Re: what do DIDs identify?

On Wed, 2 Jan 2019 at 00:40, Daniel Hardman <>

> At the recent Hyperledger Global Forum in Switzerland, I had some
> discussions about the semantics of DIDs, and I feel like I observed a deep
> divide in community understanding about their intent. This causes periodic
> surprises and frustrations, including some that came up on the recent
> thread with subject "Ideas about DID explanation."

The words "identity" and "identify" are quite difficult animals to deal
with.  We certainly struggled with it for years in the WebID community. I
have observed that it causes confusion in other communities similarly.
We've made little progress with these two words in a decade.

One thing that helped us slightly, was to use the word "denote", rather
than, "identify".

So we define a webid as a "URI that denotes an Agent" -- with agent meaning
a user or a robot -- you could use the term User there.

Essentially a webid is simply a userURL -- easier to explain!

Surprisingly enough this slight tweak has enabled us to work and make

Unsure whether that language would help in this instance, but it might be a
useful way to think about strings that point to real world things.

> I'm going to try to contrast two divergent mental models. In reality they
> may not be so far apart. But I think until we see their divergence clearly,
> we may continue to experience mental friction when we least expect it.
> *1. DIDs are inherently about SSI*
> An inconsistently articulated but very strong assumption in this worldview
> is that a DID is an identifier *controlled for the purpose of interaction*.
> People, organizations, and IoT things can be behind the identifier because
> they are the sorts of entities for which interaction is imaginable-- but
> notice the "IoT" qualifier on "things": inert things cannot be DID
> referents. This worldview is nicely articulated by various statements in
> the the DID Primer and the DID Spec, such as this one: "The purpose of the
> DID document is to describe the public keys, authentication protocols, and
> service endpoints necessary to bootstrap cryptographically-verifiable
> interactions with the identified entity."
> *2. DIDs are inherently about decentralization, and SSI is just one use
> case*
> Proponents of this worldview might point to the name ("DID" =
> "Decentralized Identifier", not "SSI Identfier" or "Controlled Identifier")
> and say, "Of course we need decentralization for SSI. But we need it for
> other reasons, too. We should be using DIDs for lots of other stuff."
> What other stuff? Well, the use cases I heard in Switzerland are pretty
> similar to the ones I would give for uuids: "I want a DID for every
> asteroid NASA discovers" or "I want a DID for {Mount Everest | each species
> that biologists add to the Linnaean taxonomy | each database record | flows
> in my ERP system | etc}". What makes these different from the classic DID
> use cases is that the identified item is not *imagined to interact in the
> ways that we expect as we usually describe DID Docs.* You don't set up a
> cryptographically secure channel over which you interact with an asteroid.
> In conversations where this alternate viewpoint surfaces, I commonly hear
> two reactions:
> Reaction A: That's not a DID use case. Use UUIDs.
> Reaction B: That's a perfect DID use case. An asteroid can have an agent
> to facilitate digital interactions, can't it? And won't you need to talk to
> it (e.g., to ask its current position or to request permission to land)?
> I believe neither of these reactions stands up under careful analysis, and
> that's why I think the topic I'm raising here is worthy of such a long
> email.
> Here's what I think Reaction A misses: Although UUIDs are createable by
> anyone without central coordination, they are not *resolvable*. One of
> the wonderful properties of DIDs is that they have a defined resolution
> mechanism that is more decentralized than DNS, *without* requiring
> invisible and untrackable contextual assumptions. UUIDs lack this; you have
> to know to go look them up in a particular database. When people say they
> want a DID for asteroids, they don't just want UUID uniqueness and lack of
> centralized registration; they *also* want DID's resolution properties. But
> what they want to resolve isn't information about *control*, it's
> information about the inert object in question -- when it was first
> discovered, where someone can find out more, how it can be looked up on
> wikipedia, or dozens of other properties. (Aside: some may want another DID
> property as well, which is cryptographically enforced global uniqueness.
> UUIDs lack this property for sure. Some DID methods may lack it as well,
> which has been a subject of frustration on earlier threads in this group...)
> This brings us to Reaction B. Proponents of this reaction would say, "You
> should just talk to the agent for the asteroid. No new mental model
> needed." But let me ask you how you think China would like it if Tibet or
> India registered an agent for Mount Everest. And what gives NASA or the
> European Space Agency the right to register (control) a DID for an asteroid
> that an astronomer in South Africa first observed? In other words, I think
> Reaction B's fatal flaw is that it thinks *control* is an appropriate
> mental model for all objects. It's not. Nobody *controls* a new species
> of mushroom that gets discovered. And nobody interacts with its agent,
> either. The common characteristic of asteroids, Mount Everest, biological
> species in a taxonomy, and other objects of this type is that they are *shared
> concepts controlled by nobody*. There must be one identifier for them,
> known to all--and *that identifier should have no controller*. Modeling
> them with a controller is fundamentally incorrect.
> This makes me wonder if we need to be able to talk about an identifier
> that has the decentralized and resolvable properties of DIDs, and the
> pluggable methods--but that doesn't make the strong assumption that behind
> every DID is a control- and interaction-oriented DID Doc. Instead, it might
> make a lighter assumption that the DID Doc lets you discover how to learn
> more about an inert object.
> Such an identifier could be called an "uncontrolled DID", for example.
> And DIDs that make the strong assumption about control could be called
> "DIDs" for short, or "controlled DIDs" when clarity is needed. Or we could
> pick other adjective pairs.
> Or we could say that "DID" should only be used for the form of identifier
> that has strong control semantics, and that whatever the other thing is, it
> shouldn't be a "DID". But if we do this, we need to somehow leverage all
> the work we've done on DID methods and specs and documentation and
> implementation, without reinventing the wheel.
> How would you resolve this dissonance?

Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2019 18:29:24 UTC