[PROPOSED WORK ITEM] VP Request Specification (for CHAPI etc)

*New Work Item Proposal*

This data model specification describes a declarative JSON-based query
language used by applications to perform requests for Verifiable
Presentations to wallets and agents.

The Credential Handler API
<https://w3c-ccg.github.io/credential-handler-api/> (CHAPI) spec is an
existing Work Item of this community group, and has seen increased
implementation and discussion activity recently (for example, the CHAPI and
DIDComm overview presentations given at last week's IIW conference resulted
in a lot of great questions and expression of interest). And if the CHAPI
spec describes a protocol, a simple communication pipe over which apps can
communicate with wallets through a web browser, then the VP Request Spec
work item proposed in this email, is a data model complement to it.

Is the CHAPI protocol bound to the VP Request Spec data model? No, you can
use CHAPI to pass on other types of messages and requests.

Is the VP Request Spec limited only to CHAPI? No, you can use this
declarative query syntax with other protocols, such as by wrapping it in
DIDComm messages, or by serializing it into URLs, for use with inter-app
communication within mobile operating systems.

What is the relationship between the VP Request format and query formats
used by DIDComm? That is partly what we hope to explore and come to
consensus on in this proposed work item! In general, we believe that these
formats can be complementary and inter-operable.

*Include Link to Abstract or Draft*



Dave Longley
Mike Varley
Dmitri Zagidulin

Received on Monday, 4 May 2020 22:23:29 UTC