[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2020-03-03 12pm ET

Thanks to Chris Winczewski for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2020-03-03

  1. Introductions & Re-introductions
  2. Announcements & Reminders
  3. Action items
  4. CCG Work Item Reports; DID Resolver Task Force
  5. other work items
Action Items:
  1. add leads to 
  2. @dmitriz to ask DB to consider moving did:web to CCG
  3. @joeandrieu will puzzle DID Use Cases how to wrap it
  4. @burn & @JoeAndrieu to close out explainer work item
  Kim Hamilton Duffy and Christopher Allen and Joe Andrieu
  Chris Winczewski
  Manu Sporny, Joe Andrieu, Dmitri Zagidulin, Chris Winczewski, 
  Sumita Jonak, Justin Richer, Christopher Allen, Jeff Orgel, David 
  Mason, Jonathan Holt, Kaliya Young, Nate Otto, Kim Hamilton 
  Duffy, Dan Burnett, Markus Sabadello, Juan Caballero

Manu Sporny: Regrets+ manu
Error: (IRC nickname 'orie_' not 
  recognized)[2020-03-03T17:09:44.670Z] <Orie_> i'd like to discuss 
  next steps on did-key, webkms if possible :)
Christopher Allen: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/join
Christopher Allen: 
Christopher Allen: 
Will we have SDS WG - DIF/CCG discussion on today's call? thanks
Chris Winczewski: Scribe+ chriswinc
Chris Winczewski is scribing.
Chris Winczewski is scribing.
Scribe chriswinc
Jeff Orgel: Apologies I can not help in that fashion!

Topic: Introductions & Re-introductions

Topic: Announcements & Reminders

Christopher Allen: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/announcements/
Christopher Allen:  RWOT cancelled due to COVID-19, virtual 
  hackathon offered as an option that week
KNOW Identity April 5 also cancelled
Christopher Allen:  End of April is IIW
Christopher Allen: 
Chris Winczewski:  KNOW Identity status is unknown
Christopher Allen: 
Christopher Allen:  Action items
Dan Burnett: S/KNOW Identity April 5 also cancelled/ChristopherA: 
  KNOW Identity April 5 also cancelled/
Error: (IRC nickname 'orie_' not 
  recognized)[2020-03-03T17:21:09.733Z] <Orie_> happy to help move 
  and close that stuff out :)
  ... Community group up for closure
  ... What do we need to do to close?
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We moved all the relevant repositories
  ... redirects for github.io needs to be setup
Joe Andrieu:  Would be great to have an abandoned list
  ... people need an opportunity to fork them if necessary
Christopher Allen:  If you are interested, please make sure you 
  forward them into your own repos
  ... Digital verification homepage also needs updating
  ... Chairs will then formally close

Topic: Action items

Christopher Allen: 
  ... any questions regarding the closure? Attach them to issue 
Christopher Allen: 
  ... Action item focus items are decided every Thursday. Send a 
  note to the chairs if you want something prioritized.
  ... Work items page lists ongoing task forces as well as open 
  ... Start with a report from the DID resolver task force which 
  meets on Thursdays.

Topic: CCG Work Item Reports; DID Resolver Task Force

Kim Hamilton Duffy: ChistopherA: someone else from resolver task 
  force to report?
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ChistopherA: so....Markus
Markus Sabadello:  Haven't done much on spec content, 
  dependencies on DID core spec [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...Support for multiple reps of the did doc 
  (abstract data model)
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...Such items affect did resolution (e.g. 
  which representation the resolver returns)
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...Another such topic is matrix parameters
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...A way of passing parameters
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...Discussion over whether they should be 
  removed in favor of query params
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...Third major topic is metadata
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...Types of metadata to support, different 
  categories of metadata (specific to the did doc, specific to 
  resolution process)
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...E.g. "created" property
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...What does it mean
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...Not yet common agreement
Christopher Allen:  One reason for this separate group was that 
  it's not in scope of did-core [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...But I've heard discussion that it may be 
  brought into scope
Markus Sabadello:  Some support that resolution "contract" would 
  be brought into scope [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
Kim Hamilton Duffy: ...But implementation details would stay 
Markus Sabadello:  We will be discussing the interface to 
  DID-core and matrix parameters in the upcoming meetings
Markus Sabadello: Open issue in the DID WG to discuss how much of 
  DID Resolution should be shifted into DID Core: 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  DID Web, multiple DID Docs
Markus Sabadello: Open issue about metadata: 
Markus Sabadello: Open issue about matrix parameters: 
  ... e.g. can students host DID docs on an EDU hosted location? 
  Is it legal in the syntax?
Hosting .well-known on non root paths?
Christopher Allen:  DID WG requires W3C membership
  ... but the DID resolver task force only requires Community 
  Group membership
Dmitri Zagidulin: Orie_ — no, more like, specifying that IF there 
  is no path component, then use .well-known/, but if there IS a 
  path component, use that _instead_ of .well-known.
  ...this is an opportunity to bring feedback
Markus Sabadello: DID Resolution weekly Thursday call: 
Dmitri Zagidulin: So, it's like, can 
  did:web:example.edu/users/dmitri/did.json refer to a different 
  did document than did:web:example.edu/users/orie/did.json
Orie_: We have work items for DID Key and WebKMS
  ...moving repos from DigitalBazaar to central location. How do 
  we do this to support broader work on these topics?
Christopher Allen:  These are approved work items and the 
  location of the work is up to the editors
  ...when it reaches certain maturity, it should be moved to CCG
  ...it may be time to do this.

ACTION: add leads to 

  ...are the leads of these work items present?
I am a code owner on webkms
  ...action added to add leads.
Error: (IRC nickname 'orie_' not 
  recognized)[2020-03-03T17:43:39.395Z] <Orie_> but not on did:key 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Will bring up subject with Manu and DLongley
Ok, I will tackle trying to move webkms along

ACTION: @dmitriz to ask DB to consider moving did:web to CCG

Christopher Allen:  Any other questions for these work items? 
  ...any other work items that would like to talk about status or 
  ask for help?

Topic: other work items

Joe Andrieu:  Some of these can move on e.g. DID use cases
Manu Sporny:  (From IRC) - happy to move WebKMS and did:key to 
  CCG. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
  ...Use cases has been formally handed over. Document is out of 
Christopher Allen:  Steps to close this out include changing 
  references, archiving

ACTION: @joeandrieu will puzzle DID Use Cases how to wrap it

  ...Can JoeA wrap this up?
Joe Andrieu:  Yes, with help for steps
Christopher Allen:  This is a success point when a work item is 
  taken up by a formal WG or other standards body. We should 
Joe Andrieu:  The other one was the DID Explainer

ACTION: @burn & @JoeAndrieu to close out explainer work item

  ...the work has move to a different place and a pointer is 
  needed to the new place
Christopher Allen:  Any feedback from the community regarding 
  other open work items?
  ...inactive items are subject to closure or archive
Orie_: been discussion on a DID key issue
  ...and matrix parameters
  ...the problem is that DID Docs don't have all the information 
  they need at initialization
Dmitri Zagidulin: 
  ...updates however are expensive in time or cost
  ...matrix parameters offer to extend original DID doc if they 
  are signed
  ...would allow you to sign an attribute e.g. service endpoint
Christopher Allen:  Related to a BTCR item
  ...we are stalled on a non JS-based signing method
  ...like DID key, begin with a key pair
  ...put on BTC and until the transaction is confirmed we don't 
  have a DID
Yes, many methods that rely on ledger anchoring suffer from these 
  registration timing issues.
  ...need the block ID of transaction
  ...all you have in the interim is a key
  ...need to go to extensions to get override
  ...one key needs to do everything or at least delegation
Error: (IRC nickname 'orie_' not 
  recognized)[2020-03-03T17:57:10.978Z] <Orie_> here is mine for 
  example: https://github.com/OR13/self/blob/master/ddo.jsonld
  ...when DID doc is extended, that document will modify key 
  authority for example
  ...we don't quite know how to do that
  ...you might get different DID extensions based who you are and 
  what your rights are
Joe Andrieu: @Orie_ that is an oddly formed DDO
  ...were hoping to dive into this at RWOT but need a backup plan 
Christopher Allen: @Dmitriz
Yes, opportunity for alignment accross methods wrt timing and 
  property issues.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  What is being proposed is a way to extend the 
  trust model
  ...to pass in essentially a JSON patch
Christopher Allen: Are there an example of json patch mechanism? 
  any urls about this?
  ...to resolver - please also add or remove
  ...may resolve issues in many DID methods
Christopher Allen:  BTCR method thought this would reside in the 
  verifiable presentation
Dmitri Zagidulin: 
Dimitriz: good use case, add it to issue #5
Jonathan Holt:  Is the concern derived keys?
Christopher Allen:  Option to pass an xpub instead of a key
  ...or maybe even every time you sign
  ...may have to prove capability to get DID doc
  ...could be cryptographic. potentially solves phoning home
Christopher Allen: @JoeAndrieu
  ...BTCR focused on privacy, security without using selective 
Joe Andrieu:  DID doc identifies that there are more parameters 
  that should be checked
  ...initial state use case.
Sidetree for example has initial state gurantees
  ...third - augment with JSON patch. This seems to be an 
  ...feels broken as it is not deterministic
Orie_: agree with the three bucket separation
  ... method itself is responsible for returning the document
Christopher Allen: (Closing queue)
  ...up to the method maintainers how to do this
  ...not a big difference with augmenting doc as it is has the 
  same effect as losing the key
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Three categories are equivalent
  ...discussion should continue
Joe Andrieu: Multiple versions could be signed...
Joe Andrieu: Gotta go. thanks, all.
Christopher Allen:  Offers to help with DID extensions if you 
  provide URL

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2020 19:40:28 UTC