Re: VCs - zCaps / OCap a Discussion

On 24/12/2020 22:03, Alan Karp wrote:
> David Chadwick < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi Orie
>     It also supports bearer capabilities by simply removing the
>     subject id.
>     In this case delegation is not required (or meaningful) as anyone who
>     possesses the VC possesses the capability. And this is surely the
>     meaning of a bearer credential. You do not have to prove ownership
>     since
>     you are bearing it. Bearer credentials by their very nature can be
>     stolen or passed from holder to holder.
> You may still want to delegate a bearer capability for sub-scoping and 
> responsibility tracking.

Yes you can do that, but only for a non-bearer credential that you have. 
A bearer credential by its very definition does not belong to anyone 
specifically. Some external (to the credential) mechanism would be 
needed to track its provenance, rather like banks track your money in 
its account. They cannot track the notes you hold unless they record 
their serial numbers.

Kind regards


> --------------
> Alan Karp

Received on Saturday, 26 December 2020 22:30:28 UTC