And rightfully so since the core DID spec explicitly states that DID-stuff belongs on DLTs. Also, according to the same spec (see the abstract), the DID-stuff aims to enable interaction (communication) with the entity identified by the DID, which is quite different from schemas.
So why specify that you need a DID to refer to a schema if we can generalize this to a URI? Doing so does not exclude DIDs since they are a specialization of URIs so you can still use the examples.
Van: Daniel Hardman <>
verzonden: woensdag 18 maart 2020 01:32
Aan: Leonard Rosenthol
Cc: Orie Steele; W3C Credentials CG (Public List)
Onderwerp: Re: Propose vc-examples-registry work item.
There is a clear bias there towards DIDs (and VC’s in general) that are based on ledgers of some fashion.
Touché. :-)
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