[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2019-01-22 12pm ET

Thanks to Amy Guy for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2019-01-22

  1. Intros
  2. Announcements and reminders
  3. Progress on action items
  4. New work items
  5. Proposed work items
  6. DID Spec PR Triage
  Joe Andrieu and Christopher Allen and Kim Hamilton Duffy
  Amy Guy
  Markus Sabadello, Bohdan Andriyiv, Lucas Parker, Michael Herman, 
  Manu Sporny, Vaughan Emery, Ted Thibodeau, Dave Longley, Dmitri 
  Zagidulin, Joe Andrieu, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Ken Ebert, Amy Guy, 
  Heather Vescent, Christopher Allen, Brent Shambaugh, Benjamin 
  Young, Brent Zundel, Samantha Mathews Chase

Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/
Joe Andrieu: Chris, you might have an outdated phone #
Amy Guy is scribing.

Topic: Intros

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  If you're new, can you introduce yourselves?
  ... Re-intros.. dmitriz?
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Dmitri Zagidulin, software dev at Digital 
  ... formerly of the MIT Solid team

Topic: Announcements and reminders

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  RWOT8 Mar 1-3 in Barcelona
Kim Hamilton Duffy: http://rwot8.eventbrite.com
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://www.internetidentityworkshop.com
  ... IIW Apr 30- May 2 in Mountain View CA
Joe Andrieu:  The VCWG f2f will be in Barcelona right after RWOT, 
  if you'd like to participate plan your travel accordingly
Manu Sporny:  Heads up to those going to RWOT, we will have hotel 
  choices shortly especially for those going to RWOT and then the 
  VCWG meeting, you may need to change hotels, we'll get a list of 
  top 3 for both
  ... We'll email the mailing list
  ... F2F is 4 and 5 March
Brent Shambaugh:  Do you have the address for the venue?
Manu Sporny:  Yes..
  ... I'll post it in IRC

Topic: Progress on action items

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Still working through a backlog
  ... The beginning of the year priority has been bookkeeping 
  cleanup. Right after that, next week, we'll be turning our focus 
  to the DID spec
  ... We'll start reviewing the PRs this week
Manu Sporny: Here is the VCWG F2F meeting location: 
  ... Some things I wanted to show in terms of continuing 
  cleanup.. after this week we'll be able to do most iteration in 
  the background
  ... But key changes:
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Org: https://github.com/w3c-ccg
  ... In the w3c ccg github organisation, for work items that 
  we've accepted we create repos
  ... some issues around the creation of them and 
  standardisation, I realised a lot of things were in different 
  states. I've been going around attempting to clean them up and 
  ... things that need to be addressed
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Ocap-ld repo: 
  ... eg. The OCAP-LD
  ... if you look in that structure, I want to draw attention to 
  some standard files that we should be creating for you when you 
  have a work item
  ... This is a comment and also a request for feedback
  ... There's this code owners file, for identifying who are the 
  owners of the work item
  ... The file is basically used so that if someone creates a PR 
  then these people will be automatically assigned
  ... You don't need to do this, this file will be created for 
  you when you request your work item you'll identify owners and 
  charis will take care of this part
  ... If there become additional owners to add or take advantage 
  of some of the more advanced code owners features, or you don't 
  know what's going on, reach out to me
  ... A file we're missing is the contributing file. That talks 
  about the contribution policy
  ... I think it's important we add this by default. I helps to 
  put it in people's faces more readily when they submit a PR
  ... You don't have to add it, the chairs will do it.
  ... This is helping ot put the IP policy in people's awareness 
  when they contribute
  ... License was missing on some. It's the W3C software and 
  document license
  ... Readme is a default file
  ... index.html is the spec text
  ... Any questions?
  ... When we've been talking about the DID resolution 
  contributions, at this point, the creator or owner of the work 
  item doesn't need to care about the IIP policy. The combination 
  of these files and the licensing covers making sure people are 
  aware of the policy, so that work item owners don't need to make 
  additional effort in the context of their repo
  ... speak up if you disagree with that
  ... Github topics; one other thing is that on each repo, eg. on 
  OCAP-LD at the top you'll see 'topics'
  ... a 'work item' one, a 'w3c cg' one. Chairs are using these 
  to categorise say work items vs registries.
  ... if you have strong feedback we can update these
  ... Lastly, I want to show.. last week we talked about the 
  process of creating a new work item
  ... there was feedback that it was a lot to take in
  ... I want to draw attention to.. I have some screengrabs
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
  ... if you scroll down to Work Item Process, page 4, the two 
  screenshots at the top are the more usable replacements for 
  everything listed in step 1
  ... The tempalte has the key information to prompt you through 
  what 1 is asking for
  ... For whatever reason the contributors aren't comfortable 
  with using github, reach out to us, the chairs can help
  ... The new work item github issue template should help make 
  that process more seamless
  ... That's it for getting everyone up to speed with what's been 
  going on
  ... There's going to be a lot of stuff going on in the 
  ... As we did the cleanup I noticed that there were ones where 
  it wasn't clear where they were in the pipeline. We won't on an 
  ongoing basis be taking time in the calls to cover that
  ... Expect the chairs to reach out to you
  ... One other thing I want to remind people of - if you look in 
  the work item status
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
  ... On that page note that this is what we reviewed last week, 
  look under current work items, those are going to be changing a 
  lot in the next few weeks, this is a good page to look at if you 
  want to know the status of things
  ... If you want to be more involved in the group, we'll be 
  calling out opportunities
  ... anything that says 'needs spec text' is a good way to get 
  ... We have a training guide on that
  ... Joe proposed an idea of a spec-a-thon if people want to 
  gather, if they ahve questions about text generation to get on a 
  call, make it a working session so people can learn and unblock 
  'needs spec text' items
  ... some like the DID Primer.. I need to update that one.. 
  there's something else like the registry process maybe.. they're 
  ready to move on to be closed after being converted to spec text
  ... that would be a really good way to advance items
  ... Reach out on the mailing list if you're interested
Joe Andrieu:  Having tired to sit through the first version of 
  the video, I was hoping to have.. to sit for an hour and know by 
  the end of that investment I'd have the spec text repo and 
  everything created, as opposed to watching the video when by the 
  end i may not understand
  ... anyone who would want to schedule an hour, after which your 
  spec text would be created?
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  I might send out a poll, that would be 
  extremely helpful to the whole community
  ... Stay posted
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
  ... Work items 43 and 44.. Ryan and Lionel are owners of those; 
  some of the efforts overlap. They'll be working together on 
  those. Do you have anything to report on that?
  ... They have to do with DID security and threat modelling

Topic: New work items

  ... I want to formally kick off a few work items that were 
  described in the call last week
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 1. Multihash: 
  https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/46  2. Multibase: 
  https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/47 3. Hashlink: 
  ... manu described these last week. We posted it on the mailing 
  list. As far as I can tell there are no substantive objections
  ... So we can consider them kicked off
  ... I'll go through the process of converting these to actual 
  work items and work can begin whenever
  ... Any comments?
Christopher Allen: ?+

Topic: Proposed work items

Christopher Allen:  I just want to make the statement that there 
  is one small step in there we missed speakinga bout, which is 
  those 3 work items, the chairs believe there is sufficient 
  community support for to continue
  ... there is a check. A week goes by and there are no 
  objections, but the chairs may decide to wait a bit longer
  ... It's a chair decision. Doesn't apply to any of these, there 
  are multiple people/companies involved
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Two have issues, one we don't but we'd like 
  to hear the introduction
  ... First is DID resolutions
Markus Sabadello:  Dmitriz and I have been working on a document 
  for specifying DID resolutions for a while. There is an existing 
  ... we think it makes sense to have a separate spec for that. 
  There is a lot of community interest. The document has a bit of 
  initial structure, a number of topics and sections
  ... Covers topics such as resolver architecture, what does it 
  mean to have a hosted resolver as opposed to in an app or 
  browser; what are input parameters to DID resolution; what is its 
  potential output
  ... Talks about things like service selection, service endpoint 
  construction, caching, verisoning, revocation and other things 
  that affect the resolution process
  ... Quite a few people have expressed interest in this being a 
  work item
Manu Sporny: +1 For it being a work item
  ... dmitri and I thought we would send out information on how 
  to contribute
  ... We'll make a proposal. There are some issues already with 
  some good discussion points
  ... One question would be what will be the delination between 
  DID resolution and the main DID spec. THere are some issues on 
  the main spec that would be more appropriate for DID resolution. 
  We'll figure this out.
Manu Sporny: +1 For moving DID Resolution specific issues in the 
  DID Spec repo to the DID Resolution repo.
Markus Sabadello: Current version with basic proposal structure 
  and scope: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  For this topic, there will be quite a bit of 
  interest and it will definitely need some break out sessions. 
  These we'll probably do in a similar manner to the did hardening 
  process. The timing and cadence of those can be figured out over 
  time. What we would do for sure is follow a similar process where 
  we're still scribing and recording everything, with IP protection 
  ... If you're interested in participating in the DID resolution 
  spec, please let us know through the mailing list or reaching out 
Manu Sporny:  +1 To support the work. A number of the companies 
  in work depends on there being some kind of resolution spec
  ... The quesiton I have is around implementation - we have a 
  couple floating around, the DID io implemntaiton that DB has done 
  can do Veres One resolution and we want to add Sovrin resolution 
  and any other did method that seems like it's getitng traction
  ... That raises the question about test suites, is it a data 
  model only spec, is it an API..
  ... We already have multiple implementations, I'm wondering how 
  soon the test suite stuff might start as a result of that
Markus Sabadello:  Not sure I understood. When we'll have test 
Manu Sporny:  One of the thing you end up creating to go with a 
  spec is a test suite, and the question is what would the test 
  suite look like. Or do you feel like there's plenty of spec work 
  ... if you're working on a data model spec the test suite will 
  look very different than if you're working an http api binding 
  and a data model
  ... are you trying to do something with a broader scope; a data 
  model for requests and resolvers in addition to an http binding
Markus Sabadello:  Definitely both, there are some things on the 
  data model side. The primary DID data model is still in the main 
  DID spec, not in DID resolution. but I think there would be some 
  additional data model concepts specific to DID resolution, 
  particularly to do with versioning and caching, we'd define 
  additions to the data model
  ... but we'd also define APIs. An abstract definition for DID 
  resolution functions, an abstract API and then there could be 
  bindings such as an HTTP binding
  ... we could have test suites for all of those things
  ... Are test suites a separate work item?
Manu Sporny:  Typically the test suite is ina  different repo but 
  it's bound to the work
  ... At some point if it's going to go standards track, you need 
  a test suite. Starting the test suite before the WG is a pretty 
  strong indication that it's fairly well thought out, especially 
  if you can show two implementations
Dave Longley: Spec needs a test suite w/two independent 
  implementations to get to Recommendation status at W3C
  ... It's a part of the work item, but a different reposityr
Markus Sabadello:  Then let's do it, I know there are 4 or 5 
  different projects implementing DID resolution, there's a list
  ... They're far enough that we could work on test suites, 
  that's a great idea
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  I can start the repo for that. In the kick 
  off calls there will be discusison about breaking up that work
  ... Expect a followup email to reiterate the kick off of DID 
  ... Next: Functional Identity
Joe Andrieu: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Functional Identity: 
Joe Andrieu:  The goal of this is to pull in the work on the 
  functional identity primer from RWOT
  ... Get feedback from the CCG. Iterate as necessary. Hopefully 
  get it published as a Note
  ... The functional identity approach has three components
  ... The first is to ask folks to talk about identity from a 
  functional perspective. How we use it, rather than the political 
  ... The second is a definition of identity. The definition from 
  ISO is not functional
  ... It has some interesting complications
  ... The third part is 10 terms that we've defined, 5 nouns and 
  5 verbs, assets and processes, to get it into our conversation in 
  the CCG, and publish it for guidence that could have wider reach
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Any comments or questions?
  ... Last one: a CCG survey
Heather Vescent:  I think this was a bit of cleanup from the 
  survey that I'm currently conducting with Karen on end of year 
  feedback on CCG
Heather Vescent: 
  ... Probably a lot of you have already taken the survey and 
  this is just following the process so it's accepted as an actual 
  work item
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Oh I thought you had a proposed new one.. is 
  this the existing one?
Heather Vescent:  In the discussion about having participation in 
  the feedback survey I had this idea that we could do one for a 
  broader audience and I don't know if I want to sign up for that
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  That's fair
Heather Vescent:  I think it was getting ahead of itself a little 
  bit, maybe we shoudl focus on this survey, the one that's in 
  progress right now, until the end of this month
  ... It's not an inconsequential amount of work, it's a piece of 
Manu Sporny: +1 For focusing on the current survey.
  ... There's going to be analysis and a report
  ... We're going to have plenty of feedback from that. I'm not 
  sure if it's useful to get a broader look at things right now
  ... I'd be happy to do it, it's just will we be able to take 
  action? This community takes technical action, it doesn't take 
  action on the non-technical adoption or education in this space
  ... is my understanding
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Yes, so I think possibly.. right the end of 
  year survey, that should have been work item 2, you already have 
  the information supplied for that, it's in process
  ... I'll update our bookkeeping step on that to note it's 
  already underway. The follow up one, we'll put that on the back 
  ... This is a lot of work for now
  ... This one already is a work item
Heather Vescent:  That was my understanding, it was housekeeping 
  because this survey came ad-hoc
  ... Not everyone was on that call, the survey was the right way 
  to get feedback. Then, scope creep..
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  To your point about focussing on technical 
  items, I think we would like to be better at other aspects, but 
  point taken that we show up more on the technical space than 
  others. If anyone else on the call would like ot get more 
  involved in that, it would benefit the community greatly.
  ... it's just up to us now to get the bookkeeping correct. 
  Please fill out the survey if you haven't already
Bohdan Andriyiv:  I have a quesiton about hashlink spec
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Survey: 
Heather Vescent: Link to the Survey: 
  ... I think it's a great specification, and strange it didn't 
  exist earlier
  ... My question is how to implement this specification in 
  practice, in particular when we create hash of the resource, how 
  to know what needs to be hashed?
  ... There is no explanation where the content the resource 
  returns starts
Manu Sporny: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-sporny-hashlink-02
  ... The second question about hashlink maybe we can add to the 
  spec, how to locally store content. In metadata we can add links, 
  but no example how to reference locally stored data
Manu Sporny:  That makes me happy, the hashlink spec was 
  partially written for you, from use cases in the VCWG
  ... The answer to what do you hash is basically the content 
  that's returned to you. When you do an HTTP GET the data stream 
  that you get back, not the HTTP headers, the actual data blob, 
  that's the thing that is hashed
  ... There are other things you can put in the hashlink 
  description like the content type
  ... It's meant to be super simple
  ... You've got a URL. you GET the URL, and the raw byte stream 
  you get back is what you hash to make sure it matches
Bohdan Andriyiv:  I think it's goign to be a long conversation, I 
  will write an email
Manu Sporny:  Happy to add stuff to the spec
  ... We can follow up on the mailing list
Manu Sporny:  Is there a repo that goes with the spec? [scribe 
  assist by Dmitri Zagidulin]
Manu Sporny:  In response to heather. +1 to focussing on the 
  narrower end of year thing and not expanding scope yet
  ... We can do a second survey later. I agree with all the 
  ... The other question.. I heard two things. Joe said it and 
  Heather and Kim said it.. what we focus on in this group is the 
  technical stuff... it's somewhat true but we do want to change 
  that. We do want to focus on educaiton and outreach and how we 
  get the message out, otherwise we're just naval gazing and not 
  doing the right type of out reach
  ... some of that happens at RWOT, some at TPAC, but primarily 
  we're focussed on the technical topics, but we shouldn't lose 
  sight that there are other community members that would probably 
  be more interested in doing the non-technical stuff and helping 
  us to communicate this stuff externally
Heather Vescent:  The comment about technology and going beyond, 
  I definitely feel like it's an aspirational only from my direct 
  experience with the group as a non-technical person. You're 
  really good at all the technical stuff, so I think that if 
  there's real desire to change that there has to be real change in 
  the group
Manu Sporny: +1 To what heathervescent just said... I think it's 
  a cultural thing...

Topic: DID Spec PR Triage

Kim Hamilton Duffy: B. https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-spec/pulls
Kim Hamilton Duffy: DID spec PRs: 
Joe Andrieu:  What we noticed when the chairs talked last friday, 
  it's fairly clear that getting the DID spec going is high 
  priorty. There's a ton of stuff wallowing. Over 60 open issues 
  and 9 open PRs
  ... I want to go through those PRs in reverse chronological 
  order and get a sense of whether we can close or merge these
  ... Most of the conversation we want to direct to the PRs 
  themselves on github. We don't need to dive into it, just 
  identify if they're ready to go or need more work
  ... 55: allow DID methods without update and delete. It does 
  have some conflict so we can't merge it right off
Manu Sporny:  This was not communicated, it happend ad-hoc. 
  rhiaro is going to be triaging as much as she can and we did sit 
  down a couple of days ago and triage all the PRs. There hasn't 
  been any movement on it yet..
  ... Many have merge conflicts, and the conversations died down
  ... There's another item which is Needs a new PR
  ... it's good in concept, but needs a new PR to make it happen
Joe Andrieu:  Maybe we should just tag them?
Manu Sporny:  Sure we can do that offline
Markus Sabadello:  At least 2 of them are to do with DID 
  resolutions, consider to move to the other spec
Manu Sporny:  We'll put in why we've suggested the path that we 
Markus Sabadello: Related to DID Resolution: 
  https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-spec/pull/95 and 
Christopher Allen:  My comment was that which of these PRs have 
  some larger questions than.. the first one (55).. I think have 
  some larger questions that the community doesn't have consensus 
  ... If you can clarify which ones have these larger questions
Manu Sporny:  We can move stuff out to raise new issues for the 
  larger questions
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Next week we'll be talking about DIDs and 
  for the forseeable future
Michael Herman:  Do people have an idea of the process for going 
  through the issues? Maybe there are some larger overarching 
  issues we need to deal with first before we get down to the nitty 
Joe Andrieu:  One of the things that became apparent is that if 
  we had resolved some of the PRs the issue wouldn't be there. So 
  we look at the PRs, then return to the issue list
Michael Herman:  Sounds good
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Thanks everyone!
Christopher Allen: Ciao!
Kimhd - is there anything else I need to do for the minutes, or 
  is it automated?
(Or chairtomated)
Amy Guy:  Yes [scribe assist by Joe Andrieu]
Joe Andrieu: I haven't been to the training, but there is some 
  way to trigger the automated process
I don't see any of the w3c bots I know in this channel
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Rhiaro, there's nothing else; you're all 
  done. Thanks again!
Thanks kimhd!

Received on Monday, 28 January 2019 02:52:44 UTC