Re: PDS/IdH/EDV Discussion - Suggested proposals and clarifications

Hi all,

I would like to share a few good news:

W3C & DIF leadership collaboration & IPR clarification.

We made progress on the IRP question but might need a call between the
lawyers to close outstanding questions. We agreed to draft a collaboration
document to capture the nature of the collaboration/partnership and
document the assumptions to avoid confusion in the future.

'Personal Storage' group

On Friday a few of us had a call to discuss the collaboration document. As
part of the conversation, we agreed to start also drafting a charter.

We could also start working on capturing requirements and use-cases before
we start the formal spec work since this work could happen in parallel to
outstanding IRP questions. I will follow up with the CCG chairs to discuss
specific next steps.

Looking forward to making some progress around the topic soon.



On Sat, Jan 18, 2020 at 8:27 PM Manu Sporny <>

> On 1/17/20 5:29 PM, Orie Steele wrote:
> > What are the next steps regarding DIF - W3C Coordination for
> > EDV/Hubs?
> I have some visibility into the current DIF/W3C discussions, but it's
> not my place to share details (as I don't hold any sort of official
> Management position at either DIF nor W3C).
> In general, DIF (with my assistance) initiated a dialogue, W3C and DIF
> have gone back and forth a few times with some concrete asks on both
> sides. The discussion has not yet resulted in a clear path forward
> (although I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... it's still a
> bit far off).
> > Who has the ball? Are there counter proposals? Please use the public
> > email list to convey any updates to everyone.
> Rouven, Executive Director of DIF, has the ball. From the transcription
> from the last meeting we had on the topic:
> """
> Next steps: The IPR policy will need to be agreed to between DIF and
> W3C. Rouven has an action item to move that discussion forward. Meetings
> will not begin until this is resolved.
> """
> There are counter proposals.
> I suggest that Rouven provide an update to the various communities in
> his capacity as ED for DIF and then we hold another call to see what all
> of the communities would like to do given the new information.
> I'll note that the W3C DID WG face-to-face meeting is coming up in
> Amsterdam the week after next; that will absorb some energy from a
> number of people that will be attending that meeting. So, the soonest
> we'd be able to have a PDS/IdH/EDV call is probably 3 weeks from now
> (but that's probably OK, given that we need to coordinate 60-70 people).
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 04:40:14 UTC