using PDFs as a VC container...

Hi all!

I would like to introduce the work that I have been involved with. I have
been following the list/group for a while now and want to try to find the
time to be more active   ... that, plus Leonard's presentation was a great
opportunity/introduction :-)

We have been using PDFs as a credentials' container and anchoring the
document hashes on the blockchain. A blockchain proof (chainpointv2) is
added in the PDF metadata which results in self-contained and
self-verifiable PDF documents; the PDF is the only thing needed to view the
credential and validate the credential*. There are open source validators
that are trivial to use and/or host.

The longer version:
The University of Nicosia has been anchoring/issuing credentials (PDFs) for
some of their courses on the Bitcoin blockchain since 2014. Back then the
process was more manual/adhoc. In 2016 the solution was re-designed to
(more or less) what we have today:

- several PDFs are hashed and merklized, merkle root is anchored in the
blockchain (bitcoin is used but it is blockchain agnostic)
- merkle proofs, txid, etc. are stored in the respective PDF's metadata
(using json format)
- PDFs can be disseminated/stored as they always were

Several companies already use PDFs so our solution fits into their
workflows seamlessly. They had PDFs, they are anchored, and they still have

A meta-protocol was designed to encode the data stored in the blockchain in
a way that allows on-chain issuing/validation and revocation of the
credentials. The process is described in detail in:
(I can share if requested... not sure if the above is accessible to all)

An open source implementation (with tools) can be found at:
Validators at:  and

From 2017 all of the credentials and diplomas issued by the University are
issued using this platform. From 2019 the solution was commercialized
( to make it easier for potential clients (abstracting blockchain
infrastructure, etc.). Several more clients/use cases came up rather than
only educational credentials.

We have looked into this in the past but it was frozen. Now we are again in
the process of preparing/designing for VC-compatibility. We already use
json format so using the VC format would be straight-forward in itself.

However, I seem to be missing some parts, like how to formally define
revocation mechanisms or how to formally include the blockchain proof. Is
there a place where we can define our issuing / revocation mechanism so it
can be reused/interoperable?

Also it would be of great interest to see how we can properly use XMP that
Leonard mentioned in a more standardized way in our solution.

I would be happy to discuss further with anyone interested and thank you
all for your time reading this.


* Not unlike VCs other than the fact that the 'presentation'-layer is the
verifiable container itself.
** The solution can apply to any file that supports custom metadata.

Konstantinos A. Karasavvas
Software Architect, Blockchain Engineer, Researcher, Educator

Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2020 15:40:56 UTC