and it really raises a huge issue for me. https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/191 <wayne_chang> ^ Traceability API proposal Adrian Gropper: This was not discussed at IIW, which is authorization -- what I saw at IIW, particularly because Justin wasn't there, and no one seemed to care that much, is runaway train around messaging as the API layer on top of DIDs and VCs as opposed to authorization as the next most important thing on top of DIDs and VCs. Justin Richer: +1 To Adrian's comments on messaging vs other layers <orie> ... yeah... there is no authorization anywhere in the econsystem today... trace api is the first to add 1 mandatory to implement solution to authorization. <orie> I think Adrian would love it. Adrian Gropper: I ran a session called "Agency By Design (Privacy is not enough)" -- as long as we continue to look at DIDComm and other messaging security as non-authorization layer on top of data models, this is doomed to go in circles for years. Ted Thibodeau: What has just been vocally described has a much higher level focus than an API -- it's not just about naming; why is Provo not looked at here? Provenance Ontology, designed and built over years to cover most of what I understand to exist in Traceability API/Vocabulary/??? whatever name of the same thing that's being put out there. <orie> ontologies are for the vocab... no the api <rgrant> can someone post a link to the Provenance Ontology? https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/ <wayne_chang> ^ PROV-O <orie> some people need interoperability now! <justin_r> +1, specs are for interop and stability, not for expedience Orie Steele: :) Dmitri Zagidulin: +1 To what Orie said -- prov-o is just the data model (which this group already has), has nothing to do with the API Ted Thibodeau: I'm also particularly concerned about the "Need it now" attitude -- you don't need a spec/standard that the world needs... if you need it now, you just need to do your thing, if people join, that's great -- if you're doing something useful/valuable, people will benefit. https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/ ? <orie> I object to the passive aggressive tone of "take a breath". <mprorock> @brent +1 yes, that is the reference Orie Steele: I'm not telling anyone to do anything... I am offering folks a boat that moves faster. you are welcome to sit on the shore :) Ted Thibodeau: If you're not ready to do it on your own, take a breath, this is not something that goes at racetrack speeds... developing these specs takes years, sometimes it takes decades, RFCs continue to progress... take a breath... you're telling us to race ahead, just OK the thing you want... you're not asking us to take our time, consider what is being put out. Accept what's being put out, I'm not going to... so, take a breath, think about what you're trying to do. Ted Thibodeau: If you want to just create software, open source is great, break it, release early and often... will stop ranting now. Wayne Chang: Thank you, appreciate the passion, we'll take the kindest interpretation of them. Dmitri Zagidulin: Hey authorization is hard :) Orie Steele: There are many communities that work on this ecosystem, Adrian pointed out -- authz is a big blank, nobody things about authz -- people want to focus on data models, protocols, there is DIF, W3C, Hyperledger, everyone is working on their own version of this... everyone is going as fast as they can, holding their breath, etc. Juan Caballero: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/decentralized-identity.github.io/blob/master/assets/crosscommunity-architecture-survey-oct-2020.pdf <by_caballero> Authorization is HARD Orie Steele: Everyone has their own way of doing these things... none of them are interoperable, none of them consider authorization, work on things on authorization, if you're passionate about that -- HTTP API, works at scale, you need to have an opprotunity to design and work on that. offering folks an ability to collaborate and work together, sometimes collaboration means duplication of work. Juan Caballero: The interop group put it in the "transversal" category partly because you can ignore it when designing a stack, but it has consequences at every level when you want to change it :D Orie Steele: OpenID -- tremendous amount of work going on right now... I work on DIF, work on CCG, I'm committed to interop across large number of folks that don't want to work together, we need to have a place to work together, don't think everything needs to be under same work item... universal wallet, VP Request, all scrambling around same set of features/issues -- we already have fracture in community, that's healthy, certain amount of interplay that's expected. Orie Steele: Folks are going to show up, speak their mind, will be at VC HTTP API -- also want to make sure concerns are being heard, have a place to move forward at approrpiate space... VC HTTP API and Traceability API is different... see them as different things, things change as people join... Orie Steele: It's a mistake to think as everything as one work item and fit everyone into one world view, multiple world views can be supported in the community, Traceability API -- Traceability Ecosystem -- Traceability Guide for Enterprise Interop -- Traceability Authz -- different from what VC HTTP API is today Orie Steele: We need to be supportive of differences in community and enable people to work on thigns they want to work on. Mike Prorock: Want to roll it back to Manu's comment -- while this started with Supply Chain and Enterprise interop -- not burdened by IP -- we need to exchange, hold, present... the ecosystem aspects are well called out. I like the notion of calling it an Implementation Guide or something along those lines. Mike Prorock: Some of the original motivation there, VC HTTP API did not have certain key methods or ability to get in methods that let us handle some of the issues we're dealing w/ on supply chain side of things. Mike Prorock: If extensions are ok in Implementation Guides, and then if that moves bakc upstream, then cool -- but Implementation Guide on it's own doesn't scream definition of new APIs/endpoints on that -- Manu, don't know if you have thoughts on that. <tallted> "in the course of implementation and writing implementation guide, we found need for this extension, that clarification, this radical change" is all good <mprorock> I am glad to hear I am not the only person with chickens in the background Juan Caballero: I was going to add something similar -- I don't know if Implementation Guide is the right thing -- don't mind if that's what it's called. Many to one relationship to vocabs to VC HTTP API -- could conceivably have extensions that might original from vocabulary efforts, ecosystem efforts, traceability ecosystem item of some kind, extends API spec in a branch, as long as extension doesn't require breaking changes, as long as groups are in dialog, multiple implementation guides by vocab/ecossytem/etc. <orie> agree with Juan... folks who come from a vertical need a softer landing spot. Juan Caballero: VC HTTP API, would assume Vaccination / Good Health Pass / would have it's own input... and API spec more slowly itnegrates things that move faster. I like Manu's initial question, how do we make sure it's a sustainable feedback loop -- good redundancy, front-running, whatever flow works well for people I think is good. <by_caballero> "landing spot" <orie> I can live with implementation guide, as long as we can define API Endpoints and Authorization. <by_caballero> "traceability onramp" <kim> when does something need to be a CCG work item? What do the participants get out of it, and what does the CCG get out of it? There has been a touch of "move fast act questions later" attitude in discussions around this work item, which runs counter to the ability of others to contribute <orie> "traceability new world order" <kim> I think that IPR protection is what the participants get out of it, but that also puts a burden on the community to make sense of it <wayne_chang> Traceability Ecosystem Schematics Manu Sporny: What I'm hearing is good. I heard Orie say, maybe calling it an API, we could call it something else, maybe not implementation guide, but we can re-name it. Orie: we are trying to give a realistic view of how to do this, when things are missing, we want to plug that gap quickly. We don't want to make this a 3-6 month effort, we want to document it quickly and work together to flow backwards into a foundational API or otherwise spec. The goal is to effectively be the tip of the spear, and blaze paths and do all those thigns and document it. So they can be rolled back into these APIs. This is a healthy thing to do. trying to balance these things [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] <wayne_chang> but less clumsy Manu Sporny: Heard and agree with Ted, not agree to things blindly. Manu, I am not hearing they want that rubber stamp, they want to document and move these things back in. [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] <bengo> eg publishing a Note vs a CR <orie> Traceability API might become DIDComm + PE <orie> it might look radically different than VC HTTP API <orie> or not.... Manu Sporny: The name of the work item made people go down the path. Now that we have talked about it. It's clear the traceability folks want to innovation, talk about presentation, holder API, etc, which then hopefully get rolled back int eh general spec if they are broadly applicable. So, it may just be, we are working through the process. [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] <wayne_chang> Traceability Recipe Book Manu Sporny: I think API is the wrong name and sending the wrong message. Ecosystem, implementation guide are better names. So we should figure that out. [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] <cel> Traceability Profile? <wayne_chang> ooh, profile <agropper> How many ways can we talk about APIs without using the word "authorization?? <orie> authorization... not authentication. Manu Sporny: Whatever they need to do to move that forward. [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] Orie Steele: +1 Adrian Mike Prorock: +1 Authorization more than authentication - still an elephant in the room, but it is starting to comeout into the open Heather Vescent: ... Suggestion: rename it to reflect what was said on the call today. To enable the traceability folks to innovate at the edges with the caveat there is a feedback loop to bring it back to the broader spec where applicable. Ryan Grant: Technical question -- is OWL2 and provenance mapped into JSON-LD COntexts, do we have it available for VCs? If we wanted to encode Provenance ontology, but not mapped into JSON-LD Contexts, how would we do it? <dmitriz> the PROV-O provenance ontolgoy has to do with provenance of ideas/creative works. Not in the sense that the Traceability cohort is using it <mprorock> *prov-o Orie Steele: The question of how to map existing ontologies and schema systems together to supply chain traceability is entire purpose of Traceability vocab -- already have some examples of this sort of thing -- introduction uses fancy integration for JSON Schema dn JSON-LD, if you're interested in that, that work item is wlel suited to taking in ecosystem ideas that have adoption. <tallted> PROV-O covers brick-and-mortar as well. Speaking as one of those involved in that WG. <orie> We have touched Provenance <orie> regarding the VC topic of Evidence <orie> Spherity in particular <orie> has contributed to this <orie> significantly Mike Prorock: I find PROVO very interesting, in Trace vocab itself, we haven't touched on actual provenance, not on trace side... it's very much focused on metadata about objects that are moving through traceability system... for very good reason -- there are well defined vocabs out there that we like to reference in, multiple parties in traceability side, GS1 is another example Orie Steele: See https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#evidence Mike Prorock: There are multiple definitions of change of control, provenance, not trying to bypass -- not trying to tackle that head-on yet. <orie> "don't ask us no not use DIDs and VCs" <orie> not "don't ask questions" Kim Hamilton Duffy: There is still something, an aspect of this work item that we're missing, this has stretched the boundaries of CCG work items -- the way I think about it is in some ways -- in original issue -- there was a touch of "don't ask questions, don't give us feedback on use case". I, above anyone, get the idea of move fast ask question slater attitude around it, might be interesting, may be interesting to the group -- hard to give feedback in that capacity. Heather Vescent: +1 Kim Kim Hamilton Duffy: This is interesting for Chairs to weigh in, why can't participants want to do open source anywhere? They do they IPR protection, it does put burden on community/Chairs -- I am an outgoing chair, I do want to call out that this work item is more explicitly stressing limited Chairing resources that we have. That was not made explicity, I do think we can come up with some solutions here, have feedback loop, let's continue to think about this topic. <orie> There is a new DIF work item, which essentially covers the same space... APIs for Presentation Exchange... I'm trying to keep things aligned. <heathervescent> Wayne, we can kick the IIW conversation to next week if you like <wayne_chang> Sure, that sounds good heather, thanks <orie> IMO the IIW conversation is the same conversation... its about how to do interoperability <orie> in the open. <orie> we made significant progress on this topic. <orie> at IIW Adrian Gropper: I put myself on the queue because, one thing that happened at IIW, relates to this discussion -- session w/ Dave Huseby and Sam Smith on variations on authentic data -- those sessions resuletd in post-IIW exchange between three of us -- five different things that are all the same thing udnerneath... how do you have an endorsed document. How do you have a notarized document (log access).. How do you have witness signature (no log). How do you have registry. How do you have revocation? <wayne_chang> @Orie there were some sessions at IIW not explicitly focused on technical interoperability that could be good to discuss too Adrian Gropper: It was the most interesting part of IIW for me - to have this pulled out... interesting <by_caballero> I would add that authorization and AUDIT were key themes at IIW this time around-- and I was here for it! Adrian Gropper: Can you list the five things again, in text here? [scribe assist by Ryan Grant] <kim> Manu - that's not why it's frustrating <kim> We are super comfortable with path blazing, I assure you <orie> CCG has process for having regular calls... and repos... same as DIF, and OIDF. Kim Hamilton Duffy: I'm curious to hear more [scribe assist by Heather Vescent] <orie> the work isn't going anywhere else <orie> but the work will happen elsewhere for sure. Orie Steele: :) <orie> we can't avoid that. Adrian Gropper: Oh, nevermind, Manu got them all: endorsement, notarizing, witness, registry, revocation. [scribe assist by Ryan Grant] <orie> the W3C isn't the only place where these topics are addressed. <tallted> (DRM = Digital Rights Management) Manu Sporny: To try and propose a concrete path forward. Blazing a path forward might be a bit frustrating for some, but this is the next part of the evolution. Industries need to work together to adopt this work. I'd hate to see this work go somewhere else due to frustration. I'd like to see its home here, where things are well defined. Rough Analogy: W3C had a choice to allow DRM [scribe assist by Peter Mackinnon] <kim> "there was a choice" <-- can you give more context for that Manu? Manu Sporny: There was a choice made at W3C that its better to have the work here rather than lose the work to somewhere else. There are issues, but its a healthy work item to have here [scribe assist by Peter Mackinnon] Heather Vescent: I guess I'll weigh in in a Chair perspective, which I agree with to a degree and see a way through. We as a community are levelling up, this was by design, we had a vision of what we wanted this community to be - we worked hard -- ths is a growing pain. Heather Vescent: One of the things I've been able to contribute is Heilmeier questions, we want to make the stuff we're working on here more accessible... we're in the deep end, pushing edge of innovation, people that are coming in... it's overwhelming, discombobulating, work doing w/ CCG 101 work items, build a bridge from bleeding edge of innovation to other folks that are coming in. <by_caballero> landing spot was a really good point Orie made-- i would love it if VC-HTTP-API's repo even pointed to more specific implementation guides and/or beginner's guides (including the CCG101 material, etc) <by_caballero> s/ even/just/ Heather Vescent: This is a pipeline strategy -- to have more people come into community whether or not they're technical, non-technical, poets, humanities, or developers -- the thing that really concerns/challenges me about Traceability thing is -- it's a good problem to have, Anil John and DHS has funded a lot of this work -- that has been built within a private group/community, so if you're not a fudned company, that's an even deeper end. We need to build a bridge from that back to general CCG. <orie> I object to what heather is saying... we have always done our traceability work in the open in github. <orie> we use the tools the working group provides Orie Steele: :) <justin_r> a huge +1 to Heather's point just now. Heather Vescent: We are building that bridge, people new to community, not in that project has made it understandable and accessible. Orie, not saying you're not working in the open... there is a difference between working ing ithub vs. the work being easily accessible. Orie Steele: Strong agree heather :) need better W3C CCG process enforcement. <kim> She's correct -- whatever is in github is just a flattening of hours and hours of conversations that no one else is privy to. Also, private slack groups for those members Heather Vescent: There needs to be a transition... work done at DHS transition to open community. Like, "we are transferring that to the community". <orie> ^ yep, need public meetings with minutes to solve that Adrian Gropper: +1 Heather Orie Steele: "Process enforcement" == "slow down and take a breath" [scribe assist by Justin Richer] Justin Richer: Not if its easy to use JITSI :) [scribe assist by Orie Steele] Wayne Chang: We're nearing the end of the hour, we'll continue IIW discussion next week... a few timely reminders... Thursday at 3pm VC HTTP API work. <mahmoud_alkhraishi> is there a traceability api ( or w.e we're calling it) call today? Wayne Chang: On that topic, you had comments on DIF on VC HTTP API -- Orie, update there? Orie Steele: That is both incorrect and dismissive... [scribe assist by Justin Richer] <kim> I tried to join that slack group to get more context and was rejected Orie Steele: More related to IIW conversations that Adrian alluded to... is that what you're asking for? <heathervescent> Oh yeah, is there a traceability call today? <brent_shambauh> for inspiration, I like this link for ipfs concepts. https://proto.school/ . Orie Steele: Yes, resulting work happening at DIF -- work happening elsewhere, IETF, DIF, Hyperledger -- and that's ok -- part of work happening at IIW is major coming together of folks wrt. BBS+ and VCs and alignment on using DID Comm to exchange those credentials. Orie Steele: Presentation exchange over HTTP for DID Comm -- for presentation exchange, same kinda work that is happening here -- built on different set of standards/technology -- well documented, available for folks to use, things I'm most excited about -- Aries and DIDComm, focused on message-level security -- built on top of JOSE, coming together with people for HTTP APIs - tiny gap, people working together, DIF work item targeted at that... DIDComm and Presentation Exchange, DIF -- related to work in CCG or OpenID Foundation -- we'll see that evolve over time. Orie Steele: If that's of interest, please reach out to get insight into what's happening there. Wayne Chang: Would you mind sending an invtie to the mailing list, Orie? Wayne Chang: Thanks, see you next week! <by_caballero> remember the CCG101 meeting today too <by_caballero> in 3 hours Heather Vescent: @Manu: all good in the jitsi?
Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 18:20:34 UTC