Re: Request to advance DID WG Charter Proposal to W3C Advisory Committee Review

Thanks Manu, CG chairs, and participants,

The next step is for me to get W3C management review on behalf of the
Director, and then to send for Advisory Committee review. I'll start
that right away, as we've already been doing the team-side horizontal

Thanks for the draft AC review notice. Is the group interested in
meeting at TPAC? Recognizing the close timing, we'd want to say that in
the call for review.

If we have proposed chairs, we typically put them into the charter when
we call for review. Can you remind me who the group proposes?

Thanks, I appreciate all the work that has gone into this development,
and look forward to helping you move forward!


On 7/18/19 4:37 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
> Hi Wendy,
> The W3C Credentials Community Group has achieved consensus[1] to forward
> the DID Working Group Charter Proposal[2] to you for publication to the
> W3C Advisory Committee for Review.
> The Charter has received broad review and iteration to address all
> issues in the issue tracker. Unfortunately, there is one individual that
> is not satisfied with the changes meant to address their concerns with
> the Charter[5]. The W3C CCG has made repeated attempts to address their
> concerns and modified the Charter based on group consensus. We defer to
> W3C Management to find the best path forward for this individual.
> We request that the W3C Advisory Committee Review period be held open
> for 28 days due to the Charter development being announced informally[3]
> during W3C TPAC 2018, and then officially in February 2019.
> Please let us know if you need any other information to send this out
> for W3C AC Review.
> On behalf of the CCG and W3C CCG Chairs,
> -- manu
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]

Wendy Seltzer -- +1.617.715.4883 (office)
Strategy Lead and Counsel, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)        +1.617.863.0613 (mobile)

Received on Friday, 19 July 2019 06:26:24 UTC