Re: Performance question for JSON-LD with vc.js

David - in that model, does that mean that you ignore all contexts that you don't have "pre-configured"?  Are they at least properly stored and forwarded, as required?


On 4/2/20, 4:38 AM, "D.W.Chadwick" <> wrote:

    Hi Anil
    I can assure you that JSON-LD processing is not needed in order to 
    implement a VC eco-system. JSON processing is all that is needed, along 
    with pre-configured @context definitions
    Kind regards
    On 01/04/2020 07:51, Anil Lewis wrote:
    > Team,
    > Verifiable credentials are based on JSON-LD and after reading 
    >;;sdata=e22S%2FryitHj7LLeyBtJvCYhaZKwYWLGOgwmM0wH95fo%3D&amp;reserved=0  , I am a bit concerned about 
    > performance. Has anyone used vc.js and associated libraries in scale 
    > in some pilots? I understand the recommendation from the article is to 
    > cache the contexts but have pilots that have used this strategy with 
    > substantial number of learners see any issues with json-ld processing? 
    > Note that I am referring to the examples provided in 

    > . 

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2020 14:06:27 UTC