REMINDER: DID & DID Resolution Spec Webmeeting—Thursday 11 July 2019 13:00-14:30 PT (20:00-21:30 UTC)

With the DID Working Group charter work behind us, we are resuming our
Thursday calls focusing on completion of the Community Final Draft  of the
DID spec and advancement of the DID Resolution spec. Please join us if you
are interested in either/both.

Tomorrow's main topics are:

   1. Markus' proposed release of a DID Resolution draft v0.1.
   2. Discussion of two types of DID documents—*controller* and
   how this might affect the discussion of generic matrix parameters.
   3. Terminology around "Decentralized Identifier Registry" vs.
   "Verifiable Data Registry"

DID Spec and DID Resolution Spec Weekly Meeting

This page is for agendas of weekly meetings
of members of the W3C Credentials Community Group
<> who are collaborating to
complete the Community Final Draft of the DID specification
<> and the first draft of the DID
Resolution Specification <>.
Meeting agendas are listed in reverse chronological order. Meeting notes
are taken via the W3C CCG IRC channel.

Recordings and transcripts are available at
Webmeeting Information (Computer or Phone)

Time: Every Thursday, 13:00-14:30 PT (20:00-21:30 UTC)

IRC channel:

Or iPhone one-tap:

    US: +16465588656,,7077077007#  or +16699006833,,7077077007#

Or Telephone:

    Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current

        US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833

        United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3051 2874  or +44 (0) 20 3695 0088

    Meeting ID: 707 707 7007
    International numbers available:

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2019 21:15:27 UTC