Works for me. Yes, I approve.
On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 11:59 PM Moses Ma <>
> Yes, I approve...
> *Moses Ma | FutureLab Consulting Inc*
> |
> *v* +1.415.952.7888 <(415)%20952-7888> | *m*+1.415.568.1068
> <(415)%20568-1068> | *skype* mosesma
> *blog & social media: *my blog at
> <> | linkedin
> <> | facebook
> <> | twitter
> <>
> On Apr 9, 2020 at 20:05, <Kim Hamilton <>> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Following up on Tuesday's CCG call, the chairs proposed we adopt the new
> charter and updates process
> <>.
> This must be adopted following the process in the current charter, which
> requires a 30-day voting period and 2/3 of votes cast signaling approval[1]
> *Action requested*: We request that you signal your approval/disapproval
> by responding to this email with "approve" or "disapprove", and then feel
> free to promptly mute this thread, which may get noisy.
> Thanks,
> Kim on behalf of chairs
> [1] see "Amendments to this Charter"
> Relevant
> excerpt:
> The group can decide to work on a proposed amended charter, editing the
> text using the Decision Process described above. The decision on whether to
> adopt the amended charter is made by conducting a 30-day vote on the
> proposed new charter. The new charter, if approved, takes effect on either
> the proposed date in the charter itself, or 7 days after the result of the
> election is announced, whichever is later. A new charter must receive 2/3
> of the votes cast in the approval vote to pass. The group may make simple
> corrections to the charter such as deliverable dates by the simpler group
> decision process rather than this charter amendment process.