Re: QR Codes & DIDs

I have the need to print a QR code of a VC on a document. I want it to have
high a error-correction factor.
If a VC were to be translated into an abbreviated form, this would help
with the size and density.  The minimum content might include a pointer to
the schema (assuming it is published on a public blockchain or other
location) and then encoding all the values with protobuf, then some binary
encoding over the whole thing.  After reading such a QR code with a client
application, it could be re-hydrated (assuming an internet connection to
the schema or a cache of it) back into the compliant JSON VC.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 12:23 PM Christopher Allen <> wrote:

> (To the DID and CCG lists. Please keep the cc: to Wolf if you want him to
> reply to any questions)
> Blockchain Commons has a goal to be able to DID documents and VCs
> leveraging airgap QR Codes, and asked Wolf do to some research for me.
> This research came from a comment by Ryan Grant <>:
> > The reason I ask about side of diddoc is that the brace characters are
> not in the qrcode alphanumeric  alphabet. The iphone qrcode will only
> reliably read 2953 binary bytes. I think the most interoperabe qrcode
> encoding of the diddoc will be base64, which means the limit on an iphone
> reader is 2214 bytes.
> The result from Wolf McNally <> is:
> > I conclude from these experiments that there is unlikely to be any great
> benefit from first transcoding a JSON document to a less dense character
> set in order to activate a more dense QR encoding.
> I hope you find this helpful.
> Some longer-term questions we have are to do with what to do when we do
> exceed the limits of a single QR code. For instance, we've considering
> proposing something like this wrapper in QR codes that are multipart and
> need to be animated. We have seen a business-card-sized device (the SafePal
> bitcoin wallet ) with a camera and small screen that
> can do animated QR codes, so we know this is feasible on low-powered
> hardware:
> ```
> {
>     "header": {
>         "format": "Airgap",
>         "version": 1
>     },
>     "multiPart": {
>     "uid": "449C40FE-E207-4AC9-B552-51B007B68D50",
>     "part": 0,
>     "count": 1,
>     "data": "VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wcyBvdmVyIHRoZSBsYXp5IGRvZy4K"
>     }
> }
> ```
> We have also found that QR code size limits are smaller when using a
> camera on a laptop because of lack of closeup focus. Does anyone have any
> experience with this?
> Any other thoughts, advice, questions on using QR codes with DIDs and VCs?
> — Christopher Allen
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Wolf McNally <>
> Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 1:15 AM
> Subject: QR Code Density Comparison
> To: Christopher Allen <>
> *QR Code Density Comparison*
> This is a comparison of various encodings of a piece of JSON text, with
> the goal of determining whether the QR Code generation algorithm in iOS
> selects an encoding mode (binary vs. alphanumeric) automatically, and
> whether it makes sense to pre-encode the JSON in some other format that
> will be more efficiently encoded by the QR Code generator.
> All QR encodings in the document use the Low Error Correction option.
> Text 1 below is a default DID document. When QR encoded, the resulting
> image is 91x91 modules (8,281 modules total)
> Text 1 (639 characters):
> { "@context": "",
>   "id": "did:btcr:xsdv-zrtp-qe4h-vga",
>   "publicKey": [ {
>       "id": "did:btcr:xsdv-zrtp-qe4h-vga#satoshi",
>       "controller": "did:btcr:xsdv-zrtp-qe4h-vga",
>       "type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019",
>       "publicKeyBase58": "22zj7sFEsYQXcvLFV55Z4oA6yQZwwKGPa893D8V3EnipS"
>     }, {
>       "id": "did:btcr:xsdv-zrtp-qe4h-vga#vckey-0",
>       "controller": "did:btcr:xsdv-zrtp-qe4h-vga",
>       "type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019",
>       "publicKeyBase58": "22zj7sFEsYQXcvLFV55Z4oA6yQZwwKGPa893D8V3EnipS"
>   } ],
>   "authentication": ["#satoshi"],
>   "assertionMethod": ["#vckey-0"] }
> Text 1 encoded (91x91 modules):
> ————————
> Text 2 consists of the same number of characters as Text 1, but drawn from
> the QR Code alphanumeric set, excluding space. This consists of the 43
> characters:
> Table of Alphanumeric Values - QR Code Tutorial
> <>
> The result of QR encoding this text is an image that consists of only
> 75x75 modules = 5,625 modules, which is about 30% smaller than Text 1. From
> this we conclude that the QR code generator is auto-detecting whether the
> input string can be encoded using the alphanumeric mode and switching to it
> if possible.
> Text 2 (639 random characters in A...Z):
> Text 2 encoded (75x75 modules):
> ————————
> To begin to test alternate encodings, we encode Text 1 using Base-64 and
> then QR encode that. The result is an image that is 103x103 modules =
> 10,609 modules, whch is almost 30% *larger* than the encoded form of Text
> 1. Obviously Base-64 uses characters not in the QR code's alphanumeric set,
> so the encoding must take place in binary mode.
> Text 3 (Text 1 base 64 encoded, 852 characters):
> Text 3 encoded (103x103 modules):
> ————————
> Next we encode Text 1 using Base-32. The resulting QR code is 91x91
> modules = 8,281 modules. This is the same size QR code generated for the
> original Text 1, thus in this case we gain no advantage from the extra
> encoding step.
> Text 4 (Text 1 base 32 encoded RFC 4648, 1024 characters):
> Text 4 encoded (91x91 modules):
> ————————
> A hypothetical Base43 converter would fully utilize the bandwidth
> available in the QR code alphanumeric character set. We can estimate the
> number of characters needed for the 639 characters of text 1:
> 639 characters * 8 bits/character = 5,112 bits
> Number of bits encoded in a single QR code alphanumeric encoder:
> Solve[2^n == 43, n, Reals] // N
> {{n → 5.42626}}
> 5,112 bits / 5.42626 bits/character = 942 characters
> Generating another random 942 characters from the QR code character set to
> simulate the output of the hypothetical Base54 converter, we get Text 5. QR
> encoding text 5 again gives us a QR code that is 91x91 modules— the same
> size as the Base32 encoded Text 4.
> Text 5
> QGQQXN10383.CO
> Text 5 encoded (91x91 modules):
> [image: QR Code 5.png]
> ————————
> I conclude from these experiments that there is unlikely to be any great
> benefit from first transcoding a JSON document to a less dense character
> set in order to activate a more dense QR encoding. The alphanumeric mode of
> QR codes is clearly suited to text that can be expressed in its original
> form in the particular alphanumeric character set. JSON requires characters
> that are not in the QR code alphanumeric set, like the curly braces, and
> even its alphabetical components (key names and values) are case sensitive.
> If an encoding other than JSON were designed that only used characters from
> the QR code alphanumeric set, then it is possible that greater efficiency
> could be achieved. But a general scheme would still need to encode
> case-preserving strings such as user-entered data, and this data would
> still have to be transcoded field by field before the whole data structure
> could be QR encoded.
> My recommendation is that further attempts to use only the QR code
> alphanumeric mode be set aside as premature optimization requiring
> considerable work for uncertain gain.
> 🐺

Received on Sunday, 16 February 2020 02:13:49 UTC