Re: [MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2020-07-14 12pm ET

Yes, special thank you to Dave Longley, who has managed to produce wonderful notes despite transitioning across 6-7 speakers in the midst of our teleconf party bus intermittently buckling across the load of a record-breaking 70 attendees! We are working on upgrades to the teleconf system.

- Wayne

On Wed, Jul 15, 2020, at 3:27 PM, W3C CCG Chairs wrote:
> Thanks to Dave Longley for scribing this week! The minutes
> for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:
> 2020-07-14 
> Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
> Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2020-07-14
> Agenda:
> Topics:
>   1. Introductions and reintroductions
>   2. Announcements and Reminders
>   3. Progress on Action Items
>   4. Round table for what's in the wallet part 2.
> Organizer:
>   Heather Vescent and Wayne Chang and Kim Hamilton Duffy
> Scribe:
>   Dave Longley
> Present:
>   Simone Ravaoli, Wayne Chang, Mike Prorock, Ryan Grant, Nate Otto, 
>   Erica Connell, Heather Vescent, Adrian Gropper, Orie Steele, Joe 
>   Andrieu, Kerri Lemoie, Daniel Hardman, Joachim Lohkamp, Chris 
>   Winczewski, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Kaliya Young, Isaac Patka, 
>   Jonathan Holt, Darrell Duane, Dave Longley, Phil Archer, Adam 
>   Lemmon, Jantine Derksen, James Chartrand, Andy Thomas, Juan 
>   Caballero, Manu Sporny, Dan Burnett, Christopher Allen, Balázs 
>   Némethi, Anil John, Dmitri Zagidulin, Nader Helmy, Alen Horvat, 
>   Benjamin Young, Brent Zundel, Brent Shambaugh, Dan Pape, David 
>   Mason, David I. Lehn, David Ward, Ganesh Annan, Rouven Heck, Sam 
>   Curren, Margo Johnson, Jeff Orgel, loveish, Phil Long, Amy Guy, 
>   Steve Magennis, Tom S, Tzviya Siegman, Yancy Ribbens
> Audio:
> Simone Ravaoli: (No audio for me today)
> Heather Vescent: Agenda for today's meeting: 
> Daniel Hardman: My audio says "you are currently the only person 
>   in this conference" -- must have wrong dialin?
> Heather Vescent: Dial in numbers are:   US phone: 
>   tel:+1.540.274.1034;6306    EU phone: tel:+;6306
> Daniel Hardman: I figured out my audio problem. All good.
> Darrell Duane: Darrell here (and just dialed in)
> Dave Longley: Scribe+
> Heather Vescent: Yay Dlongley!
> Dave Longley is scribing.
> Topic: Introductions and reintroductions
> Darrell Duane:  Darrell here, heather asked me to come do the 
>   digital wallet discussion.
> Tony: This is my first call.
> Kim Hamilton Duffy: That's phil-T3 speaking
> Phil Archer:  I've been participating in the other wallet 
>   discussions and am new to the group.
> Isaac Patka: Hi all, Isaac Patka from Bloom. Here to listen in on 
>   wallet discussion as we're working on an interop project
> Daniel Hardman:  Hello, this is Daniel Hardman.
> Jantine Derksen: Hi, Jantinehere from Berlin, just figuring out 
>   how to join the audio
> Topic: Announcements and Reminders
> Juan Caballero:
> Juan Caballero: ^Link to interop session tomorrow
> Adrian Gropper:  Next Wed 21st of July, Kantara will have a 
>   Webinar about UMA in healthcare.
> Wayne Chang:  Any other announcements?
> Topic: Progress on Action Items
> Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
> Orie Steele: +1 To merging the vc http apis.... so we can make 
>   progress...
> Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We just have one progress report item -- 
>   merging the VC issuer and verifier HTTP APIs. This was discussed 
>   on a call a while back and we're just now getting to it. There 
>   were work items tracking two different APIs, issuer/verifier.
> Kim Hamilton Duffy:  There was support among the owners for those 
>   items to merge them into a new repo. We're just following up on 
>   that. I emailed the descriptions -- we're going to create a new 
>   repo, combine the existing issuer/verifier APIs into that.
> Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We have a new baseline spec to update the 
>   content to so that will be the new basis for any subsequent 
>   discussion. So the work item isn't finished, there's just a new 
>   baseline to do edits on.
> Manu Sporny: +1 To merging -- been waiting for that to happen for 
>   a while
> Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We'll update the CCG work item page to merge 
>   the items.
> Kim Hamilton Duffy:  This is non-controversial, owners in 
>   agreement, just calling it out unless there are any objections.
> Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Add yourself to the queue if you have an 
>   objection.
> Topic: Round table for what's in the wallet part 2.
> Wayne Chang:
> Wayne Chang:  Setting informal rules -- so we can have more 
>   effective communication. We've collected some resources at the 
>   link in IRC.
> Adrian Gropper: Kantara Webinar on UMA in Healthcare 
> Wayne Chang:  If you've agreed to the above you will follow 
>   community guidelines for behavior, social rules, etc. There are 
>   no set consequences for violating these rules they are just 
>   things to keep in mind so we think about how others feel when we 
>   communicate.
> Wayne Chang:  These are typically logical/technical discussions 
>   but still important to make sure we don't accidentally tear 
>   people down, etc. "No actually" that corrects a minor point that 
>   isn't the main point or isn't that relevant to the conversation 
>   ...
> Wayne Chang:  If you say "Oh, you didn't know about this thing?" 
>   That's not productive either and alienating for people who are 
>   trying to learn, etc.
> Wayne Chang:  No back seat driving, if two people are having a 
>   discussion here, we use the queue to avoid this usually, but 
>   don't chime in without using the queue/don't interrupt.
> Orie Steele: Can we just link directly to the code of conduct, so 
>   people can read it on their own time / from the meeting minutes?
> Balázs Némethi: Wayne, CCG, DIF has worked a lot on a Code of 
>   Conduct that is under OS licenses to use by other orgs.
> Balázs Némethi: 
> Wayne Chang:  Don't say things like "windows is so easy to use, 
>   your mom can use it" -- Moms are tech savvy -- Moms are people 
>   too! Don't stereotype and stereotypes can be quite wrong.
> Heather Vescent: @Orie_ and 
> Balázs Némethi: We would be very happy if CCG would consider 
>   taking a deeper look at it
> Dan Burnett: W3C also has a code of conduct 
> Wayne Chang: If you are not speaking, please mute! thanks
> Kaliya Young:  This is primarily the work we did in the group for 
>   while. We took 27 responses and sorted them, we found a range of 
>   meaning that people had in their definitions. For wallets 
>   specifically, 12 of the definitions highlighted that it was about 
>   key/secret storage.
> Kaliya Young:  Next most common was that they stored credentials, 
>   next highest was that they aided with agent control.
> Juan Caballero: I believe this is the slide deck, not sure if 
>   it's the newest version tho:
> Juan Caballero: 
> Wayne Chang: Nice
> Kaliya Young:  Facilitated storing keys/secrets/vcs often 
>   controlled by an agent. The meaning that folks had in between ...
> Lost identitywoman's audio for a minute there.
> Kaliya Young:  Agents may have wallets, agents let you work with 
>   and connect to wallets and agents support delegation and back up 
>   wallets.
> Kaliya Young:  This definition that we came up with about wallets 
>   feels good.
> Juan Caballero: Rage-
> Orie Steele: 
> Orie Steele:  My summary is going to be something... I will talk 
>   about things I presented here in the hyperledger identity group 
>   and aries call. We proposed a universal wallet spec work item. It 
>   attempts to describe what's in wallets. My five minutes will be 
>   on that and what people organize and store in wallets today.
> Orie Steele:  It links to existing specs in the wild, VC, DID 
>   specs, etc. We've seen in the hyperledger community, schemas, 
>   connections, pairwise connectors, people think about payments and 
>   fiat currency or other cryptocurrency/token wallets.
> Orie Steele:  Bitcoin wallets, that sort of thing. What we've 
>   tried to do with this universal wallet spec is to describe the 
>   way people are using wallets.
> Orie Steele:  You can think of it by analogy with what's in your 
>   physical wallet today. Maybe a few dollars or none or some other 
>   currency. Identity documents, coupons, maybe specific types of 
>   credentials like healthcare/insurance cards.
> Orie Steele:  Other things related to your family might be in 
>   there.
> Orie Steele:  I learned this from SICPA, hopefully they can share 
>   on a future call. People share sensitive things in their wallets 
>   that aren't necessarily credential stuff.
> Orie Steele: 
> Orie Steele:  But here, it's relationships with crypto keys, 
>   secrets, VCs, so on.
> Orie Steele:  We have a blog post about our work with the Tangem 
>   cards.
> Orie Steele:  It's about transferring VCs with hardware backed 
>   cards over NFC, etc. Sometimes the key material doesn't exist in 
>   the wallet itself.
> Orie Steele:  Tangem provides a hardware based key -- sometimes 
>   you can port keys from one wallet to another and still issue VCs 
>   by using those cards. PIV cards, etc. physical cards people store 
>   in their wallet and you can move meta data about key materials 
>   without having to move the key material itself.
> Orie Steele:  There are also Yubikeys, other key/web mechanisms, 
>   Amazon key management software, there are ways to manage keys 
>   where the key material isn't in the wallet itself.
> Orie Steele:  The point of this spec is to describe what people 
>   are doing and to provide data models for portability.
> Orie Steele:  And to describe a set of interfaces for questions 
>   like: If I move from Wallet A to Wallet B, will I still be able 
>   to use these things in my Wallet A?
> Orie Steele:  I yield back the remainder of my time.
> Wayne Chang:  We're working on a better infrastructure for 
>   meetings this summer.
> Daniel Hardman: Here are the slides that I'm going to talk to: 
> Wayne Chang:  Daniel Hardman is up next.
> Daniel Hardman:  Slide link is in IRC, 5 slides.
> Daniel Hardman:  The basic message is that I feel like a wallet 
>   is an intersection of design tension. Physical wallets aren't a 
>   great multipurpose container, can put some things in it, not 
>   others.
> Daniel Hardman:  You can put a physical key in there, but lots 
>   isn't great. We don't expect a wallet to contain all of our 
>   assets, or our transaction history, or our bank account. It's 
>   still not uncommon to see wallets that are stuffed.
> Daniel Hardman:  I think that's because wallets are super 
>   convenient and it's tempting to use them.
> Daniel Hardman:  I'm here to admit the fuzziness, not to provide 
>   a definition.
> Daniel Hardman:  There are two graphs ... about sensitivity of 
>   data. Different degrees of sensitivity for the data and the 
>   stakes for exposing the data is different.
> Daniel Hardman:  Other graphic is about data size and richness.
> Daniel Hardman:  Two axes, two dimensional view, I'm claiming 
>   data that is highly rich and very large, a genome is an extreme 
>   example there. On the other extreme there is super small and not 
>   very rich like a cryptographic key.
> Daniel Hardman:  There are also all types of data related to SSI. 
>   There's more than 14 obviously, but these are interesting for 
>   test cases.
> Orie Steele: Great question regarding presentations
> Daniel Hardman:  Would we put a biometric template in a wallet, I 
>   don't know, would presentations from others go in wallet, I don't 
>   know. Maybe things at the bottom of the list don't go in a 
>   wallet, it's debatable.
> Anil John: Given all the good discussions & materials on Digital 
>   Wallets that is happening at the CCG, it would be good if there 
>   was landing page off 
>   that aggregates and provides pointers to all of this goodness!
> Nader Helmy: Feels like health records would fall under “held 
>   credentials”
> Daniel Hardman:  The next slide is making the point that wallets 
>   and remoteness is interesting ... some secrets can be remote and 
>   others can't. You must have a secret that unlocks the remoteness.
> Orie Steele: These slides are really great... this is excellent
> Daniel Hardman:  One of these characteristics is that the wallet 
>   is local. It could be in a database off of the current machine, 
>   that's not what I mean by local, you can access it without extra 
>   work is more like what I mean.
> Daniel Hardman:  A wallet is not just a mobile app, there could 
>   be paper versions of wallets. A wallet is a locus of control in 
>   the "DID controller" sense. There's a complicated relationship in 
>   that sense, there's an interesting nexus there.
> Daniel Hardman:  Please wrap up, thank you! [scribe assist by 
>   Wayne Chang]
> Daniel Hardman:  Backup and replication are there. Replicating 
>   wallets is interesting because never copying private keys may 
>   cause some differences. Wallets may be subdivided by work vs. 
>   personal or by identities like parents vs. children.
> Daniel Hardman:  A wallet is certainly a hacking target.
> Daniel Hardman:  The last observation on this slide is that a 
>   wallet is not necessarily in a containment relationship with all 
>   the things it's associated with -- it may just reference data 
>   that it doesn't contain in the most literal sense.
> Daniel Hardman:  "What's *in* a wallet" the word "in" is worth 
>   thinking about.
> Daniel Hardman:  My sixth slide is where I wanted to end up so go 
>   look at it.
> Darrell Duane: Darrell's deck - 
> Orie Steele: Yes, the last slide is critical... its about how 
>   wallets relate to other ecosystem components like hubs and 
>   vaults.
> Darrell Duane:  I'm going to be talking about a report we pushed 
>   out last year. Created for two reasons, address concerns over 
>   ambiguity of what a digital wallet is. One report is a public 
>   report -- link in the chat. Another is a business strategy 
>   report.
> Darrell Duane:  There was a lot of handwaving that wallets mean a 
>   lot of different things to different people. "Oh the wallet will 
>   do that" is too much handwaving.
> Darrell Duane:  We went over ~300 projects, lots of discussion. 
>   Deep dived, we covered "what are the capabilities of a wallet", 
>   from a user/enterprise perspective not a dev one.
> Darrell Duane:  What stuff do we put in a wallet, enterprise 
>   specific concerns, multiperson/organization concerns. 
>   Cryptocurrencies vs. layman's term for a wallet. We covered the 
>   state of tech as of March 2019.
> Darrell Duane:  Lots of progress in some areas and not so much in 
>   others.
> Darrell Duane:  We identified immediately the user experience is 
>   the biggest problem.
> Darrell Duane:  Update on what we've learned since. The wallets 
>   in the wild and being used by non-techies -- people just using 
>   apps to do their work. These are single credential/single 
>   connection types of apps. I've been at an advising role at 
>   CULedger -- most apps have been single credential, etc. These 
>   have been dead simple use cases.
> Darrell Duane:  Other key thing that Daniel hit on -- 
>   backup/recovery is terrifying on a mere mortal basis. It's an 
>   attack vector. It's a surprise to credit unions and banks, can 
>   people operate on two phones, can someone else take my phone and 
>   bank on my behalf and rip me off, etc.
> Darrell Duane:  Lots of crypto/tech centric...
> Darrell Duane:  If you want to get access to report, hit me up on 
>   twitter and I'll link in the chat. Doc is almost 90 pages long.
> Darrell Duane:  One of the funders wanted a summary but that 
>   would be 3x-4x the actual doc.
> Wayne Chang:  On to Katryna.
> Darrell Duane: Direct link to the wallet report: 
> Wayne Chang:  On to Charles, Katryna has audio trouble.
> Charles_cunningham: I work for an SSI company in Berlin Germany.
> Charles_cunningham: I work for Jolocom.
> Joachim Lohkamp: 
> Charles_cunningham: We have looked extensively at what goes in a 
>   wallet for sometime. We offer a wallet as an app on iOS, etc. We 
>   have a wallet for enterprise use cases but slightly less 
>   sophisticated.
> Charles_cunningham: We have some simple graphics for what we 
>   think goes in a wallet.
> Charles_cunningham: Key material. Everyone knows key material is 
>   the foundation for all wallets -- the simplest definition is a 
>   wallet manages that key material for you.
> Charles_cunningham: Managing keys is fine for a cryptocurrency 
>   wallet. Obviously credentials go right into a wallet. The analogy 
>   is right there with physical wallets like driver's licenses.
> Charles_cunningham: Capabilities, similar to credentials. They 
>   can present signed data. In the UI for our wallets, we've 
>   separated the representations.
> Charles_cunningham: More in particular it's about authorization. 
>   Credentials are more about presenting information about yourself.
> Charles_cunningham: History and metadata. They are closely 
>   related and represented in our wallets. If I'm being issued a 
>   credential our issuance protocol finds a way to indicate how to 
>   display the credential in the wallet.
> Charles_cunningham: This metadata and the history includes all of 
>   the interactions with other identities. This includes pairwise 
>   identities, IDs for the credentials exchanged, so on.
> Charles_cunningham: In a functional sense, wallets can be defined 
>   as stores of sensitive information. But they can also be modeled 
>   as agents. Presenting a credential to someone or participating in 
>   some kind of interaction.
> Charles_cunningham: We've included non-credential based 
>   interactions, using the keys in your wallet ... looking for ways 
>   to mix personal version vs. enterprise version. We've been 
>   exploring this through a capabilities model.
> Charles_cunningham: How an individual might interact with a 
>   larger entity through capabilities.
> Charles_cunningham: Through key operations.
> Darrell Duane: Dang - I've lost my phone connection here.
> Juan Caballero: @Joachim was there a second link/page?
> Charles_cunningham: We have an image on our SDK ... we use a 
>   wallet for both mobile and server side ... simple interfaces to 
>   give it the full functionality.
> Wayne Chang:  Katryna is up next.
> Wayne Chang:  We welcome you to give a brief intro and answer 
>   what's in a wallet.
> Katryna: My name is Katryna Dow, founder of Meeco.
> Katryna: This is all valid and interesting, but taking a slightly 
>   different direction.
> Katryna: Starting in this space over a decade ago. Data and 
>   information that was important... working backwards from that 
>   over the last few years. It's really interesting the way language 
>   shapes tech.
> Katryna: From the evolution of our products and services, we've 
>   moved from something ... we've moved from saying all the things 
>   about yourself over your life to categorizing it, to having a 
>   consent layer, to having an API to connect.
> Katryna: The evolution of that comes down to portability. How 
>   things become light weight. The thing that's emerging in 
>   listening to everyone. The idea of portable, reusability. Real 
>   digital transformation vs. digitization. We've been through a 
>   decade or so with taking data and information and digitizing it.
> Katryna: The wallet can focus on things that are really critical 
>   and light weight that you want with you in an everyday sense. And 
>   then move to the digitally connected world vs. just mirroring the 
>   physical world.
> Katryna: Wallets also allow ecosystems to develop quickly without 
>   a need for tight integration.
> Katryna: The standards group that many of us are part of ... 
>   interop and portability mean that ecosystems can develop quickly 
>   with the individual, service provider, and trust anchor that can 
>   be universally recognized.
> Katryna: From our perspective, all the things we've been 
>   building, uni transcript, health provider, etc. -- these things 
>   are becoming more important anchor points around things that are 
>   more light weight and used every day.
> Katryna: The language and evolution from data storage to 
>   connectivity and integration ... now down to the use of the term 
>   "wallet" ... it helps give people an understanding around how 
>   those things might fit into everyday life.
> Katryna: Also, how do you bring this lightweight decentralized 
>   human solution into the enterprise world. We've been doing 
>   interesting work around OIDC around infrastructure and emerging 
>   infrastructure.
> Katryna: To allow people to be free and independent but also come 
>   into an ecosystem and help with B2B value.
> Katryna: The evolution is interesting to me and how the language 
>   has helped shape the tech and create the clarity that Kaliya 
>   talked about earlier on.
> Orie Steele: What organization is Katryna with again?
> Wayne Chang:  Feel free to email the admins as needed if you have 
>   any concerns.
> Wayne Chang:  Nathan, thanks for stepping in at the last minute, 
>   please give a brief intro and your answer to what's in a wallet.
> Nathan-lef: Nathan with Learning Economy Foundation.
> Nathan-lef: We have been collaborating with gov't for running 
>   pilots.
> Nathan-lef: Digital wallets, enabling true ownership of education 
>   credentials.
> Nathan-lef: Working on an initiative ... the open wallet 
>   architecture.
> Nathan-lef: We're in the initial stages of this. Working on 
>   defining it and collecting data.
> Nathan-lef: What's a wallet: Very high level. A wallet is an 
>   abstraction that represents everything that's important enough 
>   for things to be stored in it.
> Nathan-lef: Focusing on how digital data is stored, not 
>   specifically what -- so working with arbitrary storage.
> Nathan-lef: We want to leverage the existing ecosystem and 
>   looking at current solutions and  requirements so as not to 
>   preclude anything.
> Nathan-lef: We are calling on these use cases for the wallet 
>   domains.
> Nathan-lef: We want to ensure that the value of the wallet 
>   appreciates over time. Tremendous value -- in interop and 
>   portability.
> Nathan-lef: Discussions have been there and we want to build on 
>   top of that. We want to see that through setting standards for 
>   more mass adoption from customer perspective.
> Nathan-lef: Application and hardware agnostic -- not tied to any 
>   particular user experience. Perhaps counter to some -- we want to 
>   imagine the wallet being everywhere at once. Supporting remote 
>   storage, hierarchies, supporting offline too with balance.
> Nathan-lef: We are in agreement with most everything we've seen 
>   through these presenters today and last week. We want to 
>   emphasize things that might not have been before. The wallet is 
>   not tied to an application.
> Nathan-lef: That lets apps get some view into the wallet but the 
>   customer is dealing with one wallet.
> Nathan-lef: The wallet itself does not define data boundaries, 
>   but has pluggable functional components for all use cases whether 
>   that's local or remote storage.
> Nathan-lef: Focus on VCs, etc.
> Nathan-lef: From the existing ecosystem from hyperledger to 
>   universal wallet, we see what's needed right now. I want to 
>   encourage anyone who wants to help with this initiative to reach 
>   out. We are trying to be as open and inclusive as possible and 
>   want to synthesize all these efforts.
> Wayne Chang:  Thanks for your contribution.
> Wayne Chang:  We will move to Q&A now -- please keep things to 
>   about 30 seconds.
> Wayne Chang:  Up to two of the people would have 30 seconds to 
>   queue and answer or comment.
> Christopher Allen: Wyoming Private Key Disclosure Bill "No person 
>   shall be compelled to produce a private key or make a private key 
>   known to any other person in any civil, administrative, 
>   legislative or other proceeding in this state that only relates 
>   to a digital security or virtual currency to which the private 
>   key provides access.  This paragraph shall not be interpreted to 
>   prohibit any lawful proceeding that compels a person to produce 
>   or disclose a
> Christopher Allen: Digital security or virtual currency to which 
>   a private key provides access, or to disclose information about 
>   the digital security or virtual currency, provided that the 
>   proceeding does not require production or disclosure of the 
>   private key."
> Christopher Allen:  One lense -- focus/direction -- that seems to 
>   be missing from our models is from a legal perspective.
> Christopher Allen:  I'll share a link in IRC, it's a bill that I 
>   helped propose in Wyoming to help protect your private keys. 
>   There's an assumption that they are yours, they can't be 
>   compelled from you.
> Christopher Allen:  I'd like to ask the wallet arch people -- 
>   have you looked at the line where it's "yours" and where other 
>   things are maybe not totally "yours".
> Christopher Allen:  It stops being a wallet perhaps when people 
>   can pull from it.
> Manu Sporny: 
>   [scribe assist by Wayne Chang]
> Wayne Chang: Just opened this
> Daniel Hardman:  I think that's fascinating and important. And 
>   where you put the presentations you receive from others -- you 
>   may be receiving a moral/legal responsibility to safeguard the 
>   data.
> Daniel Hardman:  Other entanglements there, I agree.
> Adrian Gropper:  I want to say that I ascribe closest to Daniel 
>   Hardman's presentation and say that we've been lax in what's an 
>   agent and what's a wallet since the beginning. My definition of 
>   what's a wallet is what can't be done by an agent. 
>   Non-repudiation tied to biometrics and what's useful offline.
> Juan Caballero: +100
> Heather Vescent: Already planning to do that Manu. :-)
> Curate+++
> Juan Caballero: Rage-
> Manu Sporny:  I just wanted to highlight a comment that Anil John 
>   made earlier. It would be great if we could curate these 
>   conversations and we have great perspectives on what a wallet is. 
>   Next step could be driving towards consensus in the community on 
>   what these things are and being able to link to them from the 
>   landing page of the CG would be great.
> Wayne Chang:  Great. I just opened a github issue towards exactly 
>   this. It's wonderful idea, people drop a note in that github 
>   issue to help contribute.
> Daniel Hardman: Which repo is the github issue in?
> Wayne Chang:
> Wayne Chang:
> Ryan Grant:  Thanks for all these presentations. What I want from 
>   a wallet standard is a way to understand if my wallet 
>   successfully accepts all the things it needs to and can generate 
>   all the things that your wallet may need to accept so we can 
>   complete whatever our thing is.
> Jonathan Holt:  There is a difference perhaps between what is my 
>   wallet that I use and what is a commercial wallet that is being 
>   vendored.
> Juan Caballero: +1
> Wayne Chang:  Thanks for our great speakers!
> Juan Caballero: Huge thanks to all the great presenters!
> Dave Longley:  You did an amazing job with the notes, we are 
>   eternally grateful [scribe assist by Wayne Chang]
> Wayne Chang: Sorry i ran out of time to give a thanks
> Heather Vescent: +1 Dlongley!

Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 19:38:15 UTC