Generic DID context?

Hey folks,

In section 5.1 ( it says the following:

DID Documents MUST include the @context property. The JSON-LD Context<> is described in detail in the [JSON-LD<>] specification. The rules for this statement are:

  1.  A DID Document MUST have exactly one top-level context statement.
  2.  The key for this property MUST be @context.
  3.  The value of this key MUST be the URL for the generic DID context:

​Am I just missing something obvious here? just lands me on a document not found page... Is there actually a generic DID context published somewhere or is this just a placeholder/example?


Lucas Tétreault
VP Research & Development
300A - 2221 Cornwall Street
Regina, SK. S4P 2L1
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Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2019 06:49:35 UTC