Re: JSON-LD (Was:Re: Vaccination Certificate Test Suite)

Nikos – I am sure others will step in with more specifics, but the general answer is that all of these things exist as a way to enable the various requirements in the JSON-LD spec (  To quote:

In addition to all the features JSON provides, JSON-LD introduces:

  *   a universal identifier mechanism for JSON objects<> via the use of IRIs<>,
  *   a way to disambiguate keys shared among different JSON documents by mapping them to IRIs<> via a context<>,
  *   a mechanism in which a value in a JSON object<> may refer to a resource<> on a different site on the Web,
  *   the ability to annotate strings<> with their language,
  *   a way to associate datatypes with values such as dates and times,
  *   and a facility to express one or more directed graphs, such as a social network, in a single document.

Many of these are key features of Linked Data technologies such as RDF, which is a key driver behind the LD part of JSON-LD (


On 4/26/21, 8:06 AM, "Nikos Fotiou" <> wrote:
I will begin by apologizing for the dump questions, but I still haven't completely understood JSON-LD. I have two questions regarding

1) What is the purpose of lines 7-10, i.e.,
        "description": "",
        "identifier": "",
        "name": "",
        "image": ""
and why these attributes are redefined inside VaccinationCertificate attribute (lines 18-21)?

2)  In various places there is the following line
"@type": ""

Firstly, I thought that the @type property would lead to something machine readable so that type checks are automated. Even if this is not the case, contains no information about this type. Is there any implicit agreement that this URL corresponds to a "date"? The closest I found by following links was that

But even this, it says: "dateTime uses the date/timeSevenPropertyModel, with no properties except timezoneOffset permitted to be absent." Hence **if** this is the correct type, all the examples are not correct since they do not include the time part, in the `birthDate` attribute which is of that type.

Nikos Fotiou -
Researcher - Mobile Multimedia Laboratory
Athens University of Economics and Business

> On 25 Apr 2021, at 7:13 PM, Manu Sporny <<>> wrote:
> TL;DR: A new W3C CCG Capability has been created to  generate weekly NxN
> interoperability test reports for W3C  Verifiable Credential Vocabularies. The
> Vaccination  Certificate Vocabulary is the first test report to benefit  from
> this new capability. An example of the test suite output can be viewed here:
> On 4/8/21 1:29 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
>> You can view the latest Vaccination Certificate test suite report here:
> With a huge thanks to Andrew Jones, a new release of the Vaccination
> Certificate test suite has been released:
> Improvements include:
> 1. A weekly continuous-integration / continuous-testing
>   automation that tests all known VC HTTP API issuers
>   against all known VC HTTP API verifiers that are
>   passing the test suite. PRs welcome to add other
>   issuers or verifiers. You can see the latest run
>   here:
> 2. An option to manually trigger a complete test run
>   and upload the latest report to the interoperability
>   reports website.
> 3. Use of the 2020 Ed25519 cryptosuite to provide
>   compression-friendly input to CBOR-LD:
> 4. Use of the new base32 encoding to alphanumeric QR Codes
>   (ensures QR Codes can be read by a large portion of QR
>   Code reader devices):
> 5. Linkability to examples so that people can link to,
>   and have a good understanding of, what each payload
>   looks like:
> 6. A generalized mocha reporter that is optimized for
>   showing an interop compatibility matrix, which is
>   useful during the W3C Candidate Recommendation phase
>   (to demonstrate NxN interoperability status for
>   various implementations):
> The latest full test report is available here:
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny -
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Monday, 26 April 2021 13:16:14 UTC