[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2020-03-31 12pm ET

Thanks to  for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2020-03-31

  Kim Hamilton Duffy and Christopher Allen and Joe Andrieu
  Justin Richer, Christopher Allen, Chris Winczewski, Amy Guy, 
  Yancy Ribbens, Tom S, Jonathan Holt, Adrian Gropper, Nate Otto, 
  Joe Andrieu, Orie Steele, Kaliya Young, Moses Ma, Jeff Orgel, 
  Adam Lemmon, Joel Hartshorn, Brent Zundel, David Mason, Kim 
  Hamilton Duffy, Dan Burnett, John Tibbetts, Juan Caballero

Yancy Ribbens: I can scribe
Yancy Ribbens: Scribe+
Justin Richer: Scribenick yancy
Christopher Allen: 
Christopher Allen: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/join
Christopher Allen: 
Thanks yancy!
Christopher Allen:  Introductions? [scribe assist by Yancy 
Moses Ma:  I run a consultinging company and I've beenin 
  interested in DID for many RWOTS now. [scribe assist by Yancy 
Yancy Ribbens: ... I'd be happy to chat later
Christopher Allen: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/announcements/
Christopher Allen:  Announcments and reminders [scribe assist by 
  Yancy Ribbens]
Yancy Ribbens: ... If you have something you wnat to to let the 
  credentials community know more about
Yancy Ribbens: ... As you can see all 3 conferences have been 
Yancy Ribbens: ... We have thre regulare calls the occur every 
Yancy Ribbens: ... Theres a VC call on Monday
Yancy Ribbens: ... And there's a DID resolution call on Thrusday
Yancy Ribbens: ... And you're ewlcome to post more announcments 
Nate Otto: S/VC call on Monday/Verifiable Credentials for 
  Education call on Monday
Yancy Ribbens: ChristphopherA: we're looking fore volunteers to 
  replace some of these things
Yancy Ribbens: Mosoes:  I'll volunteer to help produce something
Kaliya Young: IIW is using QiQochat.com and it is looking very 
  good for our use case.
Adrian Gropper:   I am contunuing to work on a dynamic cornona 
  virus passport [scribe assist by Yancy Ribbens]
Yancy Ribbens: ... It's a simple use case that involves a doctor 
  or pastient to have awallet
Yancy Ribbens: ... And for the doctor to sign
Moses Ma: Christopher, I can approach hopin.to as "a source of 
  venture capital", that will get more attention from them...
Yancy Ribbens: ... I don't have a wallet in particular and I've 
  always used uport
Yancy Ribbens: ... Had a talk with someone from sovrin
Yancy Ribbens: ... If anyone is interested in a first wallet for 
  this easy use case
Yancy Ribbens: ... How do we do this withnin the context of whhat 
  we're trying to achieve
Christopher Allen: Dr. Manreet Nijjar (@truu_id)
Yancy Ribbens: ... This is the simplest of all possible use cases
David Mason: Is there a link to the sovrin meeting on this topic 
Christopher Allen: 
Yancy Ribbens: ChistopherA: he is working on a wallet for the 
  national health service
Tony rose?
Yancy Ribbens: ... I have a contact in the UN and he is one the 
  emergency response people
Yancy Ribbens: ... Like going to haiti after an earthquake
Yancy Ribbens: ... And can say this person has no idea and it can 
  give hime temporary status to do things or pickup supllies for 
  him or whatever
Yancy Ribbens: ... I ahve the contanct iformation for him now
Adrian Gropper:   Just looking for people that want to talk to 
  him about the wallet aspect [scribe assist by Yancy Ribbens]
Yancy Ribbens: ChistopherA:  can talk more about that later
Moses Ma: Jonathan is on the queue?
Yancy Ribbens: ... We need to go through progress and action 
Yancy Ribbens: ... We use github
Christopher Allen: 
Yancy Ribbens: ...We do a github for all issues and choose from 
  them each week
Yancy Ribbens: ... And we sellect from them one to go with
Christopher Allen: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/87
Yancy Ribbens: ... Wanted to thank rhiaro
Christopher Allen: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/connecting.html
Yancy Ribbens: ... Did do something to use a SIP phone
Yancy Ribbens: ... This chat channel sin't free
Yancy Ribbens: ... DB has been maintaing the bridge and it costs 
  them money
Yancy Ribbens: ... When you use SIP they can avoid charges
Yancy Ribbens: ... These tools keep changing
Yancy Ribbens: ... I encourage more contributions
LinPhone works on my android phone (better than on my XP 
  machine), FWIW
Yancy Ribbens: ...You can make PR request for this connecting 
Christopher Allen: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/75
Yancy Ribbens: ... Registries process, we have a announcmenet
Yancy Ribbens: ... We discoverd that the punted and didn't put it 
  into the w3c process 2020
Christopher Allen: W3c/w3process#168 (comment)
Yancy Ribbens: ... And insted move it to the next youear so we 
  need to thing how to do it ourselves
Yancy Ribbens: ... We don't have to be recharterd every few years 
  to handle long term reponsibilites
Yancy Ribbens: ... For exaple the vc work
Yancy Ribbens: ... Whico is asking to maintain and do proposals 
  which weill be brought back to a differeent form
Yancy Ribbens: ... We're just maintining regiestries for VCs
Yancy Ribbens: ... We now move on the the meat of our location 
Christopher Allen: 
Yancy Ribbens: .. And pandamic info
Yancy Ribbens: ... That's been a lot more if you look on mylinks
Yancy Ribbens: ... You'll find a few other links to topics of 
  location privacy
Yancy Ribbens: ... There's been a question of how much the cc is 
  involve in loction privacy
Yancy Ribbens: ... In my opinion is the crux to how good our 
  credentials are
Yancy Ribbens: ... There's een dicussion about various proofs
Yancy Ribbens: ... And there's lessons to be learned about 
  locaation privacy in general
Yancy Ribbens: ... Lessons learned for our own work
Yancy Ribbens: ... Anyonw want to talk about the ccg?
Yancy Ribbens: ...  Want to point peopole to a particular article 
  by elizabeth
Yancy Ribbens: ... Too many windows
Yancy Ribbens: ... When your'e look tat these types of tings
Yancy Ribbens: ... The question is are you allowed by law and the 
  ethical stance of implementing these things
Yancy Ribbens: ... So thats' a good start
Yancy Ribbens: .. I think there's another good article
Yancy Ribbens: ... Dont' thkink we have a list for how to do 
  these things
Yancy Ribbens: ... I think we have a data min document
Yancy Ribbens: .. But I din't think we 've looked at it from a 
  legal ascpect
Yancy Ribbens: ... Here's the things to think about and here's 
  some anti-patterns
Yancy Ribbens: ... Such as agropper and true IDs
Yancy Ribbens: ... Also german gov is doing work on credentions
Kaliya Young: You could reach out to Elizabeth and invite her to 
  actually share her thoughts.
Yancy Ribbens: ... These are the questions yout should ask 
Yancy Ribbens: ... Having a good way to think about this
Yancy Ribbens: ... Id did reach out to elizabeth
Moses Ma: Slides: 
Moses Ma:   Im working in this area now [scribe assist by Yancy 
Yancy Ribbens: ... And i'm going to go over quickly about the 
  things i'm thinking about
Yancy Ribbens: ... We're talking to the CIO of the state of CO 
  about a pilot for privacy contact tracer
Yancy Ribbens: ... And to test to see how it works
Yancy Ribbens: ... And it could bea s effectave as without
Kaliya Young: Sovran has a C19 working group and it has a call on 
Yancy Ribbens: ... We put togerther a proposal
Yancy Ribbens: ... Traes together only uses blue tooth
Yancy Ribbens: .. Support bluetooth audio and high frequency 
Yancy Ribbens: .. Also five you google nearby to give you a range
Yancy Ribbens: ... Give you a simple trace
Yancy Ribbens: ...And can opt to share with the giv
Christopher Allen: 
Yancy Ribbens: ... Nobody knows how well it works
Yancy Ribbens: ... Singapore doing a great job
Yancy Ribbens: ... I have a concern that we have great intentions 
  but to a certain extent we need requirments engineering
Yancy Ribbens: ... How to we support concent and we don't force 
Yancy Ribbens: ... We learned a lot of lessons from the HIV area
Yancy Ribbens: ... I have my own knowledge about using zkp
Yancy Ribbens: ...It may not be the role of this communinity
Yancy Ribbens: ... But I thought it would usefull to have a 
  braoder discusion
Moses Ma:  I think the best we can do is a downpayment on privacy 
  [scribe assist by Yancy Ribbens]
Yancy Ribbens: ... Also believe it should be er compatible
Yancy Ribbens: ... I also think it should sell and has a pretty 
*EHR (electronic health records)
Yancy Ribbens: ... That's phase one and i'm trying to get the 
  city of bolder to accept it
Yancy Ribbens: ... Phase2 should be more interesting
Yancy Ribbens: ...If the vacination works and if anyone gets sick
Yancy Ribbens: ... And in terms of data security
Yancy Ribbens: ... It is very lite in terms of data analysis
Yancy Ribbens: ... And goes back 8 weeks to see if someone had no 
Yancy Ribbens: ... My beliefe is that deal we need to do with the 
  government if that's no useage there should be no provacy
Yancy Ribbens: ... But the CDC should be able to access the data
Yancy Ribbens: ... And thouse are the things we're thinkgin about
Yancy Ribbens: ... And we have like 20 phds working on
Yancy Ribbens: ... Im gong to friends who are hollywood producers 
  to line up some psas
Christopher Allen: 
Christopher Allen:   This is not only a technology problem 
  [scribe assist by Yancy Ribbens]
Moses Ma: If any one wants to work on our project, please email 
Adrian Gropper:   People want to start using it for health 
  records and for banking activities [scribe assist by Yancy 
Yancy Ribbens: ... What is our answer
Yancy Ribbens: ChistopherA: can't speak for everyone, we can 
  always do better
Yancy Ribbens: ... While I think there are some flaws with ahar, 
  it doesn't mean as a community we can't recommend some better 
Amy Guy: S/ahar/aadhar
Yancy Ribbens: ... There has been a strong ampahsis at a 
  fundimental layer
Yancy Ribbens: ... Not jsut what the bits are
Amy Guy: S/aadhar/aadhaar
Yancy Ribbens: ... Anyone working on a project?
John Tibbetts:  From enigma and I would like to talk about it 
  [scribe assist by Yancy Ribbens]
Yancy Ribbens: ... Our expericne is in privacy
Christopher Allen: Jonathan at enigma
Christopher Allen: Safetrace
Yancy Ribbens: ... Right now were working with protected exec 
Yancy Ribbens: ... We'ere building a privacy preserving compute 
  and storage service
Yancy Ribbens: ... And allow the sharing of data in private way
Yancy Ribbens: ... And we're trying to A address user privacy
Yancy Ribbens: ... And goes to enclave where processing is done
Yancy Ribbens: ... It's ahrd to have a localized things given how 
  its spreading
Yancy Ribbens: ... And we're working with a team in Austin
Moses Ma: Jonathan_holt, can you also share what is consensys 
  health and the IEEE blockchains in healthcare are up to?
Yancy Ribbens: ChistopherA: I've written about pseduo anon data 
Christopher Allen: 
Yancy Ribbens: ... I wrote this up as a patent breaker, about how 
  to use ZKPs
Yancy Ribbens: ... Wrote in 2008 using hibert curves
Yancy Ribbens: ... To a certain extant it doesnt matter the 
  technology without the policy
Yancy Ribbens: ... Sounds like yours is not the safe path thing
Yancy Ribbens: ... This is the 5th or 6th organziation to do a 
  contact tracing
Christopher Allen: 
Kaliya Young: The MyData Community has a COVID call every week on 
  Wednesday morning pacific.
Yancy Ribbens: ... Please keep us informed and send to the lsist 
  about your project
Yancy Ribbens: ... We have some people here that are experinced 
  implenting creds and zkps
Yancy Ribbens: Jonnnycrunch: we're ahvnig a hackathon
Yancy Ribbens: ... I presentated on this calll a few weeks ago
Yancy Ribbens: ... The challange is the governance models is the 
Yancy Ribbens: ... We have chains of trust the go to CAs
Yancy Ribbens: ... I have a call where I'm and advisor to and I 
  have physician
Yancy Ribbens: ... Hearing earlier that the german gov interest 
  in lab results
Yancy Ribbens: ... How do we get to the same page
Yancy Ribbens: ... There's certiain cooalitions trying the 
Adrian Gropper:  What are the open source license issues. [scribe 
  assist by Yancy Ribbens]
Yancy Ribbens: ... Is there buisness overlays?
Yancy Ribbens: Johnnycrunch: we hope to use eth consensus
Yancy Ribbens: ... I have a meeting in one hour about the formal 
Yancy Ribbens: ... In 2 hours
Yancy Ribbens: ChistohperA: what is the goal of this community?
Yancy Ribbens: ... We thinkg about the ethics, the law and the 
Yancy Ribbens: ... We have the ability to publish reports
Yancy Ribbens: ... Reports that people can refer to and link
Yancy Ribbens: ... Is there someway that we can do something?
Adrian Gropper: We need to propose improvement to Aaadhaar
Yancy Ribbens: ... I might put the estonians ID stuff to make it 
Jonathan Holt:   Maybe now is the time for VC to shing.  but Im 
  cautios because it's a rushed job. [scribe assist by Yancy 
Justin Richer: +1 To jonathan_holt
Yancy Ribbens: ... And if it's a power grab the future will not 
  look favorable to us
Yancy Ribbens: ... I think that the message of hope is that this 
  technology is being used for the right purpose
Christopher Allen: An example of a CCG Report 
Yancy Ribbens: ... And not ony has the mantra that you can't be 
Yancy Ribbens: ChistopherA:  I sut posted a report about data 
Yancy Ribbens: ... One of my concerns is that we have 
  segmentation by nation
Yancy Ribbens: ... And then we also have a segmentation by 
  platform and companys
Yancy Ribbens: ... The w3c is a central meeting place
Yancy Ribbens: ... That has IPR
Kaliya Young: You HAVE a SOVRIN group with a meeting happening 
Yancy Ribbens: ... Has a path to international standards
Yancy Ribbens: ... And I consider it a big tent
Yancy Ribbens: ... Starting at high level and then going down the 
Adrian Gropper: I'm not in favor of rushing to pile on the COVID 
  issues but there are many who are looking for realistic 
  privacy-preserving leadership soon.
Yancy Ribbens: ... The w3c is a godd umbrella for this type of 
Juan Caballero:  I think one of the question is how to do we sync 
  our messaging [scribe assist by Yancy Ribbens]
Yancy Ribbens: ... One thing that's helpful is that polenteer 
  promised to delete the data
Dan Burnett: Voip-ccg, who is making noise?
IF ANYONE has a link to the SOVRIN meeting tomorrow, sharing that 
  would be helpful
Error: (IRC nickname 'by_caballero' not 
  recognized)[2020-03-31T17:03:25.515Z] <by_caballero> *palantir :D 
  here's a link: 
Yancy Ribbens: Steve:  there's unique situation about how this 
  privacy works in the abstract
Yancy Ribbens: ChistopherA: can you articulate more?
Yancy Ribbens: ... Have had some people say people shouldn't be 
  doing this
Yancy Ribbens: Smagennis: I think organically we have lots of 
  email threads going around
Yancy Ribbens: ... Even beyond the notion of this being an 
  ethical decision
Yancy Ribbens: ... Here we have real world media example in front 
  of us
Adrian Gropper: The Sovrin meeting I know of is at Noon ET on 4/2 
  and I'm not sure it's an open meeting. I was invited by 
Yancy Ribbens: ... And I think it's relevant to the work we do
Yancy Ribbens: ... Worth it for people to continue this dialog
Yancy Ribbens: ChistopherA: please let use know what your 
  interests are around this discussion
Yancy Ribbens: ... Even if the ccg doesn't have a direct role, 
  that we are influenceing through discussion
Yancy Ribbens: S/influenceing/influence
Yancy Ribbens: ... We are looking for agenda items
Yancy Ribbens: ... Also there is an election coming up
Jonathan Holt: S/jonnycrunch/jonathan_holt
Jonathan Holt: S/johnnycrunch/jonathan_holt
Moses Ma: Bye all
Moses Ma: Exit
Moses Ma: Quit
Yancy Ribbens: S/consultinging/consulting
Yancy Ribbens: S/beenin interested/been interested/
Yancy Ribbens: S/announcments/announcements
Yancy Ribbens: S/wnat/want
Yancy Ribbens: S/thre/three
Yancy Ribbens: S/regulare/regular
Yancy Ribbens: S/wek/week
Yancy Ribbens: S/Thrusday/Thursday
Yancy Ribbens: S/wlcome/welcome
Yancy Ribbens: S/contunuing/continuing
Yancy Ribbens: S/cornona/corona
Yancy Ribbens: S/pastient/patient
Yancy Ribbens: S/awallet/wallet
Yancy Ribbens: S/withnin/within
Yancy Ribbens: S/whhat/what
Yancy Ribbens: S/hime/him
Yancy Ribbens: S/supllies/supplies
Yancy Ribbens: S/ahve/have
Yancy Ribbens: S/contanct/contact

Received on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 20:54:04 UTC