- From: Joe Andrieu <joe@legreq.com>
- Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 15:37:39 -0700
- To: "W3C Credentials CG (Public List)" <public-credentials@w3.org>, "W3C Digital Verification CG (Public List)" <public-digital-verification@w3.org>
- Cc: "Christopher Allen" <ChristopherA@LifeWithAlacrity.com>, "Kim Hamilton Duffy" <kimdhamilton@gmail.com>, "Joe Andrieu" <joe@legreq.com>
- Message-Id: <83efcd67-8ab0-4044-bf5c-9ec3cf1108cd@www.fastmail.com>
TL;DR Work Item Review NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 Time: 12pm EDT, 9am PDT, 4pm GMT (see: _https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20190514T160000&p1=tz_pdt&p2=tz_edt&p3=tz_gmt_ ) Text Chat:_ http://irc.w3.org/?channels=ccg_ irc://_irc.w3.org:6665/#ccg_ Voice: See updated instructions:_ https://github.com/w3c-ccg/w3c-ccg.github.io/blob/master/connecting.md_ VoIP: sip:ccg@ US phone: tel:+1.540.274.1034;6306 EU phone: tel:+;6306 We prefer people to dial in via SIP when possible. Duration: 60 minutes MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING: _https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2019-06-11/_ (not yet posted) MEETING MODERATOR: Joe Andrieu <joe@legreq.com> PROPOSED AGENDA: 1. Agenda Review (2 minutes) 2. IP Note: (1 minute) Anyone can participate in these calls. However, if you have not agreed to the groups IP policy, we cannot consider substantive contributions. 3. Call Notes (1 minute) 1. These minutes and an audio recording of everything said on this call are archived at _https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/_ <https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2018-11-20/> 2. We use IRC to queue speakers during the call as well as to take minutes. _http://irc.w3.org/?channels=ccg_ or _http://irc.w3.org:6665/#ccg_ 3. All attendees should type “present+” to get your name on the attendee list in the transcript. 4. In IRC type “q+” to add yourself to queue, with optional reminder, e.g., “q+ to mention DID spec needs better SEO”. The “to” is required. 5. If you’re not on IRC, simply ask to be put on the queue. 6. Please be brief so the rest of the queue get a chance to chime in. You can always q+ again. 4. Scribe Selection (3 minutes) 1. We need a volunteer to scribe. Scribe List: _https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LkqZ10z7FeV3EgMIQEJ9achEYMzy1d_2S90Q_lQ0y8M/edit?usp=sharing_) 5. Introductions & Reintroductions (3 minutes) (see scribe doc for reintroduce column) 6. Announcements & Reminders (5 minutes) _https://w3c-ccg.github.io/announcements/_ 1. Dedicated DID calls on Thursdays 1. Zoom room: _https://zoom.us/j/7077077007_ 2. Time 1-2:30PM PT / 20:00-21:30 UTC 2. #RebootingWebOfTrust IX Prague — September 3-6th 1. _https://www.WebOfTrust.info_ <https://www.weboftrust.info/> 2. Eventbrite registration: TBA 3. TPAC 2019 1. _TPAC 2019_ <https://www.w3.org/2019/09/TPAC/> will be 16-20 September 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan. 7. Progress on Action Items (5 minutes) 1. _https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22action%3A+review+next%22_ 2. Work Item Repair 3. _https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/45_ 8. Proposed Work Items: 1. _https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/labels/proposed%20work%20items_ — W3C-CCG Co-Chairs: Christopher Allen, Kim Hamilton Duffy & Joe Andrieu -- Joe Andrieu, PMP joe@legreq.com LEGENDARY REQUIREMENTS +1(805)705-8651 Do what matters. http://legreq.com <http://www.legendaryrequirements.com/>
Received on Monday, 17 June 2019 22:38:19 UTC